



  • 文章目录
  • 本章思维导图
  • Computer components
    • Main Components
    • 内部结构图
  • Computer Function
    • Fetch Cycle
    • **Execute Cycle**
    • Flow of an Instruction(指令流程)
    • Interrupts
      • Def
      • Goal
      • Classification
      • Comparison
        • short I/O wait
        • long I/O wait
    • 考虑中断后的指令处理流程
    • Multiple Interrupts
      • Def
      • methods
    • **I/O function**
  • Interconnection structures(互连结构)
    • Def
    • Types of transfer
  • Bus interconnection
    • Introduction
      • Def
      • Key feature
      • Type
    • System Bus:
      • Data bus
      • Address bus
      • Control bus
    • Physical structure
      • Multiple-bus Hierarchies
    • Elements of Bus Design
      • Bus Types
      • Bus Arbitration(仲裁)
        • Separate request
        • Chain polling
        • Counter timing polling
      • Communication Control Modes of Bus
        • Timing
        • Types of Asynchronous Communication
        • Half-synchronous Communication
        • Separate Communication
      • Bus width and Bus bandwidth
        • Bus width
        • Bus bandwidth
  • PCI
  • Vocabulary
  • Key points



Computer components

Three key concepts in von Neuman architecture

  • Data and instruction are stored in a single read-write memory
  • The contents of the memory are addressed by location
  • Execution occurs in a sequential fashion

Main Components

  • the Central Processing Unit-CPU
  • Input/output—I/O
  • Main memory
  • System bus


Computer Function

Basic function of a computer is executing program (a sequence of instructions), to complete special tasks

  • CPU is a component of executing instruction

    • The CPU time of processing an instruction is called Instruction Cycle 处理指令的CPU时间称为指令周期
  • An execution of instruction can be simply viewed as two steps:
    • Fetch instruction - Fetch cycle (取指)
    • execute instruction - Execute cycle (执行)

Fetch Cycle

  • Processor fetches instruction from memory location pointed to by PC
  • Increment PC
    • Unless told otherwise
  • Instruction loaded into Instruction Register (IR)
  • Processor interprets instruction and performs required actions

Execute Cycle

  • Processor-memory

    • data transfer between CPU and main memory
  • Processor- I/O
    • Data transfer between CPU and I/O module
  • Data processing
    • Some arithmetic or logical operation on data
  • Control
    • Alteration of sequence of operations
    • e.g. jump
  • Combination of above


Flow of an Instruction(指令流程)

  • Instruction address calculation
  • Instruction fetch
  • Instruction operation decoding
  • operand address calculation (操作数地址计算)
  • Operand fetch
  • Data operation
  • Operand storage

(未考虑中断时) 计算指令地址->取指->译码->执行->操作数地址计算->取操作数->数据运算->操作数地址计算->存操作数->返回数据->计算下一条指令地址



a mechanism allowing other module to break CPU executing sequence 一种允许其他模块打断CPU运行的机制


  • to improve the utility of the CPU 提升效率
  • to allow CPU to **process urgent events ** 处理紧急事件


  • Program

    • e.g. overflow, division by zero,illegal instruction, outside reference
  • Timer
    • Generated by internal processor timer
    • Used in pre-emptive multi-tasking?
  • I/O
    • from I/O controller
  • Hardware failure
    • e.g. memory parity error (存储器奇偶误差)


  • If interrupt is pending, the processor does the following:

    • Suspend execution of the current program being executed and save its context 停止执行当前程序,并保存其上下文

