


查询单列:查询所需的列名写在 SELECT 关键字之后,FROM 关键字指出从哪个表中查询数据。

select device_id from user_profile 

查询多个列:唯一的不同是必须在SELECT 关键字后给出多个列名,列名之间必须以逗号分隔。

select device_id,gender,age,university from user_profile


select * from user_profile


 查询结果去重:distinct 关键字加在去重字段前

select distinct university from user_profile

查询结果限制返回行数:limit语句限制返回结果行数。limit语句一般加在SQL语句末尾,并且与数字搭配,写作limit n,n代表想要限制返回的行数

select device_id from user_profile limit 2

查询后的列重命名:列重命名的语法 -- 'as'

select device_id as user_infos_example from user_profile limit 2




select device_id,university from user_profile where university = '北京大学'

不等于号:< > 或 !=

select device_id,gender,age,university from user_profile where age>24
select device_id,gender,age,university from user_profile
where university !='复旦大学'

范围值:范围值限制方法为between n1 and n2,n1和n2为要限制的区间范围,需要注意两点:

  • 一是 and 之前的值 需要小于and 之后的值,不然查询会返回空结果。
  • 二是在hive sql中结果会包括两端值,即如果语句写为 betwen 10 and 20, 那么结果中会包括取值等于10或20的数据。
select device_id,gender,age from user_profile where age between 20 and 23

空值:当一个字段不包括任何值时,称其包含空值 NULL

对空值的判断:特殊的WHERE子句,IS  NULL 或 IS NOT NULL

select device_id,gender,age,university from user_profile where age is not null


AND操作符:在过滤数据时如果我们想结果同时满足多个条件,可以使用 AND 操作符给 WHERE子句附加条件

select device_id,gender,age,university,gpa from user_profile
where gender='male' and gpa>3.5


select device_id,gender,age,university,gpa from user_profile
where university='北京大学' or gpa>3.7

IN 和 Not IN:IN 操作符用来指定条件范围,范围中的每个条件都可以进行匹配。IN 取 一组由逗号分隔、括在圆括号中的合法值。WHERE 子句中的 NOT 操作符有且只有一个功能,那就是否定其后所跟的任何条件。

select device_id,gender,age,university,gpa from user_profile
where university in ('北京大学','复旦大学','山东大学')

操作符混合运用:两者优先级的问题, SQL在处理 OR操作符前,优先处理 AND 操作符。

select device_id,gender,age,university,gpa from user_profile
where gpa>3.5 and university = '山东大学' or gpa>3.8 and university = '复旦大学'


Like操作符需要和通配符结合使用,一般最常用的通配符是 %, 在搜索串中,%表示任何字符出现任意次数。使用两个通配符,它们位于检索词的两端,%北京% 标识匹配任何位置上包含文本 北京的值

select device_id,age,university from user_profile
where university like '%北京%'


单列排序:ORDER BY 子句取一个或多个列的名字,据此对输出进行排序。

select device_id,age from user_profile order by age


select device_id,gpa,age from user_profile
order by gpa,age

升序降序:在默认情况下,ORDER BY会对数据进行升序排序(asc)。为了进行降序排序, 必须指定desc 关键字。desc关键字只应用到直接位于其前面的列名。也就是说如果我们SQL语句写的是 Order By age desc,gpa,那么排序将首先按照age降序排序序,再按照gpa升序排序输出。

select device_id,gpa,age from user_profile
order by gpa desc,age desc



COUNT:COUNT()函数为计数函数,可利用 COUNT()确定表中行的数目或符合特定条件的行的数目。使用 COUNT(*)对表中行的数目进行计数不管表列中包含的是空值(NULL)还是非空值使用 COUNT(column)对特定列中具有值的行进行计数,忽略 NULL 值 。


select max(gpa) as gpa from user_profile where university='复旦大学'



取整函数:round(value,n),其中 value代表想要限制小数位数的字段,n代表想要限制的小数位数。

select count(gender) as male_num, round(avg(gpa),1) as avg_gpa
from user_profile where gender='male'


分组计算:在使用Group by时,有一些事项需要注意:

1. GROUP BY 子句可以包含任意数目的列,因而可以对分组进行嵌套, 更细致地进行数据分组。

2. 除聚集计算语句外,SELECT 语句中的每一列都必须在 GROUP BY 子句 中同时给出。

3. 如果分组列中包含具有 NULL 值的行,则 NULL 将作为一个分组返回。 如果列中有多行 NULL 值,它们将分为一组。

4. GROUP BY 子句必须出现在 WHERE 子句之后,ORDER BY 子句之前

select gender,university,count(device_id) as user_num,avg(active_days_within_30) as avg_active_days,avg(question_cnt) as avg_question_cnt
from user_profile
group by gender,university


