

"Smart HD" is just an idea, but I don't know what's the result of it, let's have a try.

My plan is to find a 1080p HD video. Resize it to 640X360, this is low resolution video. And then, compress it the same way, keep it in full size, and use this as a HD video. Watch the 2 videos and compare the differences.

Then split it into 4x4=16 small HD video blocks, play low resolution video in background, play 2x2=4 HD video blocks in centre, audience look at the middle of the screen, watch this video and origin HD video, compare the difference.

Here, take the windows system as an example. Since we use ffmpeg, we first download ffmpeg (http://ffmpeg.org/download.html), extract it locally, and then add the bin path inside to the environment variable.
First, download an HD MV (for example, we downloaded origin.mp4) and find ways to zoom in from here (https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/Scaling%20 (resizing)%20with%20ffmpeg). Go to the folder where MV is located and create a new scale.bat file, which reads as follows:
ffmpeg -i origin.mp4 -vf scale=1920:1080 input.mp4
ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vf scale=640:360 input_small.mp4
Save the bat file, open the windows command-line tool, use the CD command to execute scale.bat to the MV folder, and get a resolution of 1920x1080 HD video "input.mp4" (here is a 3 minute 20 seconds of video file size is 77M), and a resolution of 640X360 low resolution video "input_small.mp4" (the same time the video file size is 14M). Then look at these 2 documents, the gap is quite large, right?

Then we found the way to cut video from this article (http://video.stackexchange.com/questions/4563/how-can-i-crop-a-video-with-ffmpeg). In windows, create a new batch_crop.bat file that reads as follows:
set inFile=%1
set width=%2/%4
set height=%3/%5

for /L %%j in (1,1,%5) do (
for /L %%i in (1,1,%4) do (
ffmpeg -i %inFile% -filter:v "crop=%width%:%height%:(%%i-1)*%width%:(%%j-1)*%height%" -an output_%%j_%%i.mp4
Save the bat file, open the windows command line tool, use the CD command to go to the MV folder, and execute the following command:
batch_crop input.mp4 1920 1080 4 4
When you're done, you'll get 16 small video files.

Now we can synthesize video, and refer to this article (http://www.daniel-mitchell.com/blog/video-in-a-video-ffmpeg/). In windows, create a new scale_overlay.bat file with the following contents (only one line):
ffmpeg -i input_small.mp4 -vf "[in] scale=1920:1080 [sin]; movie=output_2_2.mp4[inner22];movie=output_2_3.mp4[inner23];movie=output_3_2.mp4[inner32];movie=output_3_3.mp4[inner33]; [sin][inner22] overlay=480:270 [step1]; [step1][inner23] overlay=960:270 [step2]; [step2][inner32] overlay=480:540 [step3]; [step3][inner33] overlay=960:540 [out]" scale_overlay.mp4
-i input_small.mp4 :输入视频文件
-vf :后面的是滤镜
[in] scale=1920:1080 [sin] :将输入的小视频文件"in"放大为"sin"
movie=output_2_2.mp4[inner22] :加载小视频22为"inner22"
movie=output_2_3.mp4[inner23] :加载小视频23为"inner23"
movie=output_3_2.mp4[inner32] :加载小视频32为"inner32"
movie=output_3_3.mp4[inner33] :加载小视频33为"inner33"
[sin][inner22] overlay=480:270 [step1] :合成"sin"和"inner22"为"step1"
[step1][inner23] overlay=960:270 [step2] :合成"step1"和"inner23"为"step2"
[step2][inner32] overlay=480:540 [step3] :合成"step2"和"inner32"为"step3"
[step3][inner33] overlay=960:540 [out] :合成"step3"和"inner33"为"out"

Here, explain this line of command,

-i input_small.mp4: input the video file
-vf: the filters
[in] scale=1920:1080 [sin]: enlarge the small video file "in" to "sin""
Movie=output_2_2.mp4[inner22]: load small video 22 for "inner22""
Movie=output_2_3.mp4[inner23]: load small video 23 for "inner23""
Movie=output_3_2.mp4[inner32]: load small video 32 for "inner32""
Movie=output_3_3.mp4[inner33]: load small video 33 for "inner33""
[sin][inner22] overlay=480:270 [step1]: synthesize "sin" and "inner22" for "step1""
[step1][inner23] overlay=960:270 [step2]: synthesize "step1" and "inner23" for "Step2""
[step2][inner32] overlay=480:540 [step3]: synthesize "Step2" and "inner32" for "Step3""
[step3][inner33] overlay=960:540 [out]: synthesize "Step3" and "inner33" for "out""
Save the bat file, open the windows command line tool, use the CD command to go to the MV folder, and execute the following command:
When you have finished, you will get scale_overlay.mp4. You can watch the video "scale_overlay.mp4" and compare it with "input.mp4".

