

最近跟IJRS期刊的technical editor往返进行了三次“纠缠”,对论文的格式进行了多次修改。我对其中的要求进行了简要的整理,放到这里,供大家参考,希望能有所帮助,至少能够节省大家文章录用后的时间。


Technical editor’s report:

Dear Authors, thank you for submitting your manuscript to IJRS. Please find mandatory editing corrections and helpful suggestions to make your manuscript compliant with the journal style as follows.
Kindly keep in mind that a late response or neglected corrections will result in a longer delay of the publication time.
Please underline all changes in yellow.

  1. Please the general rule is to submit the paper according to the following instructions:
    a. Main body of the Manuscript (without Figures and Tables)
    b. References
    c. Figures
    d. Tables
    e. Please remove the Figures and Tables from the main body of the manuscript and please have to put in the text, in the position where he would like to insert the figure “Please put Figure/Table 1 about here”.
  2. Please add the page with the list of the Figure captions.
  3. Please add the page with the list of the Table captions.
  4. Please make the upload of the each figure separately, not by word file.
  5. IJS does not publish appendices. Please either delete this material, incorporate it in the main text or place it in a separate file called “Supplemental material”, label it as “supplemental material” when you upload it to the journal website, and refer to it in the text as “the supplemental material”. Do not use the work appendix or similar.
  6. References: IJRS does not use a numbered style for citations or references in the reference list. Please check the journal website for the style.
  7. Define all acronyms the first time used – and please define them separately in the abstract and the text. This applies even to common acronyms, such as three-dimensional (3D), two-dimensional (2D), Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) etc.
  8. Please if you define an acronym later in the text use that acronyms and do not repeat the definition (i.e., 3D, 2D, etc.).
  9. Please check all acronyms in the whole manuscript.
    Equations and variables
  10. Please all the equations must be numbered and referred to in the text as “Equation (1)”.
  11. Scalars should be printed in italics, vectors bold italics, and matrices bold (only). Sets and subsets are printed in upright “normal” letters ( i.e. “X” “X’”), i.e., not italics, not bold, and the elements of a set (or the elements of a vector or matrix) are printed as scalars (i.e., italics).
  12. Variables should be represented by a single letter only. You might consider using a subscript (or perhaps a superscript) to help make the variables a little clearer. For example, a variable like “Red_Reflectance” could be written as RRed. If you do use subscripts, see below for important issues in formatting subscripts.
  13. In exceptional cases variables can be written as multiple letters – e.g. NDVI. If so, to show that it is a non-standard variable, with multiple letters, write the variable in roman (i.e., not italics).
  14. The multiple letters variables after the “=” symbol must be written around the round brackets.
  15. Superscripts and subscripts should not be printed in italics, unless they are variables, in which case they should be formatted in italics. For example, if a subscript “i” represented a variable that ranged from 1-10, then it would be formatted in italics, but if “i” simply represented the label “initial”, it should be printed in roman as “i” (i.e., not italics).
  16. Format T (for Transpose), exp (for exponent) and d (for differential), max and min, log, in roman (= not italics).
  17. Please all the Figures must be numbered and referred to in the text as “Figure 1” and “Figure 1 (a) – (d)”.
  18. Please remove all figures from the main body of the manuscript and place them in dedicated page at the end of manuscript.
  19. All figures should be a minimum of 300 DPI for images, and 600 DPI for line work (graphs, etc.). This minimum is an original resolution, irrespective of the final resolution (i.e. resampling a low-resolution figure to a high resolution does not address this concern).
  20. Please consider each plot as a separate subfigure with its own label. Remove any external frame, leave only x- and y-axes for each plot.
  21. For all figures please include location information (latitude-longitude, which can potentially be included in the caption), a scale bar (in “km” or “m”, as appropriate), which can also be explained in the caption by specifying the image size. Note that for a group of images or figures, covering the same area and at the same size, only a single set of location information and scale bar is needed.
  22. Please format variables and units according to the journal style.
  23. Every axis should have a label, followed by units (if appropriate) in round brackets. The axis label should explain what is being plotted.
  24. Graphs. For any one axis, please write all the numbers to the same number of significant figures – thus, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, etc., not 0, 0.5, 1, etc.
  25. Graphs. Please remove interior lines.
  26. Graphs and figures – remove the frame from around the legend.
  27. Please remove all Tables from the main body of the manuscript and place them in dedicated page at the end of manuscript.
  28. Each heading should describe what is being tabulated, and be followed by units (if appropriate) in round brackets. There should be no units in the table itself – only in the headings.
  29. For headings that imply a percentage, write “Accuracy (%)” or whatever is appropriate, and remove the % symbols after each number.
  30. We try to be consistent with the implied precision with measurements – e.g. all numbers in a particular column (or row, depending on how the table is laid out) should have the same number of decimals – thus, 0.123, 0.100, not 0.123, 0.1, etc.
  31. Use sentence case for all cell entries. This means that the first letter of the first word (only) in any cell or heading should be capitalized, unless the word is an acronym or proper noun.
  32. Use singular for table headings.
  33. Please remove the vertical lines used to separate the different columns. The Tables must be written with only the horizontal lines.

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