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  • The Key or Difficult Functions
  • Programming Thinking
  • Pair Programming
  • Pair programming experience
  • What take a long time in coding, arguing, reviewing & Great gains.

The Key or Difficult Functions

We chose Android Studio to make Bobing software. The most difficult thing is that we have not learned java and AS syntax. Through searching a lot of materials and self-learning, we finally realized the programming of Bobing software. Here’s the key code:

1. Intent

This is the most commonly used function in the software, through the Button control, set the click jump event.

Add a Button control and set the onClick function for the button, which is the event that a click occurs. Add the jump command code to the Activity before the jump, then create a second file, make sure it has an entity class in the existing file, and remember to configure it in AndroidManifest.xml.

public class bangyan extends AppCompatActivity {Intent a, b;@Overrideprotected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);setContentView(R.layout.tanhua);Button origin = (Button) findViewById(;//Call the Button controlorigin.setOnClickListener(new ButtonListener());//Set the click jump event for the buttonButton rule = (Button) findViewById(;rule.setOnClickListener(new ButtonListener());}class ButtonListener implements View.OnClickListener{Intent a,b;@Overridepublic void onClick(View v) {switch (v.getId()) {case = new Intent(bangyan.this, choooooose.class);//Click to jump to the choooooose pagestartActivity(a);break;case = new Intent(bangyan.this, Multiply.class);//Click to jump to the Multiply pagestartActivity(b);break;}}}

2. Roll the dice

This is the most basic function of the pie game.

First, the ImageView control of six dice is set in the xml file. Each die needs to call six pictures, that is, one to six dice pictures, and set the position for each control, arranged in two rows.

Now that we have an image of a die, we need to write a java file to roll the die and generate a random result.

Use the Random function to generate six random numbers corresponding to six dice, and connect the random numbers with the corresponding picture resources. The random picture is corresponding to the int value of drawableResource according to the value of rangNumber, and the Drawable class is instanced to set the final picture displayed by the ImageView control.

Now I have six dices that can generate random numbers, and I can match the number of the picture to the random result.

//The first die image control<ImageViewandroid:id="@+id/dice_image1"android:layout_width="137dp"android:layout_height="127dp"android:layout_alignParentBottom="true"android:layout_marginStart="7dp"android:layout_marginLeft="7dp"android:layout_marginBottom="371dp"android:layout_toEndOf="@+id/dice_image5"android:layout_toRightOf="@+id/dice_image5"android:src="@drawable/empty_dice"tools:ignore="MissingConstraints" />
//                产生随机数Random rand = new Random();int randNumber1 = rand.nextInt(6)+1;
//                String randNumber2 = rand.nextInt(6)+1;int randNumber2 = rand.nextInt(6)+1;int randNumber3 = rand.nextInt(6)+1;int randNumber4 = rand.nextInt(6)+1;int randNumber5 = rand.nextInt(6)+1;int randNumber6 = rand.nextInt(6)+1;//                获取对ImageView对象的引用ImageView diceImage1 = findViewById(;ImageView diceImage2 = findViewById(;ImageView diceImage3 = findViewById(;ImageView diceImage4 = findViewById(;ImageView diceImage5 = findViewById(;ImageView diceImage6 = findViewById(;int drawableResource1,drawableResource2,drawableResource3,drawableResource4,drawableResource5,drawableResource6;
//                将随机数与对应的图片资源联系起来switch (randNumber1){case 1: drawableResource1 = R.drawable.dice_1; break;case 2: drawableResource1 = R.drawable.dice_2; break;case 3: drawableResource1 = R.drawable.dice_3; break;case 4: drawableResource1 = R.drawable.dice_4; break;case 5: drawableResource1 = R.drawable.dice_5; break;case 6: drawableResource1 = R.drawable.dice_6; break;default:throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected value: " + randNumber1);}//               随机图片根据rangNumber的值对应drawableResource的int值,实例Drawable类Drawable drawable1 = getBaseContext().getResources().getDrawable(drawableResource1);
//                设置ImageView控件最终显示的图片diceImage1.setImageDrawable(drawable1);//第一个骰子,之后以此类推

3. Produce result & Single player mode

The number of six dice in the game will produce different results, through the analysis of the rules, I used the counter to achieve, the number of four points in the game is the most important, six four for the number one, a four for the scholar, and so on. The second is the number of twos and ones, which are counted and classified to produce the result.

