meteor 对typescript的支持上存在问题,造成typescript中引入的一些包无法找到。


添加 meteor.d.ts 的定义补充文件到/



vim /typing.d.ts

/// <reference path="meteor.d.ts" />

完成,如果仍有未定义的函数,变量出现,自己在 meteor.d.ts 里添加即可。

完整的meteor.d.ts 代码:

// Type definitions for Meteor
// Project:
// Definitions by: Dave Allen
// Definitions:
// Changed by ZenCodex:

* These are the common (for client and server) modules and interfaces that can’t be automatically generated from the Meteor data.js file

interface EJSONable {
[key: string]: number | string | boolean | Object | number[] | string[] | Object[] | Date | Uint8Array | EJSON.CustomType;
interface JSONable {
[key: string]: number | string | boolean | Object | number[] | string[] | Object[];
interface EJSON extends EJSONable { }

declare module “meteor/check” {
export module Match {
export var Any: any;
export var String: any;
export var Integer: any;
export var Boolean: any;
export var undefined: any;
//function null(); // not allowed in TypeScript
export var Object: any;
export function Optional(pattern: any): boolean;
export function ObjectIncluding(dico: any): boolean;
export function OneOf(…patterns: any[]): any;
export function Where(condition: any): any;

export function check(value: any, pattern: any): void;

declare module “meteor/meteor” {
export module Meteor {
interface UserEmail {
address: string;
verified: boolean;

interface User {_id?: string;username?: string;emails?: Meteor.UserEmail[];createdAt?: number;profile?: any;services?: any;
}enum StatusEnum {connected,connecting,failed,waiting,offline
}interface LiveQueryHandle {stop(): void;


declare module “meteor/ddp” {
import { Meteor } from “meteor/meteor”;

export module DDP {
interface DDPStatic {
subscribe(name: string, …rest: any[]): Meteor.SubscriptionHandle;
call(method: string, …parameters: any[]): void;
apply(method: string, …parameters: any[]): void;
methods(IMeteorMethodsDictionary: any): any;
status(): DDPStatus;
reconnect(): void;
disconnect(): void;
onReconnect(): void;

interface DDPStatus {connected: boolean;status: Meteor.StatusEnum;retryCount: number;//To turn this into an interval until the next reconnection, use retryTime - (new Date()).getTime()retryTime?: number;reason?: string;


declare module “meteor/mongo” {
export module Mongo {
interface Selector {
[key: string]: any;
interface Selector extends Object { }
interface Modifier { }
interface SortSpecifier { }
interface FieldSpecifier {
[id: string]: Number;

declare module “meteor/http” {
export module HTTP {

interface HTTPRequest {content?: string;data?: any;query?: string;params?: { [id: string]: string };auth?: string;headers?: { [id: string]: string };timeout?: number;followRedirects?: boolean;
}interface HTTPResponse {statusCode?: number;headers?: { [id: string]: string };content?: string;data?: any;
}function call(method: string, url: string, options?: HTTP.HTTPRequest, asyncCallback?: Function): HTTP.HTTPResponse;
function del(url: string, callOptions?: HTTP.HTTPRequest, asyncCallback?: Function): HTTP.HTTPResponse;
function get(url: string, callOptions?: HTTP.HTTPRequest, asyncCallback?: Function): HTTP.HTTPResponse;
function post(url: string, callOptions?: HTTP.HTTPRequest, asyncCallback?: Function): HTTP.HTTPResponse;
function put(url: string, callOptions?: HTTP.HTTPRequest, asyncCallback?: Function): HTTP.HTTPResponse;


declare module “meteor/random” {
export module Random {
function id(numberOfChars?: number): string;
function secret(numberOfChars?: number): string;
function fraction(): number;
function hexString(numberOfDigits: number): string; // @param numberOfDigits, @returns a random hex string of the given length
function choice(array: any[]): string; // @param array, @return a random element in array
function choice(str: string): string; // @param str, @return a random char in str