除了能用 GROUP BY 分组数据外,SQL 还允许在分组的结果下进行过滤,分组查询的结果不能简单的使用Where语句进行过滤,而需要使用专门的Having语句。

select university,avg(question_cnt) as avg_question_cnt,avg(answer_cnt) as avg_answer_cnt
from user_profile
group by university
having avg_question_cnt<5 or avg_answer_cnt<20

where后面不能加聚合函数!!!!! 以下表示错误

where sum(item_price*quantity)>=1000

having 必须在 group by 之后

select distinct order_num,sum(item_price*quantity) as total_price
from OrderItems
group by order_num
having sum(item_price*quantity)>=1000
order by order_num

分组排序Order By

select university,avg(question_cnt) as avg_question_cnt
from user_profile
group by university
order by avg_question_cnt



 子查询(subquery),即 嵌套在其他查询中的查询。

select device_id,question_id,result
from question_practice_detail
where device_id in (select device_id from user_profile where university='浙江大学'
order by question_id


左链接 (左外连接),其语句为Left join .. on

左连接的定义:是以左表为基础,根据ON后给出的两表的条件将两表连接起来。结果会将左表所有的查询信息列出,而右表只列出ON后条件与左表满足的部分。在使用Left Join时注意要点:

  • 在使用Left join 时,写在前面的表为匹配时的底表,使用on给出匹配条件,匹配条件可以不唯一。(在写表与表之间的链接关系时,大多数情况下都必须要限制匹配条件,如果在匹配时没用限制匹配条件,这时就会导致笛卡尔积。)
  • 在表匹配时,一般我们会将要匹配的两段查询用括号括起来,并在括号末尾给予一串字母,作为表的别名。
  • 在使用on写匹配条件时,如果两个表中有字段名称一样,需要用 表名.字段的写法指 出该字段取自哪一个表,在最终Select语句输出时同理,可以看到设备ID最终输出的写法a.device_id,因为device_id同时存在于两个表中,我们这里指定要用a表中 的device_id列来输出。
select university,difficult_level,round(count(qpd.question_id) / count(distinct qpd.device_id),4) as avg_answer_cnt
from question_practice_detail as qpdleft join user_profile as up
on qpd.device_id=up.device_id
left join question_detail as qd
on qpd.question_id=qd.question_idgroup by university,difficult_level


右向外联接是左向外联接的反向联接,是以右表为基础,返回右表的所有行,在实际使用中,一般使用Left join就可以满足需求。



select university,count(question_id) / count(distinct qpd.device_id) as avg_answer_cnt
from question_practice_detail as qpd
inner join user_profile as up
on qpd.device_id=up.device_id
group by university
select university,difficult_level,round(count(qpd.question_id) / count(distinct qpd.device_id) ,4) as avg_answer_cnt
from question_practice_detail as qpdinner join user_profile as up
on qpd.device_id=up.device_id and up.university='山东大学'
inner join question_detail as qd
on qpd.question_id=qd.question_idgroup by difficult_level


SQL 也 允许执行多个查询(多条 SELECT 语句),并将结果作为一 个查询结果集返回。这些组合查询通常称为并(union)或复合查询 (compound query)。

union:可给出多条 SELECT 语句,将它们的结果组合成一个结果集。UNION 默认从查询结果集中自动去除了重复的行

union all:不去重的返回所有的匹配行

select device_id,gender,age,gpa from user_profile
where university='山东大学'union allselect device_id,gender,age,gpa from user_profile
where gender='male'



IF 条件函数

IF函数是最常用到的条件函数,其写法为 if(x=n,a,b),x=n代表判断条件,如果x=n时,那么结果返回a,否则返回b。

select if(age<25 or age is null,'25岁以下','25岁及以上') as age_cut,count(*) as number
from user_profile
group by age_cut

Case when

case when与if的作用基本相同,也是按照条件更换列中的内容,区别是case when可以对多个条件进行转换,注意结尾需要加end作为结束

CASE 测试表达式
WHEN 简单表达式1 THEN 结果表达式1
WHEN 简单表达式2 THEN 结果表达式2…
WHEN 简单表达式n THEN 结果表达式n
[ ELSE 结果表达式n+1 ]
select case when age<25 or age is null then '25岁以下'else '25岁及以上'end as age_cut,count(*) as number
from user_profile
group by age_cut
select device_id,gender,case when age<20 then '20岁以下'when age>=20 and age<=24 then '20-24岁'when age>=25 then '25岁及以上'else '其他'end as age_cut
from user_profile




from_unixtime(time,'yyyy-MM-dd') as time 


from_unixtime('2021-08-01','yyyy-MM-dd') as time






datediff的作用为计算两个日期之间的天数间隔,语法为datediff(date1,date2),返回起始时间 date1 和结束时间 date2 之间的天数,date1大于date2的情况下,返回的天数为正数,date1小于date2的情况下,返回的天数为负数。



