4.27英语学习-关于serious movies and entertaining movies的讨论

sequent< n>后果接着发生的事 adj;继续的
The world’s movie industry has witnessed unprecedented boom in recent years. Delighted with an ample supply of excellent motion pictures, global audiences are thankful for the combined efforts made by film crews. Among these popular productions, serious movies and entertaining movies are the most influential. Some viewers are in favor of the former, saying serious ones evoke deeper thoughts, while other fans support the latter due to their humor. According to my preference, I would express my appreciation for serious movies.
To begin with, one of the most essential goals in movie- making is to enrich people’s inner world. To some extent, serious movies are playing the role of pilots that can guide people psychologically. Books can provide humans with food for thought and so can serious movies. An outstanding serious movie encourages the audience to make full use of their imaginations and common sense to think logically. Normally, mysteries are hidden in these movies so as to arouse people’s curiosity. With a burning desire to find the answer, the viewers try hard to find the answer before the movie concludes. One example is a classic movie entitled Murder on the Orient Express. The plot is so thought- provoking that viewers are turned into detectives themselves. In the movie, a murder is committed on the train and a number of passengers are brought under suspicion. Motivated to discover the real murderer, viewers are willing to make their own judgment. Needless to say, watching such a movie is just like going on an unforgettable inner journey.
In addition, the social and historical background of serious movies provides people with an opportunity to comprehend a vast amount of knowledge. The complicated social reality as well as what is lying deeper inside can also be sensed.Gone with the Wind, a most popular movie starring Clark Gable and Vivien Leigh, presents a story during the Civil War. The social realities during that special period in history were vividly shown in the plots. Another example is Tom Hank’s master work Forrest Gump. A series of historic events are also included inside the movie. The legendary life of Forest Gump leaves a profound impression on all audiences. His frequent encounters of epoch-making events, his unique way of thinking and his attitude toward life along with his loving heart have made him a forever hero in people’s minds.
Even though movies for amusement help people feel relaxed and happy for a while, they might soon be forgotten. By contrast, the influences of serious movies last longer and are more easily treasured as memories. After all, the best art is to be remembered, not to be forgotten. As a matter of fact, seldom do I watch funny movies more than once. After a temporary laugh, nothing meaningful is left, whereas serious movies are cherished as treasures which are appreciated as often as possible. Each viewing willbring about fresh thoughts or deeper comprehension.
Therefore, the merits encompassed within serious movies far outweigh those of funny movies. No matter which feature attracts the largest audience, all producers of serious movies, the directors and the actors, continue their efforts of creating more memorable works. As long as the film industry advances toward further development, fans of serious movies are always ready to render their support.
//from Xuyang Li

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