* These are the client modules and interfaces that can’t be automatically generated from the Meteor data.js file

declare module “meteor/meteor” {
import { Blaze } from “meteor/blaze”;

export module Meteor {
/* Start definitions for Template */
interface Event {
type: string;
target: HTMLElement;
currentTarget: HTMLElement;
which: number;
stopPropagation(): void;
stopImmediatePropagation(): void;
preventDefault(): void;
isPropagationStopped(): boolean;
isImmediatePropagationStopped(): boolean;
isDefaultPrevented(): boolean;

interface EventHandlerFunction extends Function {(event?: Meteor.Event, templateInstance?: Blaze.TemplateInstance): void;
}interface EventMap {[id: string]: Meteor.EventHandlerFunction;
/** End definitions for Template **/interface LoginWithExternalServiceOptions {requestPermissions?: string[];requestOfflineToken?: Boolean;forceApprovalPrompt?: Boolean;userEmail?: string;loginStyle?: string;
}function loginWithMeteorDeveloperAccount(options?: Meteor.LoginWithExternalServiceOptions, callback?: Function): void;
function loginWithFacebook(options?: Meteor.LoginWithExternalServiceOptions, callback?: Function): void;
function loginWithGithub(options?: Meteor.LoginWithExternalServiceOptions, callback?: Function): void;
function loginWithGoogle(options?: Meteor.LoginWithExternalServiceOptions, callback?: Function): void;
function loginWithMeetup(options?: Meteor.LoginWithExternalServiceOptions, callback?: Function): void;
function loginWithTwitter(options?: Meteor.LoginWithExternalServiceOptions, callback?: Function): void;
function loginWithWeibo(options?: Meteor.LoginWithExternalServiceOptions, callback?: Function): void;interface SubscriptionHandle {stop(): void;ready(): boolean;


declare module “meteor/blaze” {
export module Blaze {
interface View {
name: string;
parentView: Blaze.View;
isCreated: boolean;
isRendered: boolean;
isDestroyed: boolean;
renderCount: number;
autorun(runFunc: Function): void;
onViewCreated(func: Function): void;
onViewReady(func: Function): void;
onViewDestroyed(func: Function): void;
firstNode(): Node;
lastNode(): Node;
template: Blaze.Template;
templateInstance(): any;
interface Template {
viewName: string;
renderFunction: Function;
constructView(): Blaze.View;

declare module “meteor/browser-policy” {
export module BrowserPolicy {

interface framing {disallow(): void;restrictToOrigin(origin: string): void;allowAll(): void;
interface content {allowEval(): void;allowInlineStyles(): void;allowInlineScripts(): void;allowSameOriginForAll(): void;allowDataUrlForAll(): void;allowOriginForAll(origin: string): void;allowImageOrigin(origin: string): void;allowFrameOrigin(origin: string): void;allowContentTypeSniffing(): void;allowAllContentOrigin(): void;allowAllContentDataUrl(): void;allowAllContentSameOrigin(): void;disallowAll(): void;disallowInlineStyles(): void;disallowEval(): void;disallowInlineScripts(): void;disallowFont(): void;disallowObject(): void;disallowAllContent(): void;//TODO: add the basic content types// allow<content type>Origin(origin)// allow<content type>DataUrl()// allow<content type>SameOrigin()// disallow<content type>()


* These are the server modules and interfaces that can’t be automatically generated from the Meteor data.js file

declare module “meteor/meteor” {
export module Meteor {
interface EmailFields {
subject?: Function;
text?: Function;

interface EmailTemplates {from: string;siteName: string;resetPassword: Meteor.EmailFields;enrollAccount: Meteor.EmailFields;verifyEmail: Meteor.EmailFields;
}interface Connection {id: string;close: Function;onClose: Function;clientAddress: string;httpHeaders: Object;


