
If we here at SitePoint had no scruples, we could apparently turn on a not-so-insignificant revenue stream via our Twitter account. Fortunately for you, we’d rather have friends on Twitter than enemies. But if we were that evil, newly launched Twitter ad network Magpie tells us that our 12,000+ Twitter followers are worth over US$3,500 per month if we’re willing to spam them with ads.

如果我们在SitePoint上没有任何顾虑,那么显然可以通过我们的Twitter帐户打开一个不那么微不足道的收入来源。 对您来说幸运的是,我们希望在Twitter上拥有朋友,而不是敌人。 但是,如果我们是如此邪恶,那么新推出的Twitter广告网络Magpie告诉我们,如果我们愿意向他们发送广告,则我们的12,000多名Twitter追随者每月价值超过3500美元。

We’re not, but we wonder how many people will be. Magpie is a third party ad network for Twitter that allows people to sell tweets on their account on a bid per placement basis. The site says it will contextually match ads based on the type of things you’re tweeting about, so you’ll never serve up advertisements about things that don’t match your usual chatter. By default, Magpie plans to send one ad every 5 tweets, but that can be adjusted by the user down to one every 20 tweets, or once every other tweet.

我们不是,但是我们想知道会有多少人。 喜p是Twitter的第三方广告网络,允许人们以每个展示位置的出价在其帐户中出售推文。 该网站表示,它将根据您所发布的推文的内容在上下文上匹配广告,因此您永远不会投放与平时聊天不符的广告。 默认情况下,Magpie计划每5条推文发送一次广告,但用户可以将其调整为每20条推文发送一次,或每其他条推文发送一次。

Magpie sells advertisers on a CPM basis, where CPM represents the cost per 1,000 followers who get sent the ad message. They seem to think that they’ll be able to get CPMs of US$5-15, which is why they’re claiming that SitePoint could bring in forty-two grand per year on our 12,000 followers (and presumably more if we upped out tweet count).

喜p会以每千次展示费用为基础销售广告客户,其中每千次展示费用代表每发送1000条关注者的广告费用。 他们似乎认为他们能够获得5到15美元的每千次展示费用,这就是为什么他们声称SitePoint可以每年为我们的12,000个关注者带来42个大奖(如果我们增加推文的话,可能会更多)计数)。

We’ve seen first hand over the past couple of weeks the amount of traffic that a top 100 Twitter account can send — it’s not a trivial amount. But we also know that Twitter isn’t just a promotional vehicle, which is why we’ve made it a point to interact with our followers and provide content other than simply links to our own blog posts and articles. Twitter is about the conversation above anything else, and the problem with Magpie is that it ads noise.

在过去的几周中,我们已经亲眼目睹了排名前100的Twitter帐户可以发送的流量-这不是一个小数目。 但是我们也知道,Twitter不仅是一种促销手段,这就是为什么我们将与关注者进行互动并提供内容的原因,而不仅仅是链接到我们自己的博客文章和文章。 Twitter是最重要的话题,而喜p的问题在于它会带来噪音。

Mike Arrington compares Magpie to PayPerPost. But that’s not really a fair comparison, in our view. PayPerPost has some potential ethical issues, but because blogs are generally fairly low volume, it doesn’t add a very significant amount of noise. That’s why were were comfortable adding it to our list of ways to make extra income on the web a couple of weeks ago.

迈克·阿灵顿(Mike Arrington) 将喜p与PayPerPost进行了比较 。 但是,在我们看来,这并不是一个公平的比较。 PayPerPost存在一些潜在的道德问题,但是由于博客的数量通常很少,因此不会增加很多噪音。 这就是为什么几个星期前就很乐意将其添加到我们的网上额外收入方式列表中的原因。

Magpie, on the other hand, deals with Twitter, which is much higher volume then blog publishing. It is not uncommon for a Twitter user to see hundreds or thousands of tweets stream by from the people they follow each day. Imagine if 20% (the Magpie default) of that content was ads. The noise level is just way, way too high.

另一方面,喜p处理Twitter,这比博客发布的交易量大得多。 Twitter用户每天看到数百或数千条来自他们关注的人的推文并不罕见。 假设该内容的20%(默认为“喜p”)是广告。 噪音水平太高了。

Magpie also differs from PayPerPost in that it auto inserts ads, so you could find yourself shilling for something you’d rather not be. Unlike Google AdSense or other forms of display advertising, tweets that go out to your followers coming with your name attached and your implicit endorsement.

喜p与PayPerPost的不同之处在于,它会自动插入广告,因此您会发现自己不愿意这样做是先令。 与Google AdSense或其他形式的展示广告不同,发给您关注者的推文带有您的姓名和暗含的背书。

Our guess is that some people will try Magpie, but they’ll quickly find themselves losing followers and the value of their account diminishing. Either that, or Twitter will amend their TOS and ban the service.

我们的猜测是有些人会尝试“ Mag”,但他们很快就会发现自己失去了追随者,其帐户价值也逐渐减少。 要么这样做,要么Twitter将修改其服务条款并禁止该服务。

What do you think?


Remember, you can follow us @sitepointdotcom. If you do, we’ll give you a free copy of our book “The Art and Science of CSS.” Check out our Twitaway page for more details. We promise, we won’t be sending you any Magpie ads!

请记住,您可以关注我们@sitepointdotcom 。 如果您愿意,我们将为您免费提供“ CSS的艺术和科学”这本书。 请查看我们的Twitaway页面以获取更多详细信息。 我们保证,我们不会向您发送任何喜p广告!



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