      • Save current context of PC and other data
    • Set the PC to starting address of an interrupt handler routine 将PC指向异常处理程序的开始地址
  • The user program does not have to contain any special code to accommodate interrupts 用户程序无需包含任何特殊代码来实现中断
  • The processor and OS are responsible for suspending the user program and resuming it 处理器和操作系统负责中断以及恢复用户程序

short I/O wait


long I/O wait



  • An interrupt cycle is added to instruction cycle (在每个指令周期中加入了一个中断周期)
  • After an instruction cycle, processor checks for interrupt, Indicated by an interrupt signal (每一次指令周期后处理器都会检查一下是否有中断信号)
    • If no interrupt, fetch next instruction 如果没有,则继续取下一条指令
    • If interrupt : 如果有,停止当前程序运行并保存现场转而去处理异常,异常处理结束后恢复现场
      • Suspend execution of current program
      • Save context
      • Set PC to start address of interrupt handler routine
      • Process interrupt
      • Restore context and continue interrupted program


Multiple Interrupts


multiple interrupts occur at the same time


  • Disable interrupts 一个中断处理过程中禁用中断

    • Processor will ignore further interrupts whilst processing one interrupt 当处理一个中断时CPU会暂时忽略另一个中断的产生
    • Interrupts remain pending and are checked after first interrupt has been processed 当一个中断处理完成后才会继续处理另一个中断
    • Interrupts handled in sequence as they occur 类似队列的处理方式
  • Define priorities 设置优先级
    • Low priority interrupts can be interrupted by higher priority interrupts
    • When higher priority interrupt has been processed, processor returns to previous interrupt



I/O function

  • Exchange data directly with the processor
  • Exchange data directly with the memory, in some case
    • Direct memory access (DMA) - chapter 7

Interconnection structures(互连结构)


The collection of paths connecting the various modules

Port: Each of the interface to an external device

Types of transfer

  • Memory to processor
  • Processor to memory
  • I/O to processor
  • Processor to I/O
  • I/O to or from memory - DMA


Bus interconnection



communication paths connecting two or more components

Key feature

providing shared transferring media (提供共享的传输媒体)

A number of channels in one bus, e.g. 32 bit data bus is 32 separate single bit channels

Bus width: the number of lines


  • system bus,

  • peripheral buses,

  • internal bus

System Bus:

bus connecting main components of computer

  • Data Bus
  • Address Bus
  • Control Bus

Bus Interconnection Scheme

Data bus

  • Function: carry data

    • Remember that there is no difference between “data” and “instruction” at this level
    • Each line can carry only 1 bit at a time
  • Data bus width is a key factor in determining of system performance
    • 8, 16, 32, 64 bit
  • Machine word-length: The most binary bits which machine can process in the integer operation 机器在整数操作中可以处理的最多的二进制位
    • Data bus width = Machine word-length = major Register length
    • 数据总线线宽=机器字长=主寄存器长度

Address bus

  • Function: identify the source or destination of data

    • e.g. CPU needs to read an instruction (data) from a given location in memory
  • Address bus width determines maximum memory capacity of system 地址总线的线宽决定内存的最大容量
    • e.g. 8088 has 20 bit address bus giving 1M address space

Control bus

  • Function: transfer control signals

    • Control use of data and address bus 控制数据和地址总线的使用
  • Control signals: command and timing information
    • Memory read/write signal
    • I/O read/write
    • Transfer ACK
    • Bus Request
    • Bus grant
    • Interrupt request & ACK
    • Clock signals
    • Reset

Physical structure

Multiple-bus Hierarchies

  • Single Bus Problems

    • Lots of devices on one bus leads to:

      • Propagation delays(bottleneck)

        • More device mean more long bus, and this leads greater delay. Long data paths mean that co-ordination of bus use can adversely affect performance
        • If aggregate data transfer approaches bus capacity
  • Most systems use multiple buses to overcome these problems

Elements of Bus Design

Bus Types

  • Dedicated Bus:

    • Multiple buses, e.g, Separate data & address lines
    • Advantage: high throughput(高吞吐量)
    • Disadvantage: scale and cost increases
  • Multiplexed Bus:
    • Time multiplexing(复用), shared lines
    • Address valid or data valid control line
    • Advantage - fewer lines, space, cost
    • Disadvantages
      • More complex control
      • Ultimate performance