declare module “meteor/mongo” {
export module Mongo {
interface AllowDenyOptions {
insert?: (userId: string, doc: any) => boolean;
update?: (userId: string, doc: any, fieldNames: string[], modifier: any) => boolean;
remove?: (userId: string, doc: any) => boolean;
fetch?: string[];
transform?: Function;

interface MailComposerOptions {
escapeSMTP: boolean;
encoding: string;
charset: string;
keepBcc: boolean;
forceEmbeddedImages: boolean;

declare var MailComposer: MailComposerStatic;
interface MailComposerStatic {
new (options: MailComposerOptions): MailComposer;
interface MailComposer {
addHeader(name: string, value: string): void;
setMessageOption(from: string, to: string, body: string, html: string): void;
streamMessage(): void;
pipe(stream: any /* fs.WriteStream */): void;
* These are the modules and interfaces for packages that can’t be automatically generated from the Meteor data.js file

interface ILengthAble {
length: number;

interface ITinytestAssertions {
ok(doc: Object): void;
expect_fail(): void;
fail(doc: Object): void;
runId(): string;
equal(actual: T, expected: T, message?: string, not?: boolean): void;
notEqual(actual: T, expected: T, message?: string): void;
instanceOf(obj: Object, klass: Function, message?: string): void;
notInstanceOf(obj: Object, klass: Function, message?: string): void;
matches(actual: any, regexp: RegExp, message?: string): void;
notMatches(actual: any, regexp: RegExp, message?: string): void;
throws(f: Function, expected?: string | RegExp): void;
isTrue(v: boolean, msg?: string): void;
isFalse(v: boolean, msg?: string): void;
isNull(v: any, msg?: string): void;
isNotNull(v: any, msg?: string): void;
isUndefined(v: any, msg?: string): void;
isNotUndefined(v: any, msg?: string): void;
isNan(v: any, msg?: string): void;
isNotNan(v: any, msg?: string): void;
include(s: Array | Object | string, value: any, msg?: string, not?: boolean): void;

notInclude(s: Array | Object | string, value: any, msg?: string, not?: boolean): void;
length(obj: ILengthAble, expected_length: number, msg?: string): void;
_stringEqual(actual: string, expected: string, msg?: string): void;

declare module “meteor/tiny-test” {
export module Tinytest {
function add(description: string, func: (test: ITinytestAssertions) => void): void;
function addAsync(description: string, func: (test: ITinytestAssertions) => void): void;

// Kept in for backwards compatibility
declare module “meteor/meteor” {
export module Meteor {
interface Tinytest {
add(description: string, func: (test: ITinytestAssertions) => void): void;
addAsync(description: string, func: (test: ITinytestAssertions) => void): void;

declare module “meteor/accounts-base” {
import { Meteor } from “meteor/meteor”;

export module Accounts {
function addEmail(userId: string, newEmail: string, verified?: boolean): void;
function changePassword(oldPassword: string, newPassword: string, callback?: Function): void;
function createUser(options: {
username?: string;
email?: string;
password?: string;
profile?: Object;
}, callback?: Function): string;
var emailTemplates: Meteor.EmailTemplates;
var _options: any;
function createUserWithPhone(options: Object);
function findUserByEmail(email: string): Object;
function findUserByUsername(username: string): Object;
function forgotPassword(options: {
email?: string;
}, callback?: Function): void;
function onEmailVerificationLink(callback: Function): void;
function onEnrollmentLink(callback: Function): void;
function onResetPasswordLink(callback: Function): void;
function removeEmail(userId: string, email: string): void;
function resetPassword(token: string, newPassword: string, callback?: Function): void;
function sendEnrollmentEmail(userId: string, email?: string): void;
function sendResetPasswordEmail(userId: string, email?: string): void;
function sendVerificationEmail(userId: string, email?: string): void;
function setPassword(userId: string, newPassword: string, options?: {
logout?: Object;
}): void;
function setUsername(userId: string, newUsername: string): void;
var ui: {
config(options: {
requestPermissions?: Object;
requestOfflineToken?: Object;
forceApprovalPrompt?: Object;
passwordSignupFields?: string;
}): void;
function verifyEmail(token: string, callback?: Function): void;
function config(options: {
sendVerificationEmail?: boolean;
forbidClientAccountCreation?: boolean;
restrictCreationByEmailDomain?: string | Function;
loginExpirationInDays?: number;
oauthSecretKey?: string;
}): void;
function onLogin(func: Function): { stop: () => void };
function onLoginFailure(func: Function): { stop: () => void };
function user(): Meteor.User;
function userId(): string;
function loggingIn(): boolean;
function logout(callback?: Function): void;
function logoutOtherClients(callback?: Function): void;
function onCreateUser(func: Function): void;
function validateLoginAttempt(func: Function): { stop: () => void };
function validateNewUser(func: Function): boolean;