语法为date_sub (string startdate, interval int day) ,返回开始日期startdate减少days天后的日期。

date_sub('2021-08–09',interval 8 day) 


语法为date_add(string startdate, interval int day) ,返回开始日期startdate增加days天后的日期

date_add('2021-08–01',interval 8 day) 
selectday(date) as day,count(question_id) as question_cnt
from question_practice_detail
where month(date)=8 and year(date)=2021
group by date


长度 —length


连接 —concat


分割 —subtring_index


select SUBSTRING_INDEX('180,78kg',',','2') as height
select substring_index(profile,',',-1) as gender,count(*) as number
from user_submit
group by gender
select substring_index(substring_index(profile,',',3),',',-1) as age,count(*) as number
from user_submit
group by age

定位 —instr


截取 —substring

substr(string A,int start,int len),返回字符串A从下标start位置开始,长度为len的字符串

substring(string A,int start),在不指定返回字符串长度的情况下,返回字符串A从下标start位置到结尾的字符串

select substring(‘bacda’,2,2)
select substring(‘bacda’,2)


select cust_id,cust_name,upper(concat(substring(cust_contact,1,2),substring(cust_city,1,3))) as user_login
from Customers




函数为先分组再排序, row_number() over (partition by col1 order by col2),表示根据col1分组,在分组内部根据col2排序

窗口函数() over (partition by 用于分组的列名order by 用于排序的列名)

窗口函数,比如rank, dense_rank, row_number等

  • rank 如果有并列名次的行,会占用下一名次的位置 1 1 3
  • dense_rank 如果有并列名次的行,不占用下一名次的位置 1 1 2
  • row_number 如果有并列名次的行,也不考虑并列名次的情况 1 2 3
select device_id,university,gpa
from(select device_id,university,gpa,row_number() over (partition by university order by gpa) as rkfrom user_profile) as up
where up.rk=1


select up.device_id,university,count(question_id) as question_cnt,sum(if(qpd.result='right',1,0)) as right_question_cnt
from user_profile as upleft join question_practice_detail as qpdon qpd.device_id=up.device_id and month(qpd.date)=8
where university='复旦大学'
group by up.device_id
select qd.difficult_level,round(sum(if(qpd.result='right',1,0))/ count(qpd.result),4) as correct_rate
from user_profile as up
inner join question_practice_detail as qpd
on up.device_id=qpd.device_id and up.university='浙江大学'
inner join question_detail as qd
on qd.question_id=qpd.question_idgroup by qd.difficult_level
order by correct_rate
selectcount(distinct device_id) as did_cnt,count(question_id) as question_cnt
from question_practice_detail
where year(date)='2021' and month(date)='08'


SQL35 返回每个顾客不同订单的总金额


select o.cust_id,oi.total_ordered
from (select order_num,sum(item_price*quantity) as total_orderedfrom OrderItemsgroup by order_num
)oi,Orders as o
where oi.order_num=o.order_num
order by total_ordered desc
select o.cust_id,sum(oi.item_price*oi.quantity) as total_ordered
from Orders as oleft join OrderItems as oi
on oi.order_num=o.order_numgroup by o.cust_id
order by total_ordered desc

SQL36 从 Products 表中检索所有的产品名称以及对应的销售总数

select prod_name,(select sum(quantity) as quant_soldfrom  OrderItemswhere OrderItems.prod_id=Products.prod_id)
from Products
select prod_name,sum(o.quantity) as quant_sold
from  OrderItems as o,Products as p
where o.prod_id=p.prod_id
group by prod_name

SQL38 返回顾客名称和相关订单号以及每个订单的总价



select c.cust_name,o.order_num,sum(oi.quantity*oi.item_price) as OrderTotal
from Customers as c
inner join Orders as o
on c.cust_id=o.cust_id
inner join OrderItems as oi
on oi.order_num=o.order_numgroup by c.cust_name,o.order_num
order by c.cust_name,o.order_num

SQL39 确定哪些订单购买了 prod_id 为 BR01 的产品(二)

select cust_id,order_date
from Orders
where order_num in (select order_num from OrderItems where prod_id='BR01') order by order_date
select cust_id,order_date
from Orders
inner join OrderItems
on Orders.order_num=OrderItems.order_num
where prod_id='BR01'order by order_date







