
Apostrophes can seem like trivial, petty little things, and hardly worth the trouble they cause! But they are quite important. Using them well can make your writing a lot clearer, and using them poorly is a really bad look.

使徒似乎是琐碎的小事,几乎不值得他们造成麻烦! 但他们非常重要的。 很好地使用它们可以使您的文字更加清晰,而糟糕地使用它们则是非常糟糕的外观。

So take a few moments to make sure you’ve got a handle on apostrophes. At the end, I have a simple test for you.

因此,请花点时间确保您对撇号有所了解。 最后,我为您做了一个简单的测试 。

1.所有权 (1. Ownership)

A major use of apostrophes is to indicate possession, or ownership. For example, the bone of the dog is the dog’s bone. If we leave out the apostrophe in dog’s bone, we have dogs, indicating the plural—that is, many dogs—which will cause momentary confusion for the reader.

撇号的主要用途是表示拥有权或所有权。 例如, 狗的骨头狗的骨骼 。 如果我们在狗的骨头上省略撇号,就会有 ,这表示复数(即许多狗),这会引起读者一时的困惑。

例外情况 (Exceptions)

There are some important exceptions to watch out for. Tradition dictates that these possessives don’t have an apostrophe: hers, its, yours, ours, theirs, his.

有一些重要的例外情况需要提防。 传统规定这些所有格没有撇号: 她的它的你的我们的他们的他的

These are known as possessive pronouns. You just have to remember that they don’t have an apostrophe! (See below for more on its vs it’s.)

这些被称为所有格代词 。 您只需要记住,他们没有撇号! (用于以下将进一步对其 VS 它的 。)

处理以s结尾单词 (Dealing with words ending in s)

What if it’s the dog of James? James already ends in s. The answer depends on how you prefer to say it aloud. Either of these is fine: James’ dog or James’s dog.

如果是詹姆斯的狗怎么办? 詹姆斯已经以s结尾。 答案取决于您喜欢大声说出来的方式。 这些中的任何一个都好: 詹姆斯的狗詹姆斯的狗

所有权和复数 (Ownership and plurals)

The dog’s bone means the bone of the dog—that is, just of one dog. What about the bone of the dogs? Dogs already has an s at the end. The answer is simple: just place the apostrophe after the s: the dogs’ bone.

狗的骨头狗的骨头 也就是一只狗的骨头 。 什么的骨头的结尾已经有s了。 答案很简单:只需将撇号的S之后: 狗的骨骼

Watch out for some plurals. The plural of company is companies. So we get the company’s website (that is, the website of the company), but the companies’ websites (or the websites of the companies).

当心一些复数。 公司的复数是公司 。 所以,我们得到该公司的网站 (即该公司的网站 ),但该公司的网站 ( 或公司的网站 )。

Family names can be tricky. The Jones family can be referred to as the Joneses. In that case, you’d refer to the Joneses’ dog, with the apostrophe at the end.

姓氏可能很棘手。 琼斯一家可以称为琼斯家族。 在这种情况下,您将引用琼斯的狗 ,并在最后加上撇号。

Also be careful with words like men, women and children. Because these are already plural, you just add ’s as usual. For example, the men’s team played the women’s team.

也要注意男人女人孩子等词语。 因为这些都已经复数,你只需要添加如常。 例如, 男子队打了女子队

2.带复数的使徒 (2. Apostrophes with Plurals)

When you have more than one dog, you have dogs. Simple: you just add an s to the word.

当你有一只以上的狗时 ,你就会有 。 简单:您只需在单词上添加s

Unfortunately, there can be a temptation to add an apostrophe to plurals even when ownership isn’t involved. This is a huge mistake, and is traditionally called the greengrocer’s apostrophe, as it’s very common to see signs for apple’s and orange’s outside fruit shops. O dear!

不幸的是,即使不涉及所有权,也可能会在单数形式后加上撇号。 这是一个巨大的错误,通常被称为蔬菜水果商的撇号 ,因为在苹果和橙子外面的水果店里看到路标很常见。 亲爱的!

设置例外以避免混淆 (Making exceptions to avoid confusion)

Occasionally, an apostrophe is used with plurals to avoid confusion. For example, the phrase mind your p’s and q’s would be confusing without apostrophes.

有时,一个撇号复数使用,以避免混淆。 例如,如果您的p和q不带撇号,那么这个短语会令人困惑。

Be careful, though. There’s nothing confusing about referring to CDs, DVDs, CMSs and the like, so don’t use apostrophes there (as in CD’s). And there’s no need for an apostrophe in something like the 1990s.

不过要小心。 引用CDDVDCMS等内容并不会造成混淆,因此不要在其中使用撇号(如CD一样 )。 而且在1990年代也不需要撇号。

3.遗失信件 (3. Missing Letters)

In English, we often contract words. For example, instead of saying that is nice, we say that’s nice. The i of is gets dropped, and the s joins with that.

在英语中,我们经常会收缩单词。 例如,我们不是说很好 ,而是说很好就会丢失,而在S 连接。

You may argue that it’s no big deal to leave out an apostrophe here, because there’s no apostrophe in spoken English. But there are two reasons to get this right. Firstly, you look silly if you can’t do something as simple as this. Secondly, leaving it out can lead to confusion.

