
  • 一、从算法复杂度都程序性能
    • 一、事后统计的方法
    • 二、事前分析估算的方法
    • 三、求解算法的时间复杂度的具体步骤
    • 四、算法复杂度和程序性能之间的关系
    • 五、执行什么语句耗时?不同语句执行时间量级分析
      • 整型加和减:
      • 浮点型加和减
      • 测试打印printf
      • 函数调用
  • 二、程序性能分析工具
    • 1.gprof
      • gprof介绍
      • gprof安装
      • gprof使用步骤
      • 实战一:用gprof测试基本函数调用及控制流
        • 测试代码
        • 操作步骤









(1). 算法采用的策略、方法;(2). 编译产生的代码质量;(3). 问题的输入规模;(4). 机器执行指令的速度。



⑴ 找出算法中的基本语句;


⑵ 计算基本语句的执行次数的数量级;


⑶ 用大Ο记号表示算法的时间性能。









测试C语言中打印一句 hello world需要耗费多少时间




#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>int main()
{clock_t begin, end;double cost;//开始记录begin = clock();/*待测试程序段*/int a = 1;for (int i = 0; i < 100000000; i++) {a = a + 1;//a = a - 1;}//结束记录end = clock();cost = (double)(end - begin)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;printf("constant CLOCKS_PER_SEC is: %ld, time cost is: %lf secs", CLOCKS_PER_SEC, cost);

constant CLOCKS_PER_SEC is: 1000, time cost is: 0.055000 secs

55 ms/ 100000000 = 55000 us/100000000 = 0.00055 us = 0.55 ns

整型乘 和 整型加和减也差不多。

整型除 相比上面会更耗时,但量级差不多。


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>int main()
{clock_t begin, end;double cost;//开始记录begin = clock();/*待测试程序段*/double a = 1.0;for (int i = 0; i < 100000000; i++) {a = a + 1;//a = a-1;}//结束记录end = clock();cost = (double)(end - begin)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;printf("constant CLOCKS_PER_SEC is: %ld, time cost is: %lf secs", CLOCKS_PER_SEC, cost);

constant CLOCKS_PER_SEC is: 1000, time cost is: 0.273000 secs



#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>int main()
{clock_t begin, end;double cost;//开始记录begin = clock();/*待测试程序段*/double a = 1.0;for (int i = 0; i < 100000000; i++) {a = a / i;}//结束记录end = clock();cost = (double)(end - begin)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;printf("constant CLOCKS_PER_SEC is: %ld, time cost is: %lf secs", CLOCKS_PER_SEC, cost);

constant CLOCKS_PER_SEC is: 1000, time cost is: 0.509000 secs




#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>int main()
{clock_t begin, end;double cost;//开始记录begin = clock();/*待测试程序段*/for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {printf("h");}//结束记录end = clock();cost = (double)(end - begin)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;printf("constant CLOCKS_PER_SEC is: %ld, time cost is: %lf secs", CLOCKS_PER_SEC, cost);

constant CLOCKS_PER_SEC is: 1000, time cost is: 0.025000 secs

25 ms/ 1000 = 0.025 ms =25 us


如果 printf(“h”) 改成 printf(“hh”) 、printf(“hhh”)、printf(“hhhh”)、printf(“hhhhh”)。则耗时分别变成

constant CLOCKS_PER_SEC is: 1000, time cost is: 0.053000 secs

constant CLOCKS_PER_SEC is: 1000, time cost is: 0.076000 secs

constant CLOCKS_PER_SEC is: 1000, time cost is: 0.108000 secs

constant CLOCKS_PER_SEC is: 1000, time cost is: 0.142000 secs






#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>int callme(int a) {a = a + 1;return a;
}int main()
{clock_t begin, end;double cost;//开始记录begin = clock();/*待测试程序段*/int b;for (int i = 0; i < 1000000000; i++) {b = callme(i);}//结束记录end = clock();cost = (double)(end - begin)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;printf("constant CLOCKS_PER_SEC is: %ld, time cost is: %lf secs", CLOCKS_PER_SEC, cost);

constant CLOCKS_PER_SEC is: 1000, time cost is: 1.198000 secs

1.198s = 1198000000 ns / 1000000000 =1.19 ns




gprof是一款 GNU profile工具,可以运行于linux、AIX、Sun等操作系统进行C、C++、Pascal、Fortran程序的性能分析,用于程序的性能优化以及程序瓶颈问题的查找和解决。


gprof(GNU profiler)是GNU binutils工具集中的一个工具,linux系统当中会自带这个工具。它可以分析程序的性能,能给出函数调用时间、调用次数和调用关系,找出程序的瓶颈所在。在编译和链接选项中都加入-pg之后,gcc会在每个函数中插入代码片段,用于记录函数间的调用关系和调用次数,并采集函数的调用时间。



首先检查工具是否已经安装在系统上。 为此,只需在终端中运行以下命令即可。

$ gprof


$ a.out: No such file or directory

那么这意味着该工具已经安装。 否则可以使用以下命令安装它:

$ apt-get install binutils


1. 用gcc、g++、xlC编译程序时,使用-pg参数

如:g++ -pg -o test.exe test.cpp


2. 执行编译后的可执行程序,生成文件gmon.out



3. 使用gprof命令来分析记录程序运行信息的gmon.out文件

如:gprof test.exe gmon.out

可以在显示器上看到函数调用相关的统计、分析信息。上述信息也可以采用gprof test.exe gmon.out> gprofresult.txt重定向到文本文件以便于后续分析。


#include <stdio.h>void loop(int n){int m = 0;for(int i=0; i<n; i++){for(int j=0; j<n; j++){m++;    }   }
}void fun2(){return;
}void fun1(){fun2();
}int main(){loop(10000);//fun1callfun2fun1(); return 0;
liboxuan@ubuntu:~/Desktop$ vim test.c
liboxuan@ubuntu:~/Desktop$ gcc -pg -o test_gprof test.c
liboxuan@ubuntu:~/Desktop$ ./test_gprof
liboxuan@ubuntu:~/Desktop$ gprof ./test_gprof gmon.out
# 报告逻辑是数据表 + 表项解释
Flat profile:# 1.第一张表是各个函数的执行和性能报告。
Each sample counts as 0.01 seconds.%   cumulative   self              self     total           time   seconds   seconds    calls  ms/call  ms/call  name
101.20      0.12     0.12        1   121.45   121.45  loop0.00      0.12     0.00        1     0.00     0.00  fun10.00      0.12     0.00        1     0.00     0.00  fun2%         the percentage of the total running time of the
time       program used by this function.cumulative a running sum of the number of seconds accountedseconds   for by this function and those listed above it.self      the number of seconds accounted for by this
seconds    function alone.  This is the major sort for thislisting.calls      the number of times this function was invoked, ifthis function is profiled, else blank.self      the average number of milliseconds spent in this
ms/call    function per call, if this function is profiled,else blank.total     the average number of milliseconds spent in this
ms/call    function and its descendents per call, if thisfunction is profiled, else blank.name       the name of the function.  This is the minor sortfor this listing. The index shows the location ofthe function in the gprof listing. If the index isin parenthesis it shows where it would appear inthe gprof listing if it were to be printed.Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification,
are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright
notice and this notice are preserved.# 2.第二张表是程序运行时的Call graph (explanation follows)granularity: each sample hit covers 2 byte(s) for 8.23% of 0.12 secondsindex % time    self  children    called     name0.12    0.00       1/1           main [2]
[1]    100.0    0.12    0.00       1         loop [1]
[2]    100.0    0.00    0.12                 main [2]0.12    0.00       1/1           loop [1]0.00    0.00       1/1           fun1 [3]
-----------------------------------------------0.00    0.00       1/1           main [2]
[3]      0.0    0.00    0.00       1         fun1 [3]0.00    0.00       1/1           fun2 [4]
-----------------------------------------------0.00    0.00       1/1           fun1 [3]
[4]      0.0    0.00    0.00       1         fun2 [4]
-----------------------------------------------This table describes the call tree of the program, and was sorted bythe total amount of time spent in each function and its children.Each entry in this table consists of several lines.  The line with theindex number at the left hand margin lists the current function.The lines above it list the functions that called this function,and the lines below it list the functions this one called.This line lists:index  A unique number given to each element of the table.Index numbers are sorted numerically.The index number is printed next to every function name soit is easier to look up where the function is in the table.% time This is the percentage of the `total' time that was spentin this function and its children.  Note that due todifferent viewpoints, functions excluded by options, etc,these numbers will NOT add up to 100%.self   This is the total amount of time spent in this function.children   This is the total amount of time propagated into thisfunction by its children.called This is the number of times the function was called.If the function called itself recursively, the numberonly includes non-recursive calls, and is followed bya `+' and the number of recursive calls.name   The name of the current function.  The index number isprinted after it.  If the function is a member of acycle, the cycle number is printed between thefunction's name and the index number.For the function's parents, the fields have the following meanings:self   This is the amount of time that was propagated directlyfrom the function into this parent.children   This is the amount of time that was propagated fromthe function's children into this parent.called This is the number of times this parent called thefunction `/' the total number of times the functionwas called.  Recursive calls to the function are notincluded in the number after the `/'.name   This is the name of the parent.  The parent's indexnumber is printed after it.  If the parent is amember of a cycle, the cycle number is printed betweenthe name and the index number.If the parents of the function cannot be determined, the word`<spontaneous>' is printed in the `name' field, and all the otherfields are blank.For the function's children, the fields have the following meanings:self   This is the amount of time that was propagated directlyfrom the child into the function.children   This is the amount of time that was propagated from thechild's children to the function.called This is the number of times the function calledthis child `/' the total number of times the childwas called.  Recursive calls by the child are notlisted in the number after the `/'.name   This is the name of the child.  The child's indexnumber is printed after it.  If the child is amember of a cycle, the cycle number is printedbetween the name and the index number.If there are any cycles (circles) in the call graph, there is anentry for the cycle-as-a-whole.  This entry shows who called thecycle (as parents) and the members of the cycle (as children.)The `+' recursive calls entry shows the number of function calls thatwere internal to the cycle, and the calls entry for each member shows,for that member, how many times it was called from other members ofthe cycle.Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification,
are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright
notice and this notice are preserved.
# 第三张表是函数与其在报告中序号的对应表Index by function name[3] fun1                    [4] fun2                    [1] loop


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