basic 重命名

Applications concerned with document scanning and archiving, and other automatic file generation software, can produce large numbers of files with primitive names allocated at runtime. These names can be based on such primitive identifiers as time and date stamp information only, which may not be sufficiently descriptive of the files' contents or general type to be of much use in subsequently identifying their relevance. In such cases, the files may benefit from being renamed categorically. So for example, say we have 1000 files containing photographs of automobile parts, the original names of these files could be changed from those relatively unhelpful datestamps, to names reflective of what they actually contain.

与文档扫描和归档有关的应用程序以及其他自动文件生成软件,可以在运行时分配大量具有原始名称的文件。 这些名称只能基于原始标识符(例如时间和日期戳信息),而这些标识符可能不足以描述文件的内容或常规类型,因此无法在随后确定其相关性时使用很多。 在这种情况下,文件可以从分类重命名中受益。 例如,假设我们有1000个包含汽车零件照片的文件,则这些文件的原始名称可能会从相对无用的日期戳更改为反映它们实际包含内容的名称。

This VB programme relieves the tedium of having to do that job on large numbers of files manually. The user is presented with a template into which any combination of alphanumeric filename characters can be entered. Each character in the filename template can have its dynamics controlled, meaning that there is a choice at individual character level, as to whether to make the new character in a given position fixed, or incrementable.

此VB程序减轻了手动处理大量文件的麻烦。 向用户显示一个模板,可以在其中输入字母数字文件名字符的任何组合。 文件名模板中的每个字符都可以进行动态控制,这意味着可以在单个字符级别上选择是将给定位置的新字符固定还是增加。

This allows a bunch of files to retain a kind of root identifier in part of their name, so that they can all be instantly recognised as belonging to the same group, but at the same time other characters in the filenames can be made dynamic, so that they run through the alphabet, or cycle through numbers 0-9. You can even adjust the starting digit or letter in each of those positions to further control subdividing files into discrete sets where they have close associations. And of course there is thereafter no reason why you cannot point the software at those new files (probably in a subfolder of their own by now), and rename them "en masse" again, to an even finer level of description.

这允许一堆文件在其名称的一部分中保留一种根标识符,以便可以将它们全部立即识别为属于同一组,但是同时可以使文件名中的其他字符动态化,因此他们使用字母或数字0-9循环显示。 您甚至可以在这些位置的每个位置调整起始数字或字母,以进一步控制将文件细分为具有紧密关联的离散集。 当然,此后没有理由没有理由不能将软件指向这些新文件(现在可能在它们自己的子文件夹中),然后再次将它们“重命名”,以达到更好的描述水平。

The programme was conceived and written many years ago, and long before I became interested in Java. It has some powerful features, but, be warned, it was never developed to the point where it is free of niggles, nor, more importantly, to the point where it has an "undo" button, so its power can be easily abused and present significant dangers to the filesystem if aimed at the wrong directory.

该程序是在多年前构思和编写的,而且早在我对Java感兴趣之前。 它具有一些强大的功能,但是请注意,它从来没有发展到没有麻烦的地步,更重要的是,它没有“撤消”按钮的地步,因此它的功能很容易被滥用和如果目标目录错误,则会对文件系统造成严重危险。

It is therefore highly recommended that you use it only if you are an experienced programmer - VB ideally - and then in the knowledge that it might get you in hot water if you don't hive off a couple of test directories first containing junk files to play with and experiment on. You'd very likely anyway want to check the code for yourself, and improve or adjust it for your purposes.

因此,强烈建议您仅在您是经验丰富的程序员(理想情况下为VB)时使用它,然后再考虑到,如果您没有离开几个首先包含垃圾文件的测试目录,它可能会使您陷入困境。试玩。 无论如何,您很可能希望自己检查代码,并根据自己的目的进行改进或调整。

The clue to how it functions is essentially in the interface itself. There is no documentation, and one really needs to load and run the .exe to see what's going on. That is why it is so important to make some junk files and folders first, that you can simply wreck and replace.