Now that the single player mode has been implemented, here are the results of the single player mode.

                //判断奖项//  存储当前随机数组int[]  arr;arr = new int[6];arr[0] = randNumber1;arr[1] = randNumber2;arr[2] = randNumber3;arr[3] = randNumber4;arr[4] = randNumber5;arr[5] = randNumber6;Arrays.sort(arr);int counter = 0;for(int j=0;j<6;j++){if (arr[j] == 4){counter++;}}//4出现的个数//红六勃if (counter == 6){Intent intent = new Intent(Multiply.this,hongliubo.class);startActivity(intent);}//插金花if (counter == 4){if (arr[1] == 1 && arr[0] == 1){Intent intent = new Intent(Multiply.this,chajinhua.class);startActivity(intent);}}int counter1 = 0;//1出现的个数for(int m=0;m<6;m++){if (arr[m] == 2){counter1++;}}//遍地锦(6个1),榜眼(123456)if (counter1 == 6){Intent intent = new Intent(Multiply.this,biandijin.class);startActivity(intent);}if ((arr[0] == 1)&&(arr[1] == 2)&&(arr[2] == 3) && (arr[3] == 4) && (arr[4] == 5)&&(arr[5]==6)){Intent intent = new Intent(Multiply.this,bangyan.class);startActivity(intent);}//五红(5个4)if (counter == 5){Intent intent = new Intent(Multiply.this,wuhong.class);startActivity(intent);}//四红(4个4)if (counter == 4){if (arr[0] != 4 && arr[1] != 4){//排除插金花Intent intent = new Intent(Multiply.this,sihong.class);startActivity(intent);}}
//              探花if (counter == 3){Intent intent = new Intent(Multiply.this,tanhua.class);startActivity(intent);}//举人if (counter == 2){Intent intent = new Intent(Multiply.this,juren.class);startActivity(intent);}//秀才if (counter == 1){if ((arr[0] == 1)&&(arr[1] == 2)&&(arr[2] == 3) && (arr[3] == 4) && (arr[4] == 5)&&(arr[5]==6)){Intent intent = new Intent(Multiply.this,bangyan.class);startActivity(intent);}//排除榜眼else {Intent intent = new Intent(Multiply.this,xiucai.class);startActivity(intent);}}int counter2 = 0;//2出现的个数for(int j=0;j<6;j++){if (arr[j] == 2){counter2++;}}//黑六勃(6个2)if (counter2 == 6){Intent intent = new Intent(Multiply.this,heiliubo.class);startActivity(intent);}//五子(5个2)if (counter2 == 5){Intent intent = new Intent(Multiply.this,wuzi.class);startActivity(intent);}//进士(4个2)if (counter2 == 4){Intent intent = new Intent(Multiply.this,jinshi.class);startActivity(intent);}//未出现4并且2出现的次数小于4并且没有出现6个1则没有中奖if (counter == 0 && counter2 < 4 && counter1 != 6 ){Intent intent = new Intent(Multiply.this,wu.class);startActivity(intent);}

4. History

In multiplayer we also need to generate a history to record the results of each player.

To do this, we use a two-dimensional dynamic array, where the first column is the number of players, the second column keeps track of each result, and each result is appended to the dynamic array, and finally the array is looped through and printed as a string.

The string is displayed with the TexyView control of AS. First, set the TextView control in the xml file and set the id, and call it in the java file.