First, compare the file size. It should be noted here, you will find that "scale_overlay.mp4" is not much smaller than the "input.mp4", because I did not find a player can set the playback fixed size, and play multiple small video in particular superposition. So we can only simulate the low resolution video "input_small.mp4" and zoom it in, after that, the video size close to "input.mp4", but in fact the clarity is very low. Then stack 4 small HD videos blocks above to synthesize a video "scale_overlay.mp4"". In real case, we only transport the "input_small.mp4" to the client, zoom in on the client, and play a small HD video blocks, so the total file size is much smaller. Here I have 2 attempts, (low resolution video + 4 small HD video blocks) / HD video ratio of 57% and 51%, that is, save half of the size. This is just a test, in fact, video can be cut smaller and dynamically adjusted and loaded, unlike this example is fixed 25% hd.

Then compare the effects. Note that this example HD blocks are is fixed in center, try to focus your eyes on the center so that you can compare the results. "scale_overlay.mp4," effect is much better than "input_small.mp4", feel close to the "input.mp4", but in some places still feel the difference, maybe we can't control our gaze, and see the outside of the center. We can compare it with a graph.

ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -qscale:v 2 -f image2 -ss 00:01:08 -vframes 24  one_input_frame-%02d.jpg
再执行下面命令,得到" scale_overlay.mp4"位于1分08秒的24张截图:
ffmpeg -i scale_overlay.mp4 -qscale:v 2 -f image2 -ss 00:01:08 -vframes 24  one_scale_overlay_frame-%02d.jpg
Open the windows command line tool, use the CD command to go to the MV folder, and execute the following command to get 24 screenshots of "input.mp4" in 1 minutes and 08 seconds:
Ffmpeg, -i, input.mp4, -qscale:v, 2, -f, image2, -ss, 00:01:08, -vframes,, one_input_frame-%02d.jpg
Then execute the following command and get 24 screenshots of "scale_overlay.mp4" in 1 minutes and 08 seconds:
Ffmpeg, -i, scale_overlay.mp4, -qscale:v, 2, -f, image2, -ss, 00:01:08, -vframes,, one_scale_overlay_frame-%02d.jpg
Draw 2 out of them for comparison:

The screenshot is pretty close, and if you look at a picture, and then look at the other one, you don't feel the difference, so I started wondering if I made a mistake, guess the 2 shot were from the same video file. But if we open 2 pictures for comparison, we can find the difference. This may be the psychological of human, focus on centre, the edge is less concerned about.

Well, the experiment is over, isn't it fun? But if the actual application, there are a lot of things to deal with, such as eye viewing point detection, with what algorithm, what equipment to use (mobile phone, tablet, or TV box), Then is the video player, how to send a request to the server, after getting a number of small video blocks, how to synchronous play them, how to change blocks according to gaze movement, how to manage and adjust these small video blocks cache for faster HD video loading? The resolution of HD video and the resolution of the device may not be the same, we also need to resize it, and then the size and location of small video blocks should be scaled accordingly. Also, according to big data analysis, you can predict to load some HD video blocks.

MV1: h.264高清视频为77M,h.264低清视频+4个小视频为44M,h.265低清视频+4个小视频为19M,效果明显。
MV2: h.264高清视频为135M,h.264低清视频+4个小视频为69M,h.265低清视频+4个小视频为21M,效果明显。
This solution does not rely any coding techniques, and the default is to use encoding of ffmpeg H.264, but you can also encode with h.265. Experiment with 2 examples above,
MV1: H.264 HD video for 77M, H.264 low clear video, +4 small video for 44M, h.265 low clear video, +4 small video for 19M, the effect is obvious.
MV2: H.264 HD video for 135M, H.264 low clear video, +4 small video for 69M, h.265 low clear video, +4 small video for 21M, the effect is obvious.

Finally, about file segmentation, because the video has inter frame compression, if the segmentation is too small, compression effect will become worse. After the experiment, for 1080p video, cut into 6x6=36 or 8x4=32 small video, the total file size is basically unchanged. When splitting to 8x8, or even greater, the total file size is significantly increased.

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