
1.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2019年1月10号


1、3 things we should know about you

2、your favorite food in your country

3、why the MSBA program is right for you(Why MSBA?)

4、what impact you would have in the analytics market and how would you stay relevant to it

5、what interest you the most in St.Louis(其实就是Why WUSTL?)

6、what excites you the most ahout learning at Olin(Why Olin?)

7、typing: For the first time in many years the basketball team has made it to the championship game. In order for a player to be eligible they must have a “C” grade average. A few days prior to the game the coach learns that his two star players have dropped below the required grade average. According to policy, they should be suspended from the team but, if they are suspended, they won’t play in the championship and the whole team is depending on them. What should the coach do?

2.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2019年1月17号


1.Tell three things we should know about you

2.Share with us the funniest thing happened to you recently.

3.Why the MSBA program is right for you

4.What impact you would have in the analytics market and how would you stay relevant to it

5.What interests you the most in St. Louis

6.Top 3 reasons about Olin


3.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2019年2月3号


1. 3 things that we should know about you

2. if we visit your hometown, where would you take us to (这个就是楼主看最新的面经突然捡到的一个题,以为不可能考但是还是准备了,幸亏幸亏啊!所以战友们千万不要轻视任何一个可以看到的资料啊)

3. why MS.BA is right for you

4. what impact would you make in analytics mkt and how do you keep relevant for your career


5. what interests you about St.Louis (问的是城市的吸引力哦)

6. favourite things about Olin

4.学生背景:211 MKT本科,GPA3.83,T110,G327+4,tier3咨询实习一年+500强mkt实习+nielsen数据分析实习,3个创新创业大赛市奖,自学Python和R 面试时间:2018年1月27号   已录

【申请专业:商业分析】kira1.Three things we should know about you. (准备30s,回答45s)

2.If we visit your hometown, where would you take us to?(准备30s,回答45s)

3.Why BA (准备30s,回答45s)

4.What impact would you make in analytics market and howdo you keep relevant for your career? (准备30s,回答45s)

5.What interests you about St. Louis?(准备30s,回答45s)

6.Top three reasons you are attracted to Olin Business School?(准备30s,回答45s)

写作:For the first time in many years the basketball teamhas made it to the championship game. In order for a player to be eligible theymust have a “C” grade average. A few days prior to the game the coach learnsthat his two star players have dropped below the required grade average.According to policy, they should be suspended from the team but, if they aresuspended, they won’t play in the championship and the whole team is dependingon them. What should the coach do?(计时5min)

5.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2019年1月15号


1.        3 things we should know about you

2.        funniest thing happened to you recently

3.        The traits or skill that would help you be valuable in the professional analytic market.

4.        Why BA is right for you

5.        Share with us what interests you about St.Louis.

6.        Top three reasons you are attracted to Olin Business School?

6.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2018年11月30号


(1)  Tell three things we should know about you

(2)  favorite food in your country

(3)  The most challenge course in undergraduate, and what do you learn from it and how do you apply that in Custom analytics in Olin business school

(4)  what will you impact on the finance industry and how you maintain relevant to your career?

(5)  Your interest of St. Louis

(6)  Favorite thing about Olin /Top 3 reasons about Olin

7.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2019年1月18号


1.Three things Olin should know about you

2.The funniest thing that happened recently

3.hat interests u in St. Louis


5.avorite movie or book

6.Think about a leader or a mentor you have worked with, what do you hope to learn in the program that will help you implement the skills and attributes you most admire?

7.然后写作很多人都是 class president

但是我遇到了是coach 所以大家最后提前两个都准备吧

1: A student is selected as Class President and is scheduled to accept the position and speak to the entire student body on Friday. On Wednesday it is discovered that the student has not completed a self-study course requirement that is mandatory for all student senate representatives. The course takes a week to be completed. Given that the student has not started the coursework and will not be able to finish before the announcement on Friday, please describe what actions should be taken in order to resolve the situation.

2;For the first time in many years the basketball team finally made it to the championship game. For a player to be eligible, they must have a “C” grade in average. A few days prior to the game, the coach learned that his two star players have dropped below the required average grade. According to the policy, they should be suspended from the team. However, if they are suspended, they won’t be able to play in the championship game while the whole team depends on them. What should the coach do?

8.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2019年1月18号


1. 3 things we should know about you(感觉是固定第一题)

2. your favorite movie or book

3. why choose MSCA program and what do you expect to discover (就是之前why MSBA program的换一种问法)

4. what impact would you make in analytics market and how do you keep relevant for your career

5. what interests you the most about St. Louis

6. favorite thing about Olin

7. class president那题

9.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2019年1月17号


1.3 things we should know about you

2.Explain how you choose the MSA program and what you are hoping todiscover through the curriculum.

3.  funniest thing happened to you recently

4. Think about a leader or a mentor you have worked with, what do you hopeto learn in the program that will help you implement the skills and attributesyou most admire?

5.Share with us what interests you about St.Louis.

6. Top three reasons you are attracted to Olin BusinessSchool

7. Basketball team

10.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2019年1月18号


1. 3 things we should know about you (看了很多CD上分享面经的基本都有这题

2. If we visit your hometown, where would you take us to?

3. Explain how you choose the MSA program and what you are hoping to discover through the curriculum [上传失败, 后来换了一题]

[换题] The traits or skill that would help you be valuable in the professional analytic market.