declare module App {
function accessRule(domainRule: string, options?: {
launchExternal?: boolean;
}): void;
function configurePlugin(id: string, config: Object): void;
function icons(icons: Object): void;
function info(options: {
id?: string;
version?: string;
name?: string;
description?: string;
author?: string;
email?: string;
website?: string;
}): void;
function launchScreens(launchScreens: Object): void;
function setPreference(name: string, value: string, platform?: string): void;

declare module Assets {
function getBinary(assetPath: string, asyncCallback?: Function): EJSON;
function getText(assetPath: string, asyncCallback?: Function): string;

declare module “meteor/blaze” {
import { Meteor } from “meteor/meteor”;
export module Blaze {
function Each(argFunc: Function, contentFunc: Function, elseFunc?: Function): Blaze.View;
function If(conditionFunc: Function, contentFunc: Function, elseFunc?: Function): Blaze.View;
function Let(bindings: Function, contentFunc: Function): Blaze.View;
var Template: TemplateStatic;
interface TemplateStatic {
new (viewName?: string, renderFunction?: Function): Template;
// It should be [templateName: string]: TemplateInstance but this is not possible – user will need to cast to TemplateInstance
[templateName: string]: any | Template; // added “any” to make it work
head: Template;
find(selector: string): Blaze.Template;
findAll(selector: string): Blaze.Template[];
$: any;
interface Template {

var TemplateInstance: TemplateInstanceStatic;
interface TemplateInstanceStatic {new (view: Blaze.View): TemplateInstance;
interface TemplateInstance {$(selector: string): any;autorun(runFunc: Function): Object;data: Object;find(selector?: string): Blaze.TemplateInstance;findAll(selector: string): Blaze.TemplateInstance[];firstNode: Object;lastNode: Object;subscribe(name: string, ...args: any[]): Meteor.SubscriptionHandle;subscriptionsReady(): boolean;view: Object;
}function Unless(conditionFunc: Function, contentFunc: Function, elseFunc?: Function): Blaze.View;
var View: ViewStatic;
interface ViewStatic {new (name?: string, renderFunction?: Function): View;
interface View {
}function With(data: Object | Function, contentFunc: Function): Blaze.View;
var currentView: Blaze.View;
function getData(elementOrView?: HTMLElement | Blaze.View): Object;
function getView(element?: HTMLElement): Blaze.View;
function isTemplate(value: any): boolean;
function remove(renderedView: Blaze.View): void;
function render(templateOrView: Template | Blaze.View, parentNode: Node, nextNode?: Node, parentView?: Blaze.View): Blaze.View;
function renderWithData(templateOrView: Template | Blaze.View, data: Object | Function, parentNode: Node, nextNode?: Node, parentView?: Blaze.View): Blaze.View;
function toHTML(templateOrView: Template | Blaze.View): string;
function toHTMLWithData(templateOrView: Template | Blaze.View, data: Object | Function): string;


declare module Cordova {
function depends(dependencies: { [id: string]: string }): void;

declare module “meteor/ddp” {
export module DDP {
function connect(url: string): DDP.DDPStatic;

declare module DDPCommon {
function MethodInvocation(options: {
}): any;