SQL20 月均完成试卷数不小于3的用户爱作答的类别

select tag,count(exam_id) as tag_cnt
from exam_record
left join examination_info using(exam_id)
where uid in(select uidfrom exam_recordwhere submit_time is not nullgroup by uidhaving count(exam_id)/count(distinct date_format(submit_time,'%Y%m'))>=3)
group by tag
order by tag_cnt desc

SQL21 试卷发布当天作答人数和平均分 

select exam_id,count(distinct uid) as uv,round(avg(score),1) as avg_score
from exam_record
where (exam_id,date(start_time)) #筛选发布当天的作答记录in(select exam_id,date(release_time) #获取试卷ID和发布日期from examination_info where tag='SQL')and uid in(select uid from user_info where level>5)
group by exam_id
order by uv desc,avg_score


SQL23 每个题目和每份试卷被作答的人数和次数


select exam_id as tid,count(distinct exam_record.uid) as uv,count(*) as pv
from exam_record
group by exam_id
select question_id as tid,count(distinct practice_record.uid) as uv,count(*) as pv
from practice_record
group by question_idorder by left(tid,1) desc,uv desc,pv desc;

方法二:union后的排序问题,order by子句只能在最后一次使用。 如果想要在union之前分别单独排序,那么需要这样:

select * from
( select * from t1  order by 字段 ) newt1 # 一定要对表重新命名,否则报错
select * from
( select * from t2  order by 字段 ) newt2
select * from
( select exam_id as tid,count(distinct exam_record.uid) as uv,count(*) as pv
from exam_record
group by exam_id
order by uv desc,pv desc ) t1 # 一定要对表重新命名,否则报错
select * from
( select question_id as tid,count(distinct practice_record.uid) as uv,count(*) as pv
from practice_record
group by question_id
order by uv desc,pv desc ) t2

SQL24 分别满足两个活动的人 

select uid,'activity1' as activity
from exam_record
where year(submit_time)=2021
group by uid
having min(score)>=85union allselect uid,'activity2' as activity
from exam_record
join examination_info using(exam_id)
where year(submit_time)=2021 and difficulty='hard' and score>80 and timestampdiff(minute,start_time,submit_time)<duration/ 2order by uid




 SQL27 每类试卷得分前3名

对每类标签使用分组聚合排名。知识点:row_number() over partition by 排名优先级先是每个用户的最大得分降序,然后是每个用户的最低得分降序,最后用户ID降序。知识点:order by、min()、max()



 <窗口函数>  OVER  ( partition by <用于分组的列名> order by <用于排序的列名>)


  • rank()               over()     1 2 2 4 4 6  (计数排名,跳过相同的几个,eg.没有3没有5)
  • row_number()   over()   1 2 3 4 5 6 (赋予唯一排名)
  • dense_rank()    over()   1 2 2 3 3 4 (不跳过排名,可以理解为对类别进行计数)


a.group by的常见搭配:常和以下聚合函数搭配

  • avg()-- 求平均值
  • count()-- 计数
  • sum()-- 求和
  • max() -- 最大值
  • min()-- 最小值

b.group by 的进阶用法,和 with rollup 一起使用。


左连接:表1 left join 表2 on 表1.字段=表2.字段  (以表1为准,表2进行匹配)

右连接:表1 right join 表2 on 表1.字段=表2.字段  (以表2为准,表1进行匹配)

全连接:表1 union all 表2 (表1 和表2的列数必须一样多,union 去除重复项,union all 不剔除重复项)

内连接:表1 inner join 表2(取表1和表2相交部分)

外连接:表1 full outer join 表2 (取表1和表2不相交的部分)

select tag,uid,ranking
from (select tag,e_r.uid,row_number() over (partition by tag order by tag,max(score) desc,min(score) desc,e_r.uid desc) as rankingfrom exam_record  e_r join examination_info e_i using(exam_id)group by tag,e_r.uid
where ranking <=3

SQL30 近三个月未完成试卷数为0的用户完成情况

select uid, count(score) as  exam_complete_cnt
from(select uid,start_time,score,dense_rank() over (partition by uid order by date_format(start_time,'%Y%m') desc) as recent_monthsfrom exam_record
where recent_months<=3
group by uid
having count(score) = count(uid)
order by exam_complete_cnt desc,uid desc


聚类窗口函数用法和GROUP BY 函数类似。

  • MIN()         OVER() :       不改变表结构的前提下,计算出最小值
  • MAX()        OVER():        不改变表结构的前提下,计算出最大值
  • COUNT()   OVER():        不改变表结构的前提下,计数
  • SUM()        OVER():        不改变表结构的前提下,求和
  • AVG()         OVER():        不改变表结构的前提下,求平均值

