

#!/usr/bin/env python

Feature-based image matching sample.

Note, that you will need the repo for SIFT and SURF

USAGE [–feature=<sift|surf|orb|akaze|brisk>[-flann]] [ ]

–feature - Feature to use. Can be sift, surf, orb or brisk. Append ‘-flann’
to feature name to use Flann-based matcher instead bruteforce.

Press left mouse button on a feature point to see its matching point.


#!/usr/bin/env python


Sample shows how to implement a simple hi resolution image navigation

Usage [image filename]



#!/usr/bin/env python

Camshift tracker

This is a demo that shows mean-shift based tracking
You select a color objects such as your face and it tracks it.
This reads from video camera (0 by default, or the camera number the user enters)

Usage: [<video source>]To initialize tracking, select the object with mouse


ESC   - exit
b     - toggle back-projected probability visualization



#!/usr/bin/env python

Coherence-enhancing filtering example

inspired by
Joachim Weickert “Coherence-Enhancing Shock Filters”


#!/usr/bin/env python

This program illustrates the use of findContours and drawContours.
The original image is put up along with the image of drawn contours.

A trackbar is put up which controls the contour level from -3 to 3


#!/usr/bin/env python'''
Wiener deconvolution.Sample shows how DFT can be used to perform Weiner deconvolution [1]
of an image with user-defined point spread function (PSF)  [--circle][--angle <degrees>][--d <diameter>][--snr <signal/noise ratio in db>][<input image>]Use sliders to adjust PSF paramitiers.Keys:SPACE - switch btw linear/cirular PSFESC   - --angle 135 --d 22  ../data/licenseplate_motion.jpg(image source: --angle 86 --d 31  ../data/ --circle --d 19  ../data/text_defocus.jpg(image source: compact digital photo camera, no artificial distortion)[1]


#!/usr/bin/env python'''
Video capture sample.Sample shows how VideoCapture class can be used to acquire video
frames from a camera of a movie file. Also the sample provides
an example of procedural video generation by an object, mimicking
the VideoCapture interface (see Chess class).'create_capture' is a convenience function for capture creation,
falling back to procedural video in case of [--shotdir <shot path>] [source0] [source1] ...'sourceN is an- integer number for camera capture- name of video file- synth:<params> for procedural videoSynth examples:synth:bg=../data/lena.jpg:noise=0.1synth:class=chess:bg=../data/lena.jpg:noise=0.1:size=640x480Keys:ESC    - exitSPACE  - save current frame to <shot path> directory'''


#!/usr/bin/env python'''
Video capture sample.Sample shows how VideoCapture class can be used to acquire video
frames from a camera of a movie file. Also the sample provides
an example of procedural video generation by an object, mimicking
the VideoCapture interface (see Chess class).'create_capture' is a convenience function for capture creation,
falling back to procedural video in case of [--shotdir <shot path>] [source0] [source1] ...'sourceN is an- integer number for camera capture- name of video file- synth:<params> for procedural videoSynth examples:synth:bg=../data/lena.jpg:noise=0.1synth:class=chess:bg=../data/lena.jpg:noise=0.1:size=640x480Keys:ESC    - exitSPACE  - save current frame to <shot path> directory'''


#!/usr/bin/env python

Floodfill sample.

Usage: []

Click on the image to set seed point

f - toggle floating range
c - toggle 4/8 connectivity
ESC - exit



This example illustrates how to use cv.HoughCircles() function.

Usage: [<image_name>]
image argument defaults to …/data/board.jpg


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