unity build设置

The Microsoft Build 2018 developer conference just wrapped up in Seattle and Unity was there to learn about key announcements, talk about mixed reality development, and (for the first time) demo how PiXYZ unlocks CAD data for real-time development. Here are the top 7 takeaways from Microsoft Build.

刚刚在西雅图举行的Microsoft Build 2018开发者大会在Unity上进行了学习,以了解主要公告,谈论混合现实开发以及(首次)演示PiXYZ如何为实时开发解锁CAD数据。 以下是Microsoft Build的前7个要点。

1)使用Unity将CAD变为混合现实 (1) Take CAD to mixed reality with Unity)


Solutions Engineer Oliver Schnabel took to the podium to talk about mixed reality industrial applications developed with Unity and how to work with CAD files using PiXYZ Software.

解决方案工程师Oliver Schnabel上了讲台,讨论了用Unity开发的混合现实工业应用程序以及如何使用PiXYZ软件处理CAD文件 。


(2) HoloLens gets Layout & Remote Assist)

New HoloLens business apps Layout and Remote Assist (both proudly built with Unity) debuted at Build, providing new ways to design spaces and collaborate using mixed reality. Learn more.

新的HoloLens商业应用程序Layout和Remote Assist(均由Unity自豪地构建)在Build上首次亮相,提供了使用混合现实设计空间和进行协作的新方法。 了解更多 。

3)混合现实开发很有趣! (3) Mixed reality development is fun!)


Unity talked about Windows Mixed Reality development, highlighting key features and new capabilities. In the talk, Unity’s own Peter Freese discusses IL2CPP, app-based holographic remoting, and shares his personal tips & tricks.

Unity讨论了Windows Mixed Reality开发,重点介绍了关键功能和新功能。 在演讲中,Unity自己的Peter Freese讨论了IL2CPP,基于应用程序的全息远程处理,并分享了他的个人技巧和窍门。


(4) Up to 95% revenue share on apps)

Later this year, Microsoft will offer developers up to 95% of the revenue made on apps (sorry, not games) sold on the Microsoft Store, covering Windows 10 PCs, Windows Mixed Reality, and Surface Hub. Learn more.

今年晚些时候,微软将为开发人员提供高达95%的收入,这些收入来自在Microsoft Store上出售的应用程序(抱歉,不是游戏),包括Windows 10 PC,Windows Mixed Reality和Surface Hub。 了解更多 。


(5) Unity game developers win big)

Winners of the Windows Developer Awards were announced at Build, and a pair of Unity devs took home some hardware. Congrats to “Reality Mixer of the Year” I-Illusions for Space Pirate Trainer and “Game Creator of the Year” winner Funomena for Luna.

Windows Developer Awards的获奖者在Build上宣布,一对Unity开发人员拿回了一些硬件。 恭喜太空海盗培训师的 “年度最佳现实混合器” I-幻象和Luna的 “年度最佳游戏创造者”获奖者Funomena。

6)在Visual Studio中一起编码

(6) Code together in Visual Studio)

Visual Studio’s Live Share is now available to everyone in preview! The collaboration service lets devs who aren’t in the same physical location to collaborate across the full development workflow from authoring code to debugging. Learn more.

Visual Studio的实时共享现在可供所有人预览! 协作服务使不在同一物理位置的开发人员可以在整个开发流程(从编写代码到调试)之间进行协作。 了解更多 。


(7) Mini horses are delightful)

Dogs, bunnies, and miniature horses made an appearance at Build as part of “Cuddle Corner”, an area designed to help attendees chill out after spending hours at the show. (And yes, they are as soft as they look.)

狗,兔子和微型马作为“拥抱角”的一部分出现在Build上,该区域旨在帮助与会人员花数小时后放松一下。 (是的,它们看上去一样柔软。)


That’s a wrap! A big thanks goes out to everyone who stopped by the Unity booth to say hello and test drive PiXYZ’s solution for importing and optimizing CAD data in Unity.

这是一个包装! 非常感谢在Unity展台前停下来的每个人打招呼,并试用PiXYZ的解决方案,以在Unity中导入和优化CAD数据 。

Is there news from Microsoft Build that we missed? Tell us in the comments below and continue the conversation on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram.

是否有Microsoft Build遗漏的消息? 在下面的评论中告诉我们,然后继续在Twitter , Facebook或Instagram上进行对话。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2018/05/11/unity-at-microsoft-build-7-takeaways-from-the-show/

unity build设置

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