



import os
from tkinter import *
from tkinter.messagebox import *import psutilroot = Tk()
root.wm_attributes('-topmost', 1)
root.resizable(False, False)
root.configure(bg = '#1E1E1E')font1 = ('微软雅黑', 9)
font2 = ('Courier New', 16, 'bold')
font3 = ('微软雅黑', 10)
ICED = False
TOP = True
CON = TrueLabel(root, text = '极域状态', bg = '#1E1E1E', fg = '#A0A0A0', font = font1).place(x = 0, y = 10, width = 140, height = 20)
Label(root, text = '广播状态', bg = '#1E1E1E', fg = '#A0A0A0', font = font1).place(x = 140, y = 10, width = 140, height = 20)
Label(root, text = '键盘状态', bg = '#1E1E1E', fg = '#A0A0A0', font = font1).place(x = 0, y = 70, width = 140, height = 20)
Label(root, text = '置顶状态', bg = '#1E1E1E', fg = '#A0A0A0', font = font1).place(x = 140, y = 70, width = 140, height = 20)la = Label(root, bg = '#1E1E1E', font = ('Courier New', 13, 'bold'))
lb = Label(root, bg = '#1E1E1E', font = font2)
lc = Label(root, text = 'OPENED', fg = 'lime', bg = '#1E1E1E', font = font2)
ld = Label(root, text = 'ON', fg = 'lime', bg = '#1E1E1E', font = font2)la.place(x = 0, y = 30, width = 140, height = 45)
lb.place(x = 140, y = 30, width = 140, height = 45)
lc.place(x = 0, y = 90, width = 140, height = 45)
ld.place(x = 140, y = 90, width = 140, height = 45)def cba1():ba.config(fg = '#660000', bg = 'red', activeforeground = 'red', activebackground = '#660000', text = '上键盘锁', command = cba2)lc.config(text = 'OPENED', fg = 'lime')#---------------------------#----------开键盘锁----------#---------------------------def cba2():ba.config(fg = '#006600', bg = 'lime', activeforeground = 'lime', activebackground = '#006600', text = '开键盘锁', command = cba1)lc.config(text = 'LOCKED', fg = 'red')#---------------------------#----------上键盘锁----------#---------------------------ba = Button(root, text = '上键盘锁', borderwidth = 0,  bg = 'red', font = font3, activeforeground = 'red', activebackground = '#660000', relief = GROOVE, fg = '#660000', command = cba2)
ba.place(x = 10, y = 140, width = 125, height = 45)def cbb1():bb.config(fg = '#660000', bg = 'red', activeforeground = 'red', activebackground = '#660000', text = '取消置顶', command = cbb2)ld.config(text = 'ON', fg = 'lime')TOP = 1root.wm_attributes('-topmost', 1)def cbb2():bb.config(fg = '#006600', bg = 'lime', activeforeground = 'lime', activebackground = '#006600', text = '置顶窗口', command = cbb1)ld.config(text = 'ON', fg = 'red')TOP = 0root.wm_attributes('-topmost', 0)bb = Button(root, text = '取消置顶', borderwidth = 0,  bg = 'red', font = font3, activeforeground = 'red', activebackground = '#660000', relief = GROOVE, fg = '#660000', command = cbb2)
bb.place(x = 145, y = 140, width = 125, height = 45)# 这三个功能暂时没弄def cbc():bc['state'] = 'disabled'bd['state'] = 'normal'be['state'] = 'normal'#---------------------------#-----------窗口化----------#---------------------------def cbd():bc['state'] = 'normal'bd['state'] = 'disabled'be['state'] = 'normal'#---------------------------#-----------最小化----------#---------------------------def cbe():bc['state'] = 'normal'bd['state'] = 'normal'be['state'] = 'disabled'#---------------------------#----------复原窗口----------#---------------------------bc = Button(root, text = '窗口化', borderwidth = 0, font = font3, bg = '#00A7FF', activeforeground = '#00A7FF', activebackground = '#0000BF', relief = GROOVE, fg = '#0000BF', command = cbc)