   <TextViewandroid:id="@+id/array"android:layout_width="wrap_content"android:layout_height="wrap_content"android:layout_centerInParent="true"android:background="#EBFAF9F9"android:textColor="#3A3636"android:textSize="25dp"android:typeface="serif" />
public class Multiply extends AppCompatActivity {private int N;private int round=1;private String[][] list ;@Overrideprotected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);setContentView(R.layout.multi);N = 5;//用户人数list = new String[N][2];//创建包含数组的list,即可看成是二维数组,储存第几局与每次结果//固定两行,第一列储存第几次,第二列储存每次结果//       从布局文件中获取名叫roll_button的按钮对象的引用Button rollButton = findViewById(;
//        给按钮rollButton设置点击监听器,一旦用户点击按钮,就触发监听器的onClick方法rollButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener(){public void onClick(View v){if (round == 1){list[0][0] = "玩家1";}if (round == 2){list[1][0] = "玩家2";}if (round == 3){list[2][0] = "玩家3";}if (round == 4){list[3][0] = "玩家4";}if (round == 5){list[4][0] = "玩家5";}if (round == 6){list[4][0] = "玩家6";}if (round == 7){list[4][0] = "玩家7";}if (round == 8){list[4][0] = "玩家8";}if (round == 9){list[4][0] = "玩家9";}if (round == 10){list[4][0] = "玩家10";}if (round == 11){list[4][0] = "玩家11";}if (round == 12){list[4][0] = "玩家12";}//                产生随机数Random rand = new Random();int randNumber1 = rand.nextInt(6)+1;
//                String randNumber2 = rand.nextInt(6)+1;int randNumber2 = rand.nextInt(6)+1;int randNumber3 = rand.nextInt(6)+1;int randNumber4 = rand.nextInt(6)+1;int randNumber5 = rand.nextInt(6)+1;int randNumber6 = rand.nextInt(6)+1;//                获取对ImageView对象的引用ImageView diceImage1 = findViewById(;ImageView diceImage2 = findViewById(;ImageView diceImage3 = findViewById(;ImageView diceImage4 = findViewById(;ImageView diceImage5 = findViewById(;ImageView diceImage6 = findViewById(;int drawableResource1,drawableResource2,drawableResource3,drawableResource4,drawableResource5,drawableResource6;
//                将随机数与对应的图片资源联系起来switch (randNumber1){case 1: drawableResource1 = R.drawable.dice_1; break;case 2: drawableResource1 = R.drawable.dice_2; break;case 3: drawableResource1 = R.drawable.dice_3; break;case 4: drawableResource1 = R.drawable.dice_4; break;case 5: drawableResource1 = R.drawable.dice_5; break;case 6: drawableResource1 = R.drawable.dice_6; break;default:throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected value: " + randNumber1);}//               随机图片根据rangNumber的值对应drawableResource的int值,实例Drawable类Drawable drawable1 = getBaseContext().getResources().getDrawable(drawableResource1);
//                设置ImageView控件最终显示的图片diceImage1.setImageDrawable(drawable1);//              第二个骰子switch (randNumber2){case 1: drawableResource2 = R.drawable.dice_1; break;case 2: drawableResource2 = R.drawable.dice_2; break;case 3: drawableResource2 = R.drawable.dice_3; break;case 4: drawableResource2 = R.drawable.dice_4; break;case 5: drawableResource2 = R.drawable.dice_5; break;case 6: drawableResource2 = R.drawable.dice_6; break;default:throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected value: " + randNumber2);}//                随机图片根据rangNumber的值对应drawableResource的int值,实例Drawable类Drawable drawable2 = getBaseContext().getResources().getDrawable(drawableResource2);//                设置ImageView控件最终显示的图片diceImage2.setImageDrawable(drawable2);//                第三个骰子switch (randNumber3){case 1: drawableResource3 = R.drawable.dice_1; break;case 2: drawableResource3 = R.drawable.dice_2; break;case 3: drawableResource3 = R.drawable.dice_3; break;case 4: drawableResource3 = R.drawable.dice_4; break;case 5: drawableResource3 = R.drawable.dice_5; break;case 6: drawableResource3 = R.drawable.dice_6; break;default:throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected value: " + randNumber3);}
//                随机图片根据rangNumber的值对应drawableResource的int值,实例Drawable类Drawable drawable3 = getBaseContext().getResources().getDrawable(drawableResource3);
//                设置ImageView控件最终显示的图片diceImage3.setImageDrawable(drawable3);//                第四个骰子switch (randNumber4){case 1: drawableResource4 = R.drawable.dice_1; break;case 2: drawableResource4 = R.drawable.dice_2; break;case 3: drawableResource4 = R.drawable.dice_3; break;case 4: drawableResource4 = R.drawable.dice_4; break;case 5: drawableResource4 = R.drawable.dice_5; break;case 6: drawableResource4 = R.drawable.dice_6; break;default:throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected value: " + randNumber4);}
//                随机图片根据rangNumber的值对应drawableResource的int值,实例Drawable类Drawable drawable4 = getBaseContext().getResources().getDrawable(drawableResource4);
