
  • 抽象—数据抽象(属性)和过程抽象(方法)
  • 封装—限定对外方法,控制数据访问
  • 继承—数据共享、代码重用
  • 多态—派生对象就是父对象

c++ 抽象和封装

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;class rect {
private:int length; //长度int width;  //宽度
public:int area(){return length*width;}rect(int length, int width){this->length = length;this->width  = width;}
};int main()
{rect c(10, 10);cout<<"area:"<<c.area()<<"\n";// area:100

go 抽象和封装

package main
import "fmt"// 结构体:长方形
type rect struct {length int      // 长度weight int      // 高度
}// 方法:长方形面积
func (r *rect) area() int {return r.length * r.weight
}// go属性和方法的可见性是包(package)级别
// 如果,将属性名和方法名定义为大写字母开头
// 那么,对其他包(package)可见func main() {// go没有构造函数r := rect{10, 10}fmt.Println("area:", r.area())// area: 100


package main
import "fmt"// 结构体:长方形
type rect struct {length int      // 长度width  int      // 宽度
}// 方法:增加长度(传值)
func (r  rect) increase_length_value() {r.length = r.length + 1
}// 方法:增加长度(传址)
func (r *rect) increase_length_pointer() {r.length = r.length + 1
}// 方法:长方形面积
func (r rect) area() int {return r.length * r.width
// 传值:对象副本
// 传址:对象地址
// 1、是否修改对象
// 2、对象副本创建成本func main(){r := rect{length:10, width:10}fmt.Println("area:", r.area())// area: 100r.increase_length_value()fmt.Println("area:", r.area())// area: 100r.increase_length_pointer()fmt.Println("area:", r.area())// area: 110p := &rect{length:10, width:10}fmt.Println("area:", p.area())// area: 100p.increase_length_value()fmt.Println("area:", p.area())// area: 100p.increase_length_pointer()fmt.Println("area:", p.area())//area: 110//可用实例value和pointer调用全部方//编译器自动转换

c++ 继承

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;class rect {
private:int length; //长度int width;  //宽度
public:int area(){return length*width;}rect(int length, int width){this->length = length;this->width  = width;}
};class cube : public rect{
private:int height; //长度
public:cube(int length, int width, int height):rect(length, width) {this->height = height;}int volume(){return this->area() * this->height;}
}int main()
{cube c(10, 10,10);cout<<"area:"<<c.volume()<<"\n";// area:1000

go “继承”

package main
import "fmt"// 结构体:长方形
type rect struct {length int      // 长度width  int      // 高度
}// 方法:长方形面积
func (r *rect) area() int {return r.length * r.width
}type cube struct {rect            //匿名属性height int      //长度
}func (r *cube) volume() int {return r.area() * r.height
}func main() {c := cube{rect{10, 10}, 10}fmt.Println("area:", c.volume())
// 编译器负责查找匿名方法,实现类似继承的复用


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;class rect {
private:int length; //长度int width;  //宽度
public:int area(){return length*width;}rect(int length, int width){this->length = length;this->width  = width;}
};class cube : public rect{
private:int height; //长度
public:cube(int length, int width, int height):rect(length, width) {this->height = height;}int volume(){return this->area() * this->height;}
};void print_area(rect r) {cout<<"area is:" << r.area()<<"\n";
}int main()
{rect r(10, 10);print_area(r);// area:100cube c(10, 10,10);print_area(c);// area:100


package main
import "fmt"// 结构体:长方形
type rect struct {length int      // 长度width  int      // 高度
}type cube struct {rect            //匿名属性height int      //长度
}// 方法:长方形面积
func print_area(r rect) {fmt.Println("area:",r.length * r.width)
}func main() {r := rect{10, 10}print_area(r)//area: 100//c := cube{rect{10, 10}, 10}//print_area(c)// cannot use c (type cube) as type rect// in argument to print_area
}// 真正的多态,派生对象就是父对象


package main
import "fmt"// 结构体:长方形
type rect struct {length int      // 长度width  int      // 高度
}// 方法:长方形面积
func (r *rect) area() int {return r.length * r.width
}type cube struct {rect            //匿名属性height int      //长度
}func main() {c := cube{rect{10, 10}, 10}fmt.Println("area:", c.area())//area: 100
// 编译器负责查找匿名方法
// 实现类似继承的复用能力