其功能的线索本质上在于接口本身。 没有文档,确实需要加载并运行.exe来查看发生了什么。 这就是为什么首先制作一些垃圾文件和文件夹如此重要,以至于您可以简单地破坏和替换它。

For some reason, known only to myself but forgotten long ago, you move the mouse down to the bottom of the main form to expose three buttons to actually run your renaming template. They are mouseover buttons, so you can't see them without moving the pointer south.

出于某种原因(您自己才知道,但很久以前就忘记了),您将鼠标向下移动到主窗体的底部以显示三个按钮以实际运行重命名模板。 它们是鼠标悬停按钮,因此如果不将指针向南移动就无法看到它们。

File renaming is challenging, as the permutations of what can be done with the new names is limited to filename length and the combinations that can be made from the combined positions. Therefore if the programme were used for serious-use renamings, then you need to be aware of how many files you are dealing with, and ensure that the template you build, and the alphanumeric cycling mode you choose for it, are sufficient to handle the number of files involved. If you run out of permutations part-way through a renaming session, it can be like looking for a needle in a haystack to see which files have been missed from the process.

文件重命名具有挑战性,因为新名称可以进行的排列仅限于文件名长度以及可以从组合位置进行的组合。 因此,如果该程序用于认真使用的重命名,那么您需要知道要处理的文件数量,并确保您构建的模板和为其选择的字母数字循环模式足以处理该文件。涉及的文件数。 如果您在重命名会话的过程中部分用尽了排列,则可能就像在大海捞针中寻找针尖,以查看该过程中遗漏了哪些文件。

The Attached Files.


The source code is contained in the .bas file attachment. This needs little introduction of course, and should hopefully be readable by any text editor or IDE. This applies also to the forms, which are included in the .zip file along with the source again. There is no .exe included of course, and the best way to obtain one will naturally be to import the source files (once unzipped) into a Visual Basic or Visual Studio IDE, and compile from there. The .scc binding file is absent, which as far as I can remember is an association with a project, so in an ideal world, getting the source into an IDE and saving it as a project, would remedy that. I could make the .exe available some how or other I suppose, but I'll take notice of any requests for that if and when they arise.

源代码包含在.bas文件附件中。 当然,这几乎不需要介绍,并且希望任何文本编辑器或IDE都可以读取。 这也适用于表单,这些表单又与源一起包含在.zip文件中。 当然不包括.exe,获得该文件的最佳方法自然是将源文件(一旦解压缩)导入到Visual Basic或Visual Studio IDE中,然后从那里进行编译。 .scc绑定文件不存在,据我所记得,它是与项目的关联,因此,在理想情况下,将源代码放入IDE并将其保存为项目可以解决此问题。 我可以以某种方式使.exe可用,但是如果它们出现的时间,我会注意到对此的任何请求。

For anyone wishing to extend, strengthen or smooth-out the code, you are welcome to do so and make any adaptations you wish, without copyright infringement. The notices and splash screen ornaments, in which appear the names of terrifying-sounding organisations, are there for effect and were made at the time as an experiment in jazzing-up the boot-up - none of the corporations are real! However, I am, and if you find any of the material useful or interesting or both, it would be nice to hear about it, and nice to know that you recognise from where it originated.

对于希望扩展,增强或平滑代码的任何人,我们欢迎您这样做并进行任何希望的修改,而不会侵犯版权。 告示牌和醒目的屏幕装饰(其中出现了听起来很恐怖的组织的名称)在那里生效,并且当时是作为启动启动的实验而制作的-没有一家公司是真实的! 但是,我是,如果您发现任何有用或有趣的材料,或者两者兼而有之,那将是很高兴听到的,并且很高兴您知道您是从哪里得知的。

Depending on the interest shown for the article and code, I will add to the blurb on it if I am able to remember more details, and am available to answer any questions if I can, so get in touch if you have any of those. Thanks, krakatoa.

根据对本文和代码显示的兴趣,如果我能够记住更多详细信息,并且会尽可能回答任何问题,我会在上面加上一些说明,如果您有任何疑问,请与我们联系。 谢谢,克拉卡托。



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