//                设置ImageView控件最终显示的图片diceImage4.setImageDrawable(drawable4);//                第五个骰子switch (randNumber5){case 1: drawableResource5 = R.drawable.dice_1; break;case 2: drawableResource5 = R.drawable.dice_2; break;case 3: drawableResource5 = R.drawable.dice_3; break;case 4: drawableResource5 = R.drawable.dice_4; break;case 5: drawableResource5 = R.drawable.dice_5; break;case 6: drawableResource5 = R.drawable.dice_6; break;default:throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected value: " + randNumber5);}
//                随机图片根据rangNumber的值对应drawableResource的int值,实例Drawable类Drawable drawable5 = getBaseContext().getResources().getDrawable(drawableResource5);
//                设置ImageView控件最终显示的图片diceImage5.setImageDrawable(drawable5);//                第六个骰子switch (randNumber6){case 1: drawableResource6 = R.drawable.dice_1; break;case 2: drawableResource6 = R.drawable.dice_2; break;case 3: drawableResource6 = R.drawable.dice_3; break;case 4: drawableResource6 = R.drawable.dice_4; break;case 5: drawableResource6 = R.drawable.dice_5; break;case 6: drawableResource6 = R.drawable.dice_6; break;default:throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected value: " + randNumber6);}
//                随机图片根据rangNumber的值对应drawableResource的int值,实例Drawable类Drawable drawable6 = getBaseContext().getResources().getDrawable(drawableResource6);
//                设置ImageView控件最终显示的图片diceImage6.setImageDrawable(drawable6);//判断奖项//  存储当前随机数组int[]  arr;arr = new int[6];arr[0] = randNumber1;arr[1] = randNumber2;arr[2] = randNumber3;arr[3] = randNumber4;arr[4] = randNumber5;arr[5] = randNumber6;Arrays.sort(arr);int counter = 0;for(int j=0;j<6;j++){if (arr[j] == 4){counter++;}}//4出现的个数//红六勃if (counter == 6){list[round-1][1] = "红六勃";
//                    list[round-1][2] = 12 + "";Intent intent = new Intent(Multiply.this,hongliubo.class);startActivity(intent);}//插金花if (counter == 4){if (arr[1] == 1 && arr[0] == 1){list[round-1][1] = "插金花";
//                        list[round-1][2] = 13 + "";Intent intent = new Intent(Multiply.this,chajinhua.class);startActivity(intent);}}int counter1 = 0;//1出现的个数for(int m=0;m<6;m++){if (arr[m] == 2){counter1++;}}//遍地锦(6个1),榜眼(123456)if (counter1 == 6){list[round-1][1] = "遍地锦";
//                    list[round-1][2] = 11 + "";Intent intent = new Intent(Multiply.this,biandijin.class);startActivity(intent);}if ((arr[0] == 1)&&(arr[1] == 2)&&(arr[2] == 3) && (arr[3] == 4) && (arr[4] == 5)&&(arr[5]==6)){list[round-1][1] = "榜眼";
//                    list[round-1][2] = 6 + "";Intent intent = new Intent(Multiply.this,bangyan.class);startActivity(intent);}//五红(5个4)if (counter == 5){list[round-1][1] = "五红";
//                    list[round-1][2] = 9 + "";Intent intent = new Intent(Multiply.this,wuhong.class);startActivity(intent);}//四红(4个4)if (counter == 4){if (arr[0] != 4 && arr[1] != 4){//排除插金花list[round-1][1] = "四红";
//                        list[round-1][2] = 7 + "";Intent intent = new Intent(Multiply.this,sihong.class);startActivity(intent);}}
//              探花if (counter == 3){list[round-1][1] = "探花";
//                    list[round-1][2] = 5 + "";Intent intent = new Intent(Multiply.this,tanhua.class);startActivity(intent);}//举人if (counter == 2){list[round-1][1] = "举人";
//                    list[round-1][2] = 3 + "";Intent intent = new Intent(Multiply.this,juren.class);startActivity(intent);}//秀才if (counter == 1){if ((arr[0] == 1)&&(arr[1] == 2)&&(arr[2] == 3) && (arr[3] == 4) && (arr[4] == 5)&&(arr[5]==6)){list[round-1][1] = "榜眼";
//                        list[round-1][2] = 6 + "";Intent intent = new Intent(Multiply.this,bangyan.class);startActivity(intent);}//排除榜眼else {list[round-1][1] = "秀才";
//                        list[round-1][2] = 2 + "";Intent intent = new Intent(Multiply.this,xiucai.class);startActivity(intent);}}int counter2 = 0;//2出现的个数for(int j=0;j<6;j++){if (arr[j] == 2){counter2++;}}//黑六勃(6个2)if (counter2 == 6){list[round-1][1] = "黑六勃";
//                    list[round-1][2] = 10 + "";Intent intent = new Intent(Multiply.this,heiliubo.class);startActivity(intent);}//五子(5个2)if (counter2 == 5){list[round-1][1] = "五子";
//                    list[round-1][2] = 8 + "";Intent intent = new Intent(Multiply.this,wuzi.class);startActivity(intent);}//进士(4个2)if (counter2 == 4){list[round-1][1] = "进士";
//                    list[round-1][2] = 4 + "";Intent intent = new Intent(Multiply.this,jinshi.class);startActivity(intent);}//未出现4并且2出现的次数小于4并且没有出现6个1则没有中奖if (counter == 0 && counter2 < 4 && counter1 != 6 ){list[round-1][1] = "无";
//                    list[round-1][2] = 1 + "";Intent intent = new Intent(Multiply.this,wu.class);startActivity(intent);}TextView tv = (TextView)findViewById(;//获取一个TextViewString ct = "";//定义一个字符串String s = "历史记录\n";if (round == N){for (int m=0;m<N;m++){for(int j=0;j<2;j++){ct = ct + list[m][j];//数组拼接成字符串if (j == 0){ct = ct +"\u0020\u0020";}}ct = ct + "\n";}round = 0;ct = s +ct;}tv.setText(ct);//在TextView中显示数组内容round = round + 1;