bc.place(x = 10, y = 195, width = 76, height = 45)
bd = Button(root, text = '最小化', borderwidth = 0, font = font3, bg = '#00A7FF', activeforeground = '#00A7FF', activebackground = '#0000BF', relief = GROOVE, fg = '#0000BF', command = cbd)
bd.place(x = 96, y = 195, width = 76, height = 45)
be = Button(root, text = '复原窗口', borderwidth = 0, font = font3, bg = '#00A7FF', activeforeground = '#00A7FF', activebackground = '#0000BF', relief = GROOVE, fg = '#0000BF', command = cbe)
be['state'] = 'disabled'
be.place(x = 182, y = 195, width = 88, height = 45)def cbf():os.system('taskkill /im StudentMain.exe /f')showinfo('成功', '操作成功执行!')# ntsd 需要事先放到下面这个路径def cbg():os.system('C:\\Windows\\Temp\\ntsd.exe -c q -pn StudentMain.exe')showinfo('成功', '操作成功执行!')def cbh1():global ICEDs = []for proc in psutil.process_iter():try:pinfo = proc.as_dict(attrs = ['pid', 'name'])except psutil.NoSuchProcess:passelse:s.append(pinfo)for i in s:if i['name'] == 'StudentMain.exe':p = i['pid']breakpro = psutil.Process(p)pro.suspend()ICED = Truebh.config(fg = '#660000', bg = 'red', text = '解冻极域', activeforeground = 'red', activebackground = '#660000', command = cbh2)def cbh2():global ICEDs = []for proc in psutil.process_iter():try:pinfo = proc.as_dict(attrs = ['pid', 'name'])except psutil.NoSuchProcess:passelse:s.append(pinfo)for i in s:if i['name'] == 'StudentMain.exe':p = i['pid']breakpro = psutil.Process(p)pro.resume()ICED = Falsebh.config(fg = '#006600', bg = 'lime', text = '冻结极域', activeforeground = 'lime', activebackground = '#006600', command = cbh1)bf = Button(root, text = 'TASKKILL', borderwidth = 0, fg = '#006600', bg = 'lime', activeforeground = 'lime', activebackground = '#006600', relief = GROOVE, command = cbf)
bf.place(x = 10, y = 255, width = 80, height = 45)
bg = Button(root, text = 'NTSD', borderwidth = 0,  fg = '#006600', bg = 'lime', activeforeground = 'lime', activebackground = '#006600', relief = GROOVE, command = cbg)
bg.place(x = 100, y = 255, width = 80, height = 45)
bh = Button(root, text = '冻结极域', borderwidth = 0,  fg = '#006600', bg = 'lime', activeforeground = 'lime', activebackground = '#006600', relief = GROOVE, command = cbh1)
bh.place(x = 190, y = 255, width = 80, height = 45)FUCKED = False
def fla():global ICED, FUCKED, CONs = []k = []for proc in psutil.process_iter():try:pinfo = proc.as_dict(attrs = ['pid', 'name'])except psutil.NoSuchProcess:passelse:s.append(pinfo['name'])k.append(pinfo)if 'StudentMain.exe' in s:if CON:la.config(font = ('Courier New', 13, 'bold'))CON = Falsefor i in k:if i['name'] == 'StudentMain.exe':we = i['pid']breakif ICED:la.config(text = 'ICED', fg = 'yellow')lb.config(text = 'ICED', fg = 'yellow')else:la.config(text = f'ON\npid={we}', fg = 'red')lb.config(text = 'UNKNOWN', fg = 'yellow')if FUCKED:bc['state'] = 'normal'bd['state'] = 'normal'be['state'] = 'disabled'bf['state'] = 'normal'bg['state'] = 'normal'bh['state'] = 'normal'FUCKED = Falseelse:CON = Truela.config(text = 'OFF', fg = 'lime')lb.config(text = 'OFF', fg = 'lime')bc['state'] = 'disabled'bd['state'] = 'disabled'be['state'] = 'disabled'bf['state'] = 'disabled'bg['state'] = 'disabled'bh['state'] = 'disabled'la.config(font = font2)FUCKED = Trueif TOP:root.attributes('-topmost', 1)root.after(700, fla)root.after(500, fla)


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