您可能会争辩说在这里省略撇号没什么大不了的,因为英语口语中没有撇号。 但是有两个理由可以解决这个问题。 首先,如果您不能做这么简单的事情,您看起来很傻。 其次,将其遗漏会导致混乱。

For example, it’s common to reduce he will to he’ll. Leaving out the apostrophe here would be hell. Likewise, instead of she’ll, we’d end up with shell. And we’d would be wed, we’ll would be well, we’re would read as were, and so on.

例如,通常将他的意志减为 。 不把撇号放在这里会是地狱 。 同样,除了她将得到shell我们会结婚我们都会很好我们会解读为 ,依此类推。

Even though we don’t use an apostrophe in spoken English, we pronounce he’ll differently from hell, so it’s important to differentiate them in writing.

即使我们不会在英语口语中使用撇号,我们也会地狱 有所不同,因此在书写方式上区分它们很重要。

这是它的 (It’s vs Its)

Perhaps the most common and embarrassing punctuation error is the confusion between it’s and its.


It’s is a contraction of it is (or it has). So a simple way to determine whether or not its requires an apostrophe is to see it if makes sense as it is.

(或具有 )的收缩。 因此,一个简单的方法来确定是否需要撇号,就是看它是否有道理因为它是

For example, it’s a nice day makes sense as it is a nice day. Thus, the apostrophe is required.

例如, 这是美好的一天 ,因为这是美好的一天 。 因此,需要撇号。

However, the dog chewed its bone can’t be changed to the dog chewed it is bone. Thus, an apostrophe is not appropriate here.

但是, 咀嚼它的骨头的狗不能变成咀嚼它的骨头的狗 。 因此,撇号在此处不合适。

As we saw above, its is a possessive pronoun, and traditionally doesn’t have an apostrophe—just like hers, theirs and so on. If the possessive form of its did have an apostrophe, it would get confused with it’s (it is).

正如我们在上面看到的, 是所有格代词,传统上没有撇号,就像她的他们的等等。 如果的所有格形式确实有一个撇号,它将获得与它的 ( 它是 )混淆。

By the way, if you’re wondering when it’s appropriate to use its’, the answer is never!

顺便说一句,如果您想知道何时使用它' ,那么答案永远不会

其他令人困惑的词 (Other words that get confused)

Other words get badly confused when apostrophes are left out.


You’re (short for you are) is often confused with your. This is really just a straight out spelling mistake, but it arises partly from not thinking about what’s being expressed.

(是您的简称)经常与您的混淆。 这实际上只是拼写错误,但这部分是由于不考虑要表达的内容而引起的。

Likewise, they’re (short for they are) is confused with their (meaning of them) and there (indicating location).

同样, 它们 (是它们的缩写)与它们 ( 它们的含义)和在那里 (指示位置)相混淆。

And don’t confuse who’s (short for who is) with whose (meaning of whom).

不要混淆谁的 (以下简称是谁 )与它的 ( 其中的意思)。

4.带动词的使徒 (4. Apostrophes with Verbs)

Verbs are action words, like run, sit and walk. When used with he, she and it, we add an s: he runs, she sits, it walks.

动词是动词,例如奔跑坐着走路 。 与它一起使用时 ,我们加一个s他跑她坐着它走

A common mistake is to add an apostrophe, thus producing run’s, sit’s, walk’s. There’s never a time when this is appropriate, and such usage really should be a capital crime.

一个常见的错误是添加一个撇号,从而产生奔跑坐下行走 。 从来没有合适的时间,这种使用确实应该是死罪。

测试自己 (Test Yourself)

OK, here’s a chance to test yourself. Which of these examples uses correct punctuation? (Answers are provided below.)

好的,这是一个自我测试的机会。 以下哪个示例使用正确的标点符号? (下面提供了答案。)

  1. It’s OK to ask questions.可以提问。
  2. Most dog’s possess a tail.大多数狗都有尾巴。
  3. Marys’ blog is better.玛丽的博客更好。
  4. Dont be so sure.不要那么确定。
  5. Well, we’ll see.好吧,我们拭目以待。
  6. You’re going to regret this.您将为此感到后悔。
  7. She cut off their tail’s with a carving knife.她用雕刻刀切掉了他们的尾巴。
  8. She was the people’s advocate.她是人民的拥护者。
  9. The car lost its hubcap.汽车失去了轮毂盖。
  10. The bosses’ employees went on strike.老板的员工罢工。
  11. DVDs are are a bit old now.DVD现在有点旧了。
  12. A woman played in the mens’ team.一个女人在男子团体中踢球。
  13. The Web began in the early 1990’s.Web始于1990年代初期。
  14. She clearly walk’s the walk.她显然是步行者。
  15. Mr Apple’s oranges are very sweet.苹果先生的橘子非常甜。
  16. He was in his 40s when he got married.结婚时他才40多岁。
  17. Christmas celebrates Jesus’ birth.圣诞节庆祝耶稣的诞生。
  18. It’s hard keeping up with the Joneses.很难跟上琼斯。

So, how did you go? Do the explanations in this article make sense? If you have any questions, please raise them in the comments.

那么,你过得如何? 本文中的解释有意义吗? 如有任何疑问,请在评论中提出。

Here are the correct examples from the list above:


1, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 15, 16, 17, 18




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