declare module EJSON {
var CustomType: CustomTypeStatic;
interface CustomTypeStatic {
new (): CustomType;
interface CustomType {
clone(): EJSON.CustomType;
equals(other: Object): boolean;
toJSONValue(): JSONable;
typeName(): string;

function addType(name: string, factory: (val: JSONable) => EJSON.CustomType): void;
function clone(val: T): T;
function equals(a: EJSON, b: EJSON, options?: {
keyOrderSensitive?: boolean;
}): boolean;
function fromJSONValue(val: JSONable): any;
function isBinary(x: Object): boolean;
var newBinary: any;
function parse(str: string): EJSON;
function stringify(val: EJSON, options?: {
indent?: boolean | number | string;
canonical?: boolean;
}): string;
function toJSONValue(val: EJSON): JSONable;

declare module Match {
function test(value: any, pattern: any): boolean;

declare module “meteor/meteor” {
import { Mongo } from “meteor/mongo”;

export module Meteor {
var Error: ErrorStatic;
interface ErrorStatic {
new (error: string | number, reason?: string, details?: string): Error;
interface Error {
error: string | number;
reason?: string;
details?: string;
function absoluteUrl(path?: string, options?: {
secure?: boolean;
replaceLocalhost?: boolean;
rootUrl?: string;
}): string;
function apply(name: string, args: EJSONable[], options?: {
wait?: boolean;
onResultReceived?: Function;
}, asyncCallback?: Function): any;
function call(name: string, …args: any[]): any;
function clearInterval(id: number): void;
function clearTimeout(id: number): void;
function disconnect(): void;
var isClient: boolean;
var isCordova: boolean;
var isServer: boolean;
function loggingIn(): boolean;
function loginWith(options?: {
requestPermissions?: string[];
requestOfflineToken?: boolean;
loginUrlParameters?: Object;
userEmail?: string;
loginStyle?: string;
redirectUrl?: string;
}, callback?: Function): void;
function loginWithPassword(user: Object | string, password: string, callback?: Function): void;
function logout(callback?: Function): void;
function logoutOtherClients(callback?: Function): void;
function methods(methods: Object): void;
function onConnection(callback: Function): void;
function publish(name: string, func: Function): void;
function reconnect(): void;
var release: string;
function setInterval(func: Function, delay: number): number;
function setTimeout(func: Function, delay: number): number;
var settings: { [id: string]: any };
function startup(func: Function): void;
function status(): Meteor.StatusEnum;
function subscribe(name: string, …args: any[]): Meteor.SubscriptionHandle;
function user(): Meteor.User;
function userId(): string;
var users: Mongo.Collection;
function wrapAsync(func: Function, context?: Object): any;
function publishComposite(name: string, options: Object);

declare module “meteor/mongo” {
import { Meteor } from “meteor/meteor”;

export module Mongo {
var Collection: CollectionStatic;
interface CollectionStatic {
new (name: string, options?: {
connection?: Object;
idGeneration?: string;
transform?: Function;
}): Collection;
interface Collection {
allow(options: {
insert?: (userId: string, doc: T) => boolean;
update?: (userId: string, doc: T, fieldNames: string[], modifier: any) => boolean;
remove?: (userId: string, doc: T) => boolean;
fetch?: string[];
transform?: Function;
}): boolean;
deny(options: {
insert?: (userId: string, doc: T) => boolean;
update?: (userId: string, doc: T, fieldNames: string[], modifier: any) => boolean;
remove?: (userId: string, doc: T) => boolean;
fetch?: string[];
transform?: Function;
}): boolean;
find(selector?: Mongo.Selector | Mongo.ObjectID | string, options?: {
sort?: Mongo.SortSpecifier;
skip?: number;
limit?: number;
fields?: Mongo.FieldSpecifier;
reactive?: boolean;
transform?: Function;
}): Mongo.Cursor;
findOne(selector?: Mongo.Selector | Mongo.ObjectID | string, options?: {
sort?: Mongo.SortSpecifier;
skip?: number;
fields?: Mongo.FieldSpecifier;
reactive?: boolean;
transform?: Function;
}): T;
insert(doc: T, callback?: Function): string;
rawCollection(): any;
rawDatabase(): any;
remove(selector: Mongo.Selector | Mongo.ObjectID | string, callback?: Function): number;
update(selector: Mongo.Selector | Mongo.ObjectID | string, modifier: Mongo.Modifier, options?: {
multi?: boolean;
upsert?: boolean;
}, callback?: Function): number;
upsert(selector: Mongo.Selector | Mongo.ObjectID | string, modifier: Mongo.Modifier, options?: {
multi?: boolean;
}, callback?: Function): { numberAffected?: number; insertedId?: string; };
_ensureIndex(indexName: string, options?: { [key: string]: any }): void;

