
初始有一空集,然后对这个集合共有 n 次操作,每次给定一个集合以及操作名称(并: + / 差: - / 交: *)。每个操作完成后输出当前集合所有元素(均为整数,从小到大输出)。

Input Format

第 1 行: 一个数, n

第 2…(n + 1) 行: 每行首先一个字符 c (+/-/*),表示当前操作名称.

接下来一个整数 m,表示给定的集合元素个数.

接下来 m 个整数,给定这个集合里所有元素。

Output Format

输出共 n 行: 每行按照元素从小到大的顺序输出在执行完当前操作后你手上集合的所有元素。

Sample Input:

+ 3 1 2 3
- 1 2
+ 3 4 5 6
* 2 1 4
- 2 1 4
+ 1 100
- 1 99

Sample Output:

1 2 3
1 3
1 3 4 5 6
1 4100


n, m <= 100


#include <iostream>using namespace std;template<class elemType>
class stack {public:virtual bool isEmpty() const = 0;virtual void push(const elemType &x) = 0;virtual elemType pop() = 0;virtual elemType top() const = 0;virtual ~stack() {};
};template<class elemType>
class linkStack : public stack<elemType> {private:struct node {elemType data;node *next;node(const elemType &x, node *N = NULL) {data = x;next = N;}node() : next(NULL) {}~node() {}};node *top_p;
public:linkStack() {top_p = NULL;}~linkStack() {node *tmp;while (top_p != NULL) {tmp = top_p;top_p = top_p->next;delete tmp;}}bool isEmpty() const {return top_p == NULL;}void push(const elemType &x) {top_p = new node(x, top_p);}elemType pop() {node *tmp = top_p;elemType x = tmp->data;top_p = top_p->next;delete tmp;return x;}elemType top() const {return top_p->data;}
};template<class Type>
class BinarySearchTree {private:struct BinaryNode {Type data;BinaryNode *left;BinaryNode *right;BinaryNode(const Type &thedata, BinaryNode *lt, BinaryNode *rt) : data(thedata), left(lt), right(rt) {}};struct StNode {BinaryNode *node;int TimesPop;StNode(BinaryNode *N = NULL) : node(N), TimesPop(0) {}};BinaryNode *root;void insert(const Type &x, BinaryNode *&t);void remove(const Type &x, BinaryNode *&t);bool find(const Type &x, BinaryNode *t) const;void clear(BinaryNode *&t);public:BinarySearchTree(BinaryNode *t = NULL) { root = t; }~BinarySearchTree() { makeEmpty(root); }bool find(const Type &x) const { return find(x, root); }void insert(const Type &x) { insert(x, root); }void remove(const Type &x) { remove(x, root); }void midOrder() const;void clear() {clear(root);}bool isEmpty() const {return root == NULL;}
};template<class T>
void BinarySearchTree<T>::clear(BinarySearchTree<T>::BinaryNode *&t) {if (t == NULL) return;clear(t->left);clear(t->right);delete t;t = NULL;
}template<class Type>
void BinarySearchTree<Type>::midOrder() const {if (root == NULL)return;linkStack<StNode> s;StNode current(root);s.push(current);while (!s.isEmpty()) {current =;s.pop();if (++current.TimesPop == 2) {cout << current.node->data << " ";if (current.node->right != NULL)s.push(StNode(current.node->right));} else {s.push(current);if (current.node->left != NULL)s.push(StNode(current.node->left));}}
}template<class Type>
bool BinarySearchTree<Type>::find(const Type &x, BinarySearchTree<Type>::BinaryNode *t) const {if (t == NULL)return false;else if (x < t->data)return find(x, t->left);else if (t->data < x)return find(x, t->right);else return true;
}template<class Type>
void BinarySearchTree<Type>::insert(const Type &x, BinarySearchTree<Type>::BinaryNode *&t) {if (t == NULL)t = new BinaryNode(x, NULL, NULL);else if (x <= t->data)insert(x, t->left);else if (t->data < x)insert(x, t->right);
}template<class Type>
void BinarySearchTree<Type>::remove(const Type &x, BinarySearchTree<Type>::BinaryNode *&t) {if (t == NULL)return;if (x < t->data)remove(x, t->left);else if (t->data < x)remove(x, t->right);else if (t->left != NULL && t->right != NULL) {BinaryNode *tmp = t->right;while (tmp->left != NULL)tmp = tmp->left;t->data = tmp->data;remove(t->data, t->right);} else {BinaryNode *oldNode = t;t = (t->left != NULL) ? t->left : t->right;delete oldNode;}
}int main() {BinarySearchTree<int> *tree = new BinarySearchTree<int>();int numOfOperation;cin >> numOfOperation;for (int j = 0; j < numOfOperation; ++j) {char a;int b;cin >> a >> b;if (a == '+') {for (int i = 0; i < b; ++i) {int num;cin >> num;if (!tree->find(num)) {tree->insert(num);}}if (!tree->isEmpty()) {tree->midOrder();}cout << endl;} else if (a == '-') {for (int i = 0; i < b; ++i) {int num;cin >> num;if (tree->find(num)) {tree->remove(num);}}if (!tree->isEmpty()) {tree->midOrder();}cout << endl;} else {int num[b];for (int i = 0; i < b; ++i) {cin >> num[i];if (!tree->find(num[i])) {num[i] = -10000;}}tree->clear();for (int i = 0; i < b; ++i) {if (num[i] != -10000) {tree->insert(num[i]);}}if (!tree->isEmpty()) {tree->midOrder();}cout << endl;}}return 0;


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