
方法有两个: 1, 将Notes目录下面的Desktop.NDK文件改名字,重启Notes,会自动创建一个新的。(但是需要帮用户召回之前的那些个快捷方式-database link)

2,打开Notes以后,选择 文件 -》 首选项》工具栏首选项 》自定义即可。



Notes 6 users: Notes 6 uses toolbars instead of SmartIcons, so the steps are just slightly different. Go to File->Preferences->Toolbar Preferences. Click the Customize link on the left and then in the top section choose to modify the Universal toolbar. Scroll through the list of available buttons until you find the Workspace button. Select it and then click Add Button to add it to the toolbar. Select Save Toolbar, and the icon should appear immediately in your toolbar. If it doesn't, then move the toolbars around using the toolbar handles (the little solid line thingies) so you can see all of the icons on each of the toolbars. This happened to me where I added the icon to the toolbar but just couldn't see it because some toolbars were overlapping. You can add the workspace icon to your bookmark bar by dragging the tab to the bookmark bar. To set it as the home page, right-click on the icon, and select "Set Bookmark As Home Page."

From: [url]http://www.dominopower.com/issues/issue200305/00001047001.html[/url]

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