

主要方法: flvjs.createPlayer()

function createPlayer(mediaDataSource: MediaDataSource, config?: Config): Player;

* 带?号符号的是非必选项



Type Description 中文
type string Indicates media type, 'flv' or 'mp4' 类型
isLive? boolean Indicates whether the data source is a live stream 是否直播
cors? boolean Indicates whether to enable CORS for http fetching 跨域
withCredentials? boolean Indicates whether to do http fetching with cookies 是否携带COOKIES
hasAudio? boolean Indicates whether the stream has audio track 开启声音
hasVideo? boolean Indicates whether the stream has video track 开启图像
duration? number Indicates total media duration, in milliseconds 媒体时间总长度,毫秒
filesize? number Indicates total file size of media file, in bytes 文件大小
url? string Indicates media URL, can be starts with 'https(s)' or 'ws(s)' (WebSocket) 媒体网络地址
segments? Array<MediaSegment> Optional field for multipart playback, see MediaSegment 媒体列表

如果segments参数存在, 则将播放器列为多源媒体播放。

如果是多源媒体播放,则durationfilesizeurl 这三个参数将被忽略。


Field Type Description 中文
duration number Required field, indicates segment duration in milliseconds 媒体时间总长度,毫秒
filesize? number Optional field, indicates segment file size in bytes 文件大小
url string

Required field, indicates segment file URL



Field Type Default Description 中文
enableWorker? boolean false Enable separated thread for transmuxing (unstable for now) 多线程工作?
enableStashBuffer? boolean true Enable IO stash buffer. Set to false if you need realtime (minimal latency) for live stream playback, but may stalled if there's network jittering. 启用缓存
stashInitialSize? number 384KB Indicates IO stash buffer initial size. Default is 384KB. Indicate a suitable size can improve video load/seek time. 缓存大小
isLive? boolean false Same to isLive in MediaDataSource, ignored if has been set in MediaDataSource structure. 是否直播,会覆盖上面的配置
lazyLoad? boolean true Abort the http connection if there's enough data for playback. 懒加载,如果缓存到足够的秒数,则停止下载
lazyLoadMaxDuration? number 3 * 60 Indicates how many seconds of data to be kept for lazyLoad. 懒加载最多的秒数
lazyLoadRecoverDuration? number 30 Indicates the lazyLoad recover time boundary in seconds. 缓存剩余秒数时继续下载
deferLoadAfterSourceOpen? boolean true Do load after MediaSource sourceopen event triggered. On Chrome, tabs which be opened in background may not trigger sourceopen event until switched to that tab.  
autoCleanupSourceBuffer boolean false Do auto cleanup for SourceBuffer 自动清理缓存
autoCleanupMaxBackwardDuration number 3 * 60 When backward buffer duration exceeded this value (in seconds), do auto cleanup for SourceBuffer  
autoCleanupMinBackwardDuration number 2 * 60 Indicates the duration in seconds to reserve for backward buffer when doing auto cleanup.  
fixAudioTimestampGap boolean true Fill silent audio frames to avoid a/v unsync when detect large audio timestamp gap. 填补无音频帧
accurateSeek? boolean false Accurate seek to any frame, not limited to video IDR frame, but may a bit slower. Available on Chrome > 50FireFox and Safari. 精确寻帧到任何帧,不局限于视频IDR帧,但可能会慢一点。可在Chrome >火狐和Safari浏览器。
seekType? string 'range' 'range' use range request to seek, or 'param' add params into url to indicate request range.  
seekParamStart? string 'bstart' Indicates seek start parameter name for seekType = 'param'  
seekParamEnd? string 'bend' Indicates seek end parameter name for seekType = 'param'  
rangeLoadZeroStart? boolean false Send Range: bytes=0- for first time load if use Range seek 发送范围:Range: bytes=0- 如果使用范围查找第一次加载
customSeekHandler? object undefined Indicates a custom seek handler 指示自定义查找处理程序
reuseRedirectedURL? boolean false Reuse 301/302 redirected url for subsequence request like seek, reconnect, etc. 重用301/302重定向url,用于随后的请求,如查找、重新连接等。
referrerPolicy? string no-referrer-when-downgrade Indicates the Referrer Policy when using FetchStreamLoader 指示使用FetchStreamLoader时的引用方策略
headers? object undefined Indicates additional headers that will be added to request 添加请求头


    constructor(mediaDataSource: MediaDataSource, config?: Config): Player;destroy(): void;on(event: string, listener: Function): void;off(event: string, listener: Function): void;attachMediaElement(mediaElement: HTMLMediaElement): void;detachMediaElement(): void;load(): void;unload(): void;play(): Promise<void>;pause(): void;type: string;buffered: TimeRanges;duration: number;volume: number;muted: boolean;currentTime: number;mediaInfo: Object;statisticsInfo: Object;



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