1:iwlist eth1 scanning 查看无线路由

2:iwconfig eth1 essid "无线路由的名称"

3: ifconfig eth1 IP

4: route add default gw 网关


1:iwconfig eth1 key s:密码

2:iwconfig eth1 key open

3:ifconfig eth1 essid "名称"

4:ifconfig eth1 IP

5:route add default gw 网关



#可有可无,没有的话无法用wpa_cli terminate来关闭wpa_supplicant


# 确保只有root用户能读取WPA的配置,可有可无,尤其是在嵌入式设备上


# 使用wpa_supplicant来扫描和选择AP,也可以设置成0或2,但只有1才能正确工作








配置文件弄好后就可以运行wpa_supplicant了。在那之前当然要先插好无线网卡,载入驱动:bash# insmod zd1211b.ko

bash# ifconfig eth1 up

bash# wpa_supplicant -B -ieth1 -Dzydas -c/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf


接下来就可以看下网络是否连通了:bash# iwconfig

bash# udhcpc -i eth1 -nzd1211b的驱动使用wpa_supplicant来配置的时候会有隔段时间就锁死系统一会的情况,很奇怪。

1. 此无线网络不设置安全机制,换句话说,么有设置密码,OK,我们该怎么做呢?命令行伺候

# iwlist scanning            # 搜索无线网络,我们假设搜索到了 oceanboo-wireless

# iwconfig interface essid oceanboo-wireless

# dhcpcd interface

够简单了吧,这样,你的机器就连接上 oceanboo-wireless 这个无线网络了,dhcp 获得了 ip 地址。不过不给无线路由器设置密码是很愚蠢的做法,假如你不是开咖啡厅、快餐店,还是设置一个密码吧。

2. 此无线网络设置了安全机制,使用 WEP 加密认证。

# iwlist scanning           # 还是一样的搜索,记住这个命令。

# iwconfig  interface essid oceanboo-wireless key XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX or XXXXXXXX.   # XXX多了点,不过如果你设置过无线路由,你一定知道这是啥玩意,我就不多说了。

# dhcpcd interface


关于 WEP 认证加密的输入还有下列这些方式,按需要索取吧。


# iwconfig interface key 0123-4567-89

# iwconfig interface key [3] 0123-4567-89

# iwconfig interface key s:password [2]

# iwconfig interface key [2]

# iwconfig interface key open

# iwconfig interface key off

# iwconfig interface key restricted [3] 0123456789

# iwconfig interface key 01-23 key 45-67 [4] key [4]







笔记本的无线网卡搞了好久都没弄好,最后还是madwifi好使   O(∩_∩)O哈哈~


madwifi配置wep atheros无线网卡


tar -xzvf madwifi-0.9.4.tar.gz        #最新的0.9.4包编译老是报错,就换0.9.3的包了……

cd madwifi-0.9.4


make install

modprobe ath_pci            #无线模块支持

modprobe wlan_scan_sta      #无线扫描支持

wlanconfig ath0 destroy     #取消所有ath0配置,可能多此一举

wlanconfig ath0 create wlandev wifi0 wlanmode sta

iwconfig ath0 key xxxx      #wep password,如果用ascii则s:xxxxx

iwconfig ath0 essid "xxxx"  #广播域

ifconfig ath0 up

dhclient ath0               #or route add xxxxx


wlanconfig(8) - Linux man page


wlanconfig - Create, destroy and manipulate madwifi VAPs


wlanconfig create wlandev wlanmode

wlanconfig destroy

wlanconfig list

Description The current MadWifi driver supports multiple APs and concurrent AP/Station mode operation onthe same device. The devices are restricted to using the same underlying hardware, thus are limited to coexisting on the same channel and using the samephysical layer features. Each instance of an AP or station is called a Virtual AP (or VAP). Each VAP can be in either AP mode, Station Mode, "special" stationmode, and Monitor mode. Every VAP has an associated underlying base device which is created when the driver is loaded.


create [nounit] wlandev wlanmode [bssid|-bssid] [nosbeacon]

Create the interface using the specified and . can either be a full interface name (e.g. 'ath0'),or just the suffix (e.g. 'ath'), in which case, the kernel will automatically append the next vacant integer. [nounit] will turn off the automatic integerincrements.


Removes the given VAP interface. You must specify the full interface name. I.e 'ath0' rather than just 'ath'.


Show information about connected peers, keys, channels etc.

Available Modes


Create the station in ad-hoc demo (aka pseudo IBSS) mode.


Create the station in ad-hoc mode.


Create the VAP in AP mode.


Create the station in monitor mode.


Create the VAP in station mode.


Create the station in WDS mode.



Create the VAP using a different MAC address from the underlying device.


Create the VAP using the MAC address of the underlying device.


When both station VAPS and AP VAPs coexist, the station should be created with the nosbeacon flag set in order to disable the use of hardware beacon timesfor the station.

List Items

sta or no parameters.

Show information on associated stations.

scan or ap

List all visible stations.

chan or freq

List all channels and frequencies.


List all available channels and frequencies.


List all of the keys associated with the VAP


List the capabilities of the given VAP.


List WME (Wireless multimedia extensions, aka WMM) parameters.


wlanconfig ath create wlandev wifi0 wlanmode sta

Create a station mode VAP, using wifi0 as the underlying device. The interface wil be called athN, where N is the first free integer. The MAC address willbe the same as the underlying device.

wlanconfig ath0 create wlandev wifi0 wlanmode sta

Create a station mode VAP (ath0) using wifi0 as the underlying device. The MAC address will be the same as the underlying device.

wlanconfig ath0 create wlandev wifi0 wlanmode ap

wlanconfig ath1 create wlandev wifi0 wlanmode sta nosbeacon

Create both an AP and a station mode interface.

wlanconfig ath0 destroy

Destroy VAP ath0.

wlanconfig ath0 list scan

Scan for local stations and access points.

wlanconfig ath0 create wlandev wifi0 wlanmode ap

wlanconfig ath1 create wlandev wifi0 wlanmode wds

iwconfig ath0 essid "Normal atheros AP" channel 1

iwpriv ath1 wds_add

iwpriv ath1 wds 1

ifconfig ath1 up

ifconfig ath0 up

brctl addbr br0

brctl addif br0 ath1

brctl addif br0 ath0

ifconfig br0 up

Create a WDS bridge. See

http://madwifi.org/ for moreinformation.

Author This manual page was written by Matt Foster <

mattfoster@clara.co.uk>, using information fromthe Atheros user documentation, and MadWiFi users mailing list.


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