Bus Arbitration(仲裁)

  • More than one module using the bus

    • e.g. CPU and DMA controller
  • Only one module may control bus at one time
  • Arbitration method:
    • Distributed: no centralized controller, every module contains a access control logic
    • Centralized: a bus controller/arbiter is responsible for bus usage and time. A separate module or part of CPU
      • Separate request(单独的请求)
      • Chain polling(链轮询)
      • Counter timing polling(计时器定时轮询)

Separate request


  • Advantage: rapid response, flexible priority
  • Disadvantage: too many lines, complex control

Chain polling

新增加 Bus busy线,用来通知每个线总线现在是否被占用,如果没被占用的话,则可以发送一个Bus req,总线控制器经Bus grant发出同意信号,每个I/O设备根据自己的请求状态判断是否被分配到总线使用权,这种模式下离总线控制器越近优先级越高

  • Advantage: scalable
  • Disadvantage: sensitive to circuit failure

Counter timing polling

新增加Device num线,用来轮询I/O设备的序号,并且这种方式轮询的次序可自己设置,因此有比较灵活的优先权,但是控制比较复杂

  • Advantage : flexible priority, insensitive to circuit failure
  • Disadvantage : complex control

Communication Control Modes of Bus

  • Communication control (通信控制): addressing how to start and end transmission, how to coordinate master and slave module 解决如何启动和结束传输,如何协调主从模块
  • According to timing, four communication modes can usually be used
    • Synchronous
    • Asynchronous
    • Half-synchronous
    • Separated


  • Def: the way in which events are coordination(协调) on bus

  • Synchronous timing: the occurrence of events is determined by clock signals

    • Control bus includes clock line
    • A single 1-0 transmission is a bus cycle
    • All devices can read clock line
  • Asynchronous timing: the occurrence of one event on a bus follows and depends on the occurrence of a previous event


  • Half-synchronous

  • Separate Communication

Synchronous timing

  • Advantage: simple, easy to implement
  • Disadvantage: inflexible, bottleneck

Asynchronous timing

  • Advantage: request-response, allowing fast and slow devices
  • Disadvantage: control complex

Types of Asynchronous Communication


Half-synchronous Communication

  • Clock is needed
  • Wait line is needed
  • Allowing various speed modules to communicate harmoniously
  • Used for connecting low speed and larger speed difference devices

Separate Communication

  • Basic idea is:

    • Separate bus cycle into two sub-cycles
    • In the first sub-cycle, master puts command, address and other information into the bus, then abandons the bus
    • In the second sub-cycle, slave begins to prepare data (select, decode, load), then applies the bus and sends the data
  • Advantage: avoiding bus idle waiting
  • Used for large computer

Bus width and Bus bandwidth

Bus width

  • The width of data bus has an impact on system performance, bit

  • The width of address bus has an impact on system capacity, bit

Bus bandwidth

  • The transmitting rate of bus, b/s


PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnection 外围设备组件互联) :also called high speed I/O bus


  • Hardwired program:硬布线编程
  • Interrupt request:中断请求
  • Interrupt handler routine:中断处理程序
  • Multiple interrupts:多重中断
  • DMA(direct memory access):直接存储器访问
  • Port:端口
  • Module:模块
  • Fast Ethernet:快速以太网
  • Packet-switching network:分组交换网
  • LAN:局域网
  • Time(frequency) multiplexing:时(频)分复用
  • Adapter:适配器
  • Arbitration:仲裁
  • Synchronous (Asynchronous) timing:同(异)步时序
  • Master (slave) synchronous:主(辅)同步
  • Multiprogramming system:多道程序系统
  • PCI(peripheral component interconnect):外设互连(总线)

Key points

  • Interrupt and instruction cycles
  • Multiple interrupts
  • System bus
  • Multiple bus hierarchy
  • Key elements of bus


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