
elfun18 is a collection of Matlab functions that enable the computation of wide set of Elliptic integrals, Jacobi’s elliptic functions and Jacobi’s theta functions for real arguments.


The set has two levels: higher level functions with matrix arguments and low level functions with scalar arguments.


Each function is available either with the modulus k or parameter m as argument.


In later case the function name begin with m.


Incomplete elliptic integrals are given in Jacobi form, Legendre form and Jacobi’s second form (Epsilon function and Lambda functions).


List of functions:

Elliptic integrals:

  • Bulirsch’s elliptic integrals: cel, cel1, cel2, cel3, el1, el2, el3

  • Carlson’s elliptic integrals: rc, rd, rf, rg, rj

  • Complete elliptic integrals: B, C, D, K, E, Pi

  • Complementary complete elliptic integrals: K’, E’, Pi’

  • Jacobi form of elliptic integrals: B, D, E, F, Pi

  • Legendre form of elliptic integrals: B, D, E, F, Pi

  • Jacobi second form of elliptic integrals: Epsilon, Zeta ( periodic part of Eps) Lambda ( elip. int. of 3rd kind), Omega function ( periodic part of Lambda)

Jacobian elliptic functions

  • am, cd, cn, cs, dc, dn, ds, nc, nd, ns, sc, sd, sn

Inverse Jacobian elliptic functions

  • invam, invcd, invcn, invcs, invdc, invdn, invds, invnc, invnd, invns, invsc, invsd, invsn

Jacobi Theta Functions

  • theta1, thet12, theta3, theta4, nome, modulus

Neville theta functions

-nthetac, nthetad, nthetan, nthetas

Misc. functions

  • agm ( arithmetic geometric mean), cl (lemniscate cos), sl, (lemniscate sin), invcl (inverse lemniscate cos), invsl (inverse lemniscate sin), Lambda0 (Heuman’s function) gd (Gudermannian function), invgd (inverse Gudermannian function)



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