Using the react-intl FormattedMessage component, we’ll learn how to render content conditionally in our messages based on a number provided as a prop.

You’ll also learn the syntax necessary to render strings using a plural string matcher.

averageRating: 'Average Rating: {avg} ({count, plural, =0 {No reviews Yet!} one {# review} other {# reviews}})',

Based on the variable 'count', if =0, then show 'no review yet'; if equals to one, then showing '1 review', if more than one, then showing ''# reveiws", "#" will be replaced by the actual number.

    const avgRating = ? round(meanBy(, (r) => r.rating), 2): 0;<h3><FormattedMessage id="detail.averageRating" values={{avg: avgRating,count:}} /></h3>


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