1. computer system usability questionnaire (CSUQ)
    Lewis, James R. “IBM computer usability satisfaction questionnaires: psychometric evaluation and instructions for use.” International Journal of Human‐Computer Interaction 7.1 (1995): 57-78.

  2. simulator sickness questionnaire
    Kennedy, Robert S., et al. “Simulator sickness questionnaire: An enhanced method for quantifying simulator sickness.” The international journal of aviation psychology 3.3 (1993): 203-220.

  3. the NMM Social Presence Questionnaire for measuring Social Presence,
    Chad Harms and Frank Biocca. 2004. Internal Consistencyand Reliability of The Networked Minds Measure of Social Presence. In M. Alcaniz&B.Rey (Eds.),Seventh Annual InternationalWorkshop: Presence 2004.Valencia: Universidad Politecnica de Valencia.

  4. the MEC Spatial Presence Questionnaire for measuring the sense of being together
    PeterVorderer,WernerWirth, FelizRGouveia, Frank Biocca,Timo Saari, Futz Jäncke, Saskia Böcking, Holger Schramm, Andre Gysbers,Tilo Hartmann, and others. 2004. MEC Spatial Presence Questionnaire (MEC-SPQ): Short Documentation and Instructions for Application. Report to the European community, project presence: MEC (IST-2001-37661) 3(2004).

  5. the NASA Task Load Index Questionnaire for measuring mental and physical load.
    SandraGHart andLowellEStaveland. 1988. DevelopmentofNASA-TLX(Task Load Index): Results of Empirical and Theoretical Research. In Human MentalWorkload, Peter A. Hancock and Najmedin Meshkati (Eds.). Advances in Psychology, Vol. 52. North-Holland, 139–183.

  6. the usability of the system using the System Usability Scale (SUS)
    John Brooke. 1996. SUS:A"quick and dirty" Usability Scale. 189, 194 (1996), 4–7.

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