一 概述


    @Autowired 和 @Resource

        参考:        @autowired和@resource注解的区别是什么?-Java基础-PHP中文网https://www.php.cn/java/base/463170.html        当出现了 问题,我们先考虑的是,xxxbean是否被注入了,在实际工作使用了SpringMVC框架的时候一般先考虑是否需要添加一下注解,是的该bean被注入:

        @Controller @Service @Reporsitry  @Component



No qualifying bean of type xxx相关推荐

  1. No qualifying bean of type xxx‘ available 的一种解决方法

    No qualifying bean of type xxx' available 的一种解决方法 参考文章: (1)No qualifying bean of type xxx' available ...

  2. No qualifying bean of type xxx found for dependency expected at least 1 bean which qualifies as ...

    之前没留意web.xml文件的加载顺序,后面遇到问题再回过头来看,先说我遇到的原因如下, No qualifying bean of type xxx found for dependency  ex ...

  3. 毕业设计Spring boot问题记录(后端二):No qualifying bean of type “xxx“: expected at least 1 bean which qualifies…

    报错信息:No qualifying bean of type "xxx" idea Disconnected from the target VM, address: '127. ...

  4. 解决——》No qualifying bean of type ‘XXX‘ available

    推荐链接:     总结-->[Java]     总结-->[Mysql]     总结-->[Spring]     总结-->[SpringBoot] 解决-->N ...

  5. Spring项目启动报错No qualifying bean of type [xxx] available: expected single matching bean but found 2

    启动报错: No qualifying bean of type [class1] available: expected single matching bean but found 2,class ...

  6. No qualifying bean of type ‘xxx‘的问题解决方案

    在Springboot启动的时候报错误: No qualifying bean of type 'com.gzhc365.mix.http.api.HttpApi' available: expect ...

  7. 项目启动报错:No qualifying bean of type ‘xxx‘ available:

    项目启动报错: Description: A component required a bean of type 'cn.hsa.its.abutment.bo.BusinessAcceptBo' t ...

  8. SpringBoot启动问题:No qualifying bean of type ‘XXX‘ available: ...

    **记录:**SpringBoot 启动问题:No qualifying bean of type 'XX' available: expected at least 1 bean which qua ...

  9. No qualifying bean of type [XXX.XXX.XXX] found for dependency: expected at least 1 bean which q

    老生常谈的问题,没写spring bean的注解(@service,@Repository..),所以无法完成自动装配.如果注解不行就在xml里面试试.

  10. No qualifying bean of type ‘XXX‘ available

    今天在学习搭建jspring boot的时候遇到这样一个错误,应该也是很多初学者遇到的问题,或者类似的问题,如图: 翻译过来就是:没有符合的bean可以使用,我的这个就是UserMapper不能用. ...


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