var Cursor: CursorStatic;
interface CursorStatic {new <T>(): Cursor<T>;
interface Cursor<T> {count(): number;fetch(): Array<T>;forEach(callback: <T>(doc: T, index: number, cursor: Mongo.Cursor<T>) => void, thisArg?: any): void;map<U>(callback: (doc: T, index: number, cursor: Mongo.Cursor<T>) => U, thisArg?: any): Array<U>;observe(callbacks: Object): Meteor.LiveQueryHandle;observeChanges(callbacks: Object): Meteor.LiveQueryHandle;
}var ObjectID: ObjectIDStatic;
interface ObjectIDStatic {new (hexString?: string): ObjectID;
interface ObjectID {


declare module Npm {
function depends(dependencies: { [id: string]: string }): void;
function require(name: string): any;

declare module Package {
function describe(options: {
summary?: string;
version?: string;
name?: string;
git?: string;
documentation?: string;
debugOnly?: boolean;
prodOnly?: boolean;
}): void;
function onTest(func: Function): void;
function onUse(func: Function): void;
function registerBuildPlugin(options?: {
name?: string;
use?: string | string[];
sources?: string[];
npmDependencies?: Object;
}): void;

declare module “meteor/tracker” {
export module Tracker {
function Computation(): void;
interface Computation {
firstRun: boolean;
invalidate(): void;
invalidated: boolean;
onInvalidate(callback: Function): void;
onStop(callback: Function): void;
stop(): void;
stopped: boolean;

var Dependency: DependencyStatic;
interface DependencyStatic {new (): Dependency;
interface Dependency {changed(): void;depend(fromComputation?: Tracker.Computation): boolean;hasDependents(): boolean;
}var active: boolean;
function afterFlush(callback: Function): void;
function autorun(runFunc: (computation: Tracker.Computation) => void, options?: {onError?: Function;
}): Tracker.Computation;
var currentComputation: Tracker.Computation;
function flush(): void;
function nonreactive(func: Function): void;
function onInvalidate(callback: Function): void;


declare module Session {
function equals(key: string, value: string | number | boolean | any /* Null / | any / Undefined */): boolean;
function get(key: string): any;
function set(key: string, value: EJSONable | any /* Undefined */): void;
function setDefault(key: string, value: EJSONable | any /* Undefined */): void;

declare module “meteor/http” {
import { Meteor } from “meteor/meteor”;
export module HTTP {

function call(method: string, url: string, options?: {content?: string;data?: Object;query?: string;params?: Object;auth?: string;headers?: Object;timeout?: number;followRedirects?: boolean;npmRequestOptions?: Object;beforeSend?: Function;
}, asyncCallback?: Function): HTTP.HTTPResponse;
function del(url: string, callOptions?: Object, asyncCallback?: Function): HTTP.HTTPResponse;
function get(url: string, callOptions?: Object, asyncCallback?: Function): HTTP.HTTPResponse;
function post(url: string, callOptions?: Object, asyncCallback?: Function): HTTP.HTTPResponse;
function put(url: string, callOptions?: Object, asyncCallback?: Function): HTTP.HTTPResponse;