4. What impact would you make in analytics market and how do you keep relevant for your career?

5. Share with us what interest you about St.Louis

6. Top three reasons you are attracted to Olin Business School (说这题的时候, 说第二点的时候舌头打结了,后面只能快速说完 )


For the first time in manyyears the basketball team has made it to the championship game. In order for aplayer to be eligible they must have a “C” grade average. A few days prior tothe game the coach learns that his two star players have dropped below therequired grade average. According to policy, they should be suspended from theteam but, if they are suspended, they won’t play in the championship and thewhole team is depending on them. What should the coach do?

11.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2019年1月18号


1.Why st.louis

2.3 things we should know about you

3.the most challenging course and how it meansto your master study

4.favoritemovie or book

5.What impresses you most about Olin?

6.Describethe skills you  have that make you suitable for analytics career


Astudent is selected as Class President and is scheduled to accept the positionand speak to the entire student body on Friday. On Wednesday it is discoveredthat the student has not completed a self-study course requirement that ismandatory for all student senate representatives. The course takes a week to becompleted. Given that the student has not started the coursework and will notbe able to finish before the announcement on Friday, please describe whatactions should be taken in order to resolve the situation.

12.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2019年1月12号


1.Tell three things we should know about you

2.Favorite movie/book

3.the traits or skills you have will help you be valuable in finance industry

4.Your interest of St. Louis

5. Favorite thing about Olin

6.Why Customer Analytics program and what you want to discover

13.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2018年10月16号


1. three things we should know about you

2. funniest thing happened to you recently

3. what interests you about St. Louis

4. what impact would you make in analytics market and how do you keep relevant for your career

5. favorite thing about olin

6. why msba is right for you


7. Think about a leader or a mentor you have worked with, what do you hope to learn in the program that will help you implement the skills and attributes you most admire?

14.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2018年10月28号


1. 3 things about me

2. favorite movie or book

3. why customer analytics is right for you

4. a mentor那个

5. why St. Louis

6. Top three reasons for choosing Olin

7. 写作是Class President

15.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2018年11月3号


1. Three things Olin should know about you

2. The funniest thing that happened recently

3. What’s the most difficult course. What have you learnt from it and how can it help with your study in Olin

4. What interests u in St. Louis

5. 在Olin学习,最让你激动的是什么

6. 还有一个关于个人性格的,具体记不清了

16.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2018年2月1号


1. 3 things we should know about you

2. Tell us about the most important person in your life and why they mean so much to you. 这道我之前准备的时候没看过

3. Tell us about your most challenging course in undergraduate. What did you learn and how will you apply that to the Master of Science in Customer Analytics program?

4. the traits or skill that would help you be valuable in the professional analytic market.

5. Share with us what interests you about St.Louis.

6. what you like most about Olin

7. 写作是篮球那道题

17.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2018年11月26号       WL

【申请专业:商业分析】   Shannon   10分钟

1.short term & long term goal,

2.why Olin,


18.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2015年1月27号

【申请专业:商业分析】David McKee

1.Biggest chanllenge in your undergraduate academic life

2.Why Olin

3.Why MSCA

4.Do you know any faculty at Olin?

5.Would you like to work in US or return to China(我说想留在美帝先工作,McKee 就大力推销了29 months opt, 说I can guarantee, if you want to work in the U.S., this program would be a good choice...他整个interview好像说了三次。。。)

6.Short term and long term career goal

7.Important moment that makes you decide to do customer analytics/Most important internship

8.How do you interpret customer analytics

9.What is the thing you wouldn’t have done before you came to the U.S.

10.Who do you usually hang out with? International students or local friends?

11.Any leadership experiences?

12.Do you have any questions for me?

19.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2017年10月1号


1. tell three things we should know about you

2. talk about your favorite movie/book

3. 忘记了。。

4. your interest of St.Louis

5. the traits or skills you have will help you be valuable in professional analytic market

6. favorite thing about Olin

7. 给了一个a small case 让你写该怎么办,5 min

20.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2017年11月26号   已录


1. Three things we should know about you.

2. Your favorite movie or book

3. Most chanllenging undergraduate course

4. Leader or mentor you worked with.  What do you hope to learn in the program that will help you implement the skills and attributes you most admire.

5. What interests you about St.Louis?

6. What excites you most about studying at Olin?

7. Basketball team要参加championship game 两个star队员没到grade要求 到不了要求不能参赛 问coach怎么办

21.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2017年11月12号


30s 准备,1min30s回答时间

1. 一个unsuccessful的经历

2. an innovation solution to solve a problem

3. 问一个你觉得innovative的公司?

22.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2017年11月17号


1. Three things about you

2. How St.Louis interests you

3. Traits and skills that will help you become a professional in marketing analysis

4. Three reasons you choose Olin

5. Favorite movie or book

6. Why MSBA

7. typing: case, 就是其他楼主有po的那个,class president的,我还另外准备了MSF面到的那个,关于球队的

23.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2017年11月29号


Q1: Tell me three things that would help us to know you

Q2: Why do you think customer analytics program would fit you

Q3: Share you favorite book or movie

Q4: Your interest of St.Louis

Q5: What excite you most to study at Olin

Q6: The traits or skills that would hele you be valuable in the professional analytic market.


A student is selected as Class President and is scheduled to accept the position and speak to the entire student body on Friday. On Wednesday it is discovered that the student has not completed a self-study course requirement that is mandatory of all student senate representatives. The course takes a week to be completed. Given that the student has not started the coursework and will not be able to finish before the announcement on Friday, please describe what actions should be taken in order to resolve the situation.


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