SQL33 对试卷得分做min-max归一化

select uid,exam_id,round(avg(max_min),0) as avg_new_score
from(select uid,exam_id,score,if(max_x = min_x, score, 100*(score-min_x)/ (max_x-min_x)) as max_minfrom(select uid,e_r.exam_id as exam_id,score,min(score) over (partition by exam_id) as min_x,max(score) over (partition by exam_id) as max_xfrom exam_record e_r  join examination_info e_i using(exam_id)where difficulty = 'hard' and score is not NULL)table1
group by exam_id,uid
order by exam_id,avg_new_score desc

 SQL34 每份试卷每月作答数和截止当月的作答总数

select exam_id,date_format(start_time,'%Y%m') as start_month,count(start_time) as month_cnt,sum(count(start_time)) over (partition by exam_id order by date_format(start_time,'%Y%m')) as cum_exam_cnt
from exam_record
group by exam_id, start_month;



SQL37 0级用户高难度试卷的平均用时和平均得分




#方法2if(A is NULL ,B,C)如果A为空则返回B,不为空则返回C

select uid,round(avg(new_score),0) as avg_score,round(avg(cost_time),1) avg_time_took
from (select e_r.uid as uid,if(score is NULL,0,score) as new_score,if(submit_time is NULL,duration,timestampdiff(minute,start_time,submit_time)) as cost_timefrom exam_record e_r join examination_info e_i using(exam_id)join user_info u_i using(uid)where level=0 and difficulty = 'hard'
group by uid


SQL39 筛选昵称规则和试卷规则的作答记录 

rlike 后面可以跟正则表达式,正则表达式 "^[0-9]+$" 的意思:

1、字符^ :表示匹配的字符必须在最前边

例如:^A不匹配“an A”中的‘A’,但匹配“An A”中最前面的‘A’。

2、字符$ :与^类似,匹配最末的字符


3、字符[0-9] :字符列表,匹配列表中的任一个字符。你可以通过连字符 - 指出字符范围。


4、字符+ :匹配 + 号前面的字符1次及以上。等价于{1,}。



select uid, exam_id, round(avg(score),0) avg_score
from exam_record
where uid in (select uid from user_info where nick_name rlike "^牛客[0-9]+号$" or nick_name rlike "^[0-9]+$") and exam_id in (select exam_id from examination_infowhere tag rlike "^[cC]") and score is not null
group by uid, exam_id
order by uid, avg_score;


SQL43 注册当天就完成了试卷的名单第三页 


select uid,level,register_time,max(score) as max_score
from exam_record e_r join examination_info e_i using(exam_id)join user_info u_i using(uid)
where job = '算法' and date(register_time)=date(submit_time) and tag='算法'
group by uid
order by max_score desc limit 6,3


SQL44 修复串列了的记录 

问题: 录题同学有一次手误将部分记录的试题类别tag、难度、时长同时录入到了tag字段,请帮忙找出这些录错了的记录,并拆分后按正确的列类型输出

  • 筛选出录错了的记录:where tag like '%,%'
  • 提取tag,第一个逗号前的值:substring_index(tag, ',', 1) as tag
  • 提取难度,第二个逗号前倒数第一个逗号后:substring_index(substring_index(tag, ',', 2), ',', -1) as difficulty
  • 提取时长,最后一个逗号后,并类型转换:cast( substring_index(tag, ',', -1) as decimal ) as duration
select exam_id,substring_index(tag, ',', 1) as tag,substring_index(substring_index(tag, ',', 2), ',', -1) as difficulty,cast( substring_index(tag, ',', -1) as decimal ) as duration
from examination_info
where tag like '%,%';

SQL45 对过长的昵称截取处理 

问题:  请输出字符数大于10的用户信息,对于字符数大于13的用户输出前10个字符然后加上三个点号:『...』。


  • 前10个字符加上三个点号:concat(substr(nick_name, 1, 10),'...')
select uid, if(char_length(nick_name)>13, concat(substr(nick_name, 1, 10),'...'), nick_name) as nick_name
from user_info
where char_length(nick_name)>10;

 SQL46 大小写混乱时的筛选统计



with t_tag_count as(select tag, count(uid) as answer_cntfrom exam_record left join examination_info using(exam_id)group by tag
)select a.tag as tag, b.answer_cnt as answer_cnt
from t_tag_count as a join t_tag_count as b       #表t_tag_count进行自连接on upper(a.tag)=b.tag and a.tag!=b.tag and a.answer_cnt < 3 ;










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