Programming Thinking

  1. Analyze the rules and determine the selection interface, rule interface, origin interface and game interface of the Bocake software, and the game interface needs single mode and multi-player mode.
  2. Single-player mode involves rolling dice and producing a result; Multiplayer requires the user to input the number of people and roll the dice multiple times to generate the history.
  3. Code skeleton:

Pair Programming

Pair programming experience

Sunday & Monday: Choose programming software, start with Unity firstly, then move to Flutter, set up environments and start learning dart
Tuesday: I quit Flutter and started learning Android Studio and java because my teammate uses Android Studio
Wednesday: Learned the basic rules of ButtonView, TextView, Intent and so on, and realized the button and jump Settings of all pages, completed the production of dice and the generation of random number results
Thursday: Can produce results corresponding to the number of dice, implemented single-player mode programming
Friday: Finished writing the history code, implemented the multiplayer mode programming, and recorded the video
Saturday: Blog

What take a long time in coding, arguing, reviewing & Great gains.

Event1: Coding software selection
Choose programming software, start with Unity firstly, then move to Flutter, set up environments and start learning dart, I quit Flutter and started learning Android Studio and java because my teammate uses Android Studio

Event2: Dice rolling coding
At first I didn’t know how to generate random numbers and map them to corresponding images. After a lot of research, I implemented this function with random function, switch_case statement, and Drawable syntax.

Event3: Code fusion
At the end of the code integration with peers, there are many problems, such as improper naming, version mismatch, not set AndroidManifest configuration, etc., which has taught us a great lesson.

Great Gains
In this team assignment, I realized homemade pancake software, and:

  • learned the basic operation of Android Studio
  • learned basic knowledge of java
  • enhanced the awareness of team communication and teamwork,
  • understood the importance of timely communication and making code rules in advance.

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