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;class plane {
public:int length; //共同属性int width;
};class line {
public:int length; //共同属性string name;
};class combile:public plane, public line{
};int main()
{combile c;c.name = "my name";//c.length = 10;//member 'length' found in multiple //base classes of different typesplane *p;p = &c;p->length = 10;cout<<p->length<<"\n";//10line *l;l = &c;l->length = 5;cout<<l->length<<"\n";//5return 0;
// is-a


package main
import "fmt"// 平面
type plane struct{length int       //长度width  int       //宽度
}// 直线
type line struct {length int       // 长度name string      // 名称
}type combine struct {lineplane
}func main() {l := line{50, "first line"}p := plane{10,10}c := combine{l, p}fmt.Println("length of c1:", c.name)fmt.Println("length of c1:", c.width)fmt.Println("length of c1:", c.line.length)fmt.Println("length of c1:", c.plane.length)//fmt.Println("length of c1:", c.length)      //ambiguous selector c.length


package main
import "fmt"type flyer interface {fly()
}type bee struct {name string
}type plane struct{name string
}func (b *bird) fly() {fmt.Printf("%s is flying \n", b.name)
}func (p *plane) fly() {fmt.Printf("%s is flying \n", p.name)
}func i_can_fly(f flyer){fmt.Println("i can fly")f.fly()
}func main() {b := bee{"first bee"}i_can_fly(&b)// i can fly// first bee is flyingp := plane{"BY 737"}i_can_fly(&p)// i can fly// BY 737 is flying
//就表示它 "实现" 了该接口,无须在该类型上显式声明实现了哪个接口。
//接口命名习惯以 er 结尾。// go把struct作为数据和逻辑的结合
// 通过组合(composition),has-a关系来最小化代码重用
// go使用接口interface来建立(type)之间的is-a关系

go interface自动判断

package main
import "fmt"type flyer interface {fly()
}type spider struct {
}func (s *spider) fly() {fmt.Println("spider can fly!")
}type hero interface {save_world()
}type looser struct {
}func (l *looser) save_world() {fmt.Println("i'm  a looser ,but i can save the world!")
}type spider_man struct {spiderlooser
}type super_man interface {fly()save_world()
}func welcome_superman(s super_man) {s.save_world()s.fly()fmt.Println("welcome the superman!")}func main() {s := spider{}l := looser{}sp := spider_man{s, l}welcome_superman(&sp)// i'm  a looser ,but i can save the world!// spider can fly!// welcome the superman!

c++ interface显示判断

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;class flyer {
public:virtual void fly() = 0;
};class hero {
public:virtual void save_world() = 0;
};class super_man {
public:virtual void fly() = 0;virtual void save_world() = 0;
};class spider_man : public flyer, public hero {
public:void fly(){cout<<"i can fly!\n";}void save_world(){cout<<"i can save world!\n";}
};class  captain: public super_man {
public:void fly(){cout<<"i can fly!\n";}void save_world(){cout<<"i can save world!\n";}
};void welcome_superman(super_man &s){s.fly();s.save_world();cout<<"welcome the superman!";
}int main()
{//spider_man s;//welcome_superman(s);// note: candidate function not viable:// no known conversion from 'spider_man' // to 'super_man &' captain c;welcome_superman(c);//i can fly!//i can save world!//welcome the superman!return 0;

go interface{}

package main
import "fmt"// 结构体:长方形
type rect struct {length int      // 长度width  int      // 高度
}func print_filter(i interface{}){fmt.Println("nogo print:", i)
}func main() {i := 10s := "nogo"r := rect{10, 10}print_filter(i)//nogo print: 10print_filter(s)//nogo print: nogoprint_filter(r)//nogo print: {10 10}


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