declare module “meteor/email” {
export module Email {
function send(options: {
from?: string;
to?: string | string[];
cc?: string | string[];
bcc?: string | string[];
replyTo?: string | string[];
subject?: string;
text?: string;
html?: string;
headers?: Object;
attachments?: Object[];
mailComposer?: MailComposer;
}): void;

declare var CompileStep: CompileStepStatic;
interface CompileStepStatic {
new (): CompileStep;
interface CompileStep {
addAsset(options: {
}, path: string, data: any /* Buffer */ | string): any;
addHtml(options: {
section?: string;
data?: string;
}): any;
addJavaScript(options: {
path?: string;
data?: string;
sourcePath?: string;
}): any;
addStylesheet(options: {
}, path: string, data: string, sourceMap: string): any;
arch: any;
declaredExports: any;
error(options: {
}, message: string, sourcePath?: string, line?: number, func?: string): any;
fileOptions: any;
fullInputPath: any;
inputPath: any;
inputSize: any;
packageName: any;
pathForSourceMap: any;
read(n?: number): any;
rootOutputPath: any;

declare var PackageAPI: PackageAPIStatic;
interface PackageAPIStatic {
new (): PackageAPI;
interface PackageAPI {
addAssets(filenames: string | string[], architecture: string | string[]): void;
addFiles(filenames: string | string[], architecture?: string | string[], options?: {
bare?: boolean;
}): void;
export(exportedObjects: string | string[], architecture?: string | string[], exportOptions?: Object, testOnly?: boolean): void;
imply(packageNames: string | string[], architecture?: string | string[]): void;
use(packageNames: string | string[], architecture?: string | string[], options?: {
weak?: boolean;
unordered?: boolean;
}): void;
versionsFrom(meteorRelease: string | string[]): void;

declare module “meteor/reactive-var” {
import { Meteor } from “meteor/meteor”;

export var ReactiveVar: ReactiveVarStatic;
interface ReactiveVarStatic {
new (initialValue: T, equalsFunc?: Function): ReactiveVar;
interface ReactiveVar {
get(): T;
set(newValue: T): void;

export var Subscription: SubscriptionStatic;
interface SubscriptionStatic {
new (): Subscription;
interface Subscription {
added(collection: string, id: string, fields: Object): void;
changed(collection: string, id: string, fields: Object): void;
connection: Meteor.Connection;
error(error: Error): void;
onStop(func: Function): void;
ready(): void;
removed(collection: string, id: string): void;
stop(): void;
userId: string;

declare module “meteor/blaze” {
import { Meteor } from “meteor/meteor”;

export var Template: TemplateStatic;
interface TemplateStatic {
new (): Template;
// It should be [templateName: string]: TemplateInstance but this is not possible – user will need to cast to TemplateInstance
[templateName: string]: any | Template; // added “any” to make it work
head: Template;
find(selector: string): Blaze.Template;
findAll(selector: string): Blaze.Template[];
$: any;
body: Template;
currentData(): {};
instance(): Blaze.TemplateInstance;
parentData(numLevels?: number): {};
registerHelper(name: string, helperFunction: Function): void;
interface Template {
created: Function;
destroyed: Function;
events(eventMap: Meteor.EventMap): void;
helpers(helpers: { [id: string]: any }): void;
onCreated: Function;
onDestroyed: Function;
onRendered: Function;
rendered: Function;

declare function check(value: any, pattern: any): void;
declare function execFileAsync(command: string, args?: any[], options?: {
cwd?: Object;
env?: Object;
stdio?: any[] | string;
destination?: any;
waitForClose?: string;
}): any;
declare function execFileSync(command: string, args?: any[], options?: {
cwd?: Object;
env?: Object;
stdio?: any[] | string;
destination?: any;
waitForClose?: string;
}): String;
declare function getExtension(): String;

解决Cannot find module ‘meteor/meteor’ ‘meteor/check’ ‘meteor/mongo’相关推荐

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