The First Day


Airport à Hotel (如家快捷酒店-前门店) (1.5 hours)

1.       Take Airport Express from Airport to Dong Zhimen Station (25 RMB/person)

2.       Exchange for subway Line2 Dong Zhimen Station (2RMB/person)

3.       Get off on Qian Men Station.

4.       The hotel is to the South of Qian Men Station. And it will takes about 7 minite to get to the hotel by walk. The hotel is named Home Inns.(Chinese Name : 如家快捷酒店-前门店)

Lanch: Take any restaurant near the hotel.


Hotel à Palace Museum

1.       Take a taxi from the hotel to the South entry of Palace Museum(Chinese:故宫南门) (total cost will be between 10-15 RMB if there is not traffic jam)

2.       It will take more than 2 hours to finish the visit of this place.

3.       Automitic-guide equipment can be rent in the entry of the Museum

Palace Museum à Hou Hai(后海)Street (a lake in the middle of Beijing)

1. Take a taxi from Palace Museum to Hou hai(后海), which total cost will be between 10-20RMB if there is not traffic jam)

2. Houhai Steet is one of the famous street in Beijing. It is consist of so many Old-Bejing style structures and streets. There are also so many bars on the street around the lake. You can have beer and some western food here.

3. It will takes about 1 hours if you just walk aroud in this place.

Hou Hai(后海)à Hotel

Since we are 10 km away from the hotel, it will take about 26 RMB to get to the hotel. Another option is to get back by taking bus. Here are the detailed information.

a)         Take Bus “826” and get off on Da Shi La r(大栅栏) station.

b)        Normally, you can get on bus (Line: 826) on Xin Jie Kou Jiao Station (新街口角)


Useful tips:

If you have some questions or something uncertaion, pls do ask help from Chinese people. They are very hospitable.

The chinese name of Subway is “地铁”
The Second Day.


Hotel àGreat Wall at Ba Daling à Olympic Park

1.       Get on BUS Line 5 on Mei Shi Jie Nan Kou station (煤市街南口站) and get off on De Sheng Men Station(德胜门站) (20 minite)

2.       Take Bus Line 919(Great Wall Express) on De Sheng Men Station(德胜门站) and Get Off on the destination which is the Great Wall. (1 hour)

3.       Visit Great Wall museum Firstly. (1 hour)

4.       Climb Great Wall (Normally, you can take Cable Car to the arrive the middle of the mountain. (It will takes more than 1.5 hour)

5.       Take Bus Line 919 to get back to the city and get off on the destination--De Sheng Men Station(德胜门站)

6.       Walk to Ji Shui Tan Station (积水潭站) of sub-way Line 2.

7.       Take sub-way Line 2 from De Sheng Men Station and transfer to Line 5 on Yong He Gong Station(雍和宫站)

8.       Take sub-way Line 5 from Yong He Gong Station(雍和宫站) and transfer to Line 10 on Hui Xin Xi Jie Nan Kou Station(惠新西街南口站)

9.       Take sub-way Line 10 from Hui Xin Xi Jie Nan Kou Station(惠新西街南口站) and transfer to Line 8 on Bei Tu Cheng Station(北土城站)

10.   Take sub-way Line 8 from Bei Tu Cheng Station(北土城站) and get off on Olympic Park Station

11.   Visit Olympic Park (Bird Nest…)

  Olympic Parkà Hotel

1.       Take sub-way Line 8 from Olympic Park Station(奥林匹克公园) and and transfer to Line 10 on Bei Tu Cheng Station(北土城站)

2.       Take sub-way Line 10 from Bei Tu Cheng Station(北土城站) and transfer to Line 5 on Yong He Gong Station(雍和宫站)

3.       Take sub-way Line 5 from Yong He Gong Station(雍和宫站) and transfer to Line 2 on Chong Wen Men Station(崇文门站)

4.       Take sub-way Line 2 from Chong Wen Men Station(崇文门站) and Get off on Qian Men Station(前门站)

5.       Walk to hotel.

The Third Day


Hotel à Xiushui street (秀水街)

1.       Take sub-way Line 2 from Qian Men Station(前门站), transfer to Line 1 and then get off on Yong An Li station(永安里站).

2.       Ask people if you can not find Xiu Shui Street.(A shopping mall) (This street is just beside one of exit)

3.       Walk aroud and Shopping

Xiushui street à Tample of Heaven (Tian Tan: 天坛)

1.       Take sub-way Line 1 from Yong An Li station(永安里站), transfer to Line 5 and get off on Tian Tan Dong Station(天坛东站).

2.       Walk from the exit of subway to Tample of Heaven(天坛)

3.       Visit this place (Automatic-guide can be rent on the entry of this place.) (It will take more than 2 hours)

Tample of HeavenàTianqiao Acrobatics Theatre(天桥杂技剧场)

a soul-stirring destination you shouldn’t miss.

Opening Time: Everyday 5:30p.m-6:30p.m  7:15p.m-8:40p.m

Take a Taxi to get to this place. (about 10 RMB)

Tianqiao Acrobatics Theatre(天桥杂技剧场)à Hotel

Its about 2 km away from the hotel, so you can take a taxi (10 RMB) or just walk to the hotel

Hotel à Airport

Please just reference on how to get to hotel from airport.

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