
As I wrote a few months back, the speedrunning community is the most powerful force for good works in the entire gaming industry. Games Done Quick (GDQ) is the de facto organizing body of the community, putting together all the biggest events on the calendar. They just wrapped up Summer Games Done Quick(SGDQ) 2020, which due to COVID-19 had to be held entirely online. Despite the challenges with putting on an event where the participants are scattered all over the world, the folks at GDQ pulled it off seamlessly, showcasing over 140 runs in total and raising more than $2.3 million dollars for Doctors Without Borders.

正如 我几个月前写的那样, 超速行驶社区 是整个游戏行业完成优秀作品的最强大力量。 Games Done Quick(GDQ) 是社区的事实上的组织机构,将日历上所有最大的事件汇总在一起。 他们刚刚完成了2020年夏季奥运会Done Quick(SGDQ),由于COVID-19,该游戏必须完全在线进行。 尽管在全球各地分散参与者的活动带来了挑战,但GDQ的参与者无缝地将其拉开了帷幕,总共展示了140多次跑步,并为Doctors Without Borders筹集了超过230万美元的资金。

I’ve gone through a large portion of the 140+ runs that were done at SGDQ in order to bring you some of the best stuff on offer. This list represents what I think are the best characteristics of speedruns and runners: deep knowledge of the game, incredible skills developed over hundreds of hours, the ability to understand and take advantage of in-game glitches, and the communicative ability to describe to viewers what is happening in each run. If you’re a fan of games at all, you will find something to love in each of these videos. Enjoy!

为了给您带来一些最好的东西,我已经在SGDQ进行了140多次运行,其中很大一部分都经过了测试。 该列表代表了我认为速跑和跑步者的最佳特征:对游戏的深入了解,数百小时内发展的令人难以置信的技能,能够理解和利用游戏中故障的能力以及向观众描述的交流能力每次运行中发生了什么。 如果您完全是游戏迷,那么在每个视频中都会发现您喜欢的东西。 请享用!

小伊卡洛斯 (Kid Icarus)

Kid Icarus speedrun. Source: YouTube.
孩子伊卡洛斯speedrun。 资料来源:YouTube。

Ask any gamer about difficult NES-era games and Kid Icarus will undoubtedly get a mention. One of the best things about speedrunning is the nostalgia of remembering how much you struggled with a game, then watching these runners blast right through them. The runner here is a perfect example of that, at many points staying in perpetual motion as he knows exactly where each platform is, makes incredible mid-air kills, and utilizes several skips and glitches that are fascinating to see. Both of the runners are fantastic with their commentary as well, giving trivia about the game and explaining exactly what they are doing and why. It’s a quick run that is immensely satisfying for fans of the game.

向任何游戏玩家询问困难的NES时代的游戏, Kid Icarus无疑会得到提及。 关于超速跑步的最好的事情之一就是怀旧,记住自己在游戏中挣扎了多少,然后看着这些跑步者从他们身上疾驰而过。 此处的跑步者就是一个很好的例子,在许多点上,他始终保持永久运动,因为他确切地知道每个平台的位置,做出令人难以置信的空中击杀,并利用一些令人着迷的跳跃和小故障。 两位选手的评论也很棒,他们对比赛进行了琐碎的介绍,并确切解释了他们在做什么以及为什么。 对于游戏迷来说,这是一个非常令人满意的快速运行。

棘轮与叮当声:提升军械库 (Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal)

Ratchet & Clank speedrun. Source: YouTube.
棘轮和叮当Speedrun。 资料来源:YouTube。

This is another run where the technical prowess of the runner is on display, and both he and his commentator do an outstanding job of explaining what is happening and why they use the particular strategies. This is a must-watch for any Ratchet & Clank fan, as it will make you appreciate the games even more. Not only does the runner break the game and continually go out of bounds, but he does it with an incredible amount of speed and knowledge of every pixel on the screen. Really impressive stuff here.

这是另一次展示跑步者技术实力的比赛,他和他的评论员都出色地解释了正在发生的事情以及他们为什么使用特定策略。 这是任何棘轮与叮当爱好者的必备品,因为它会让您更加欣赏游戏。 跑步者不仅打破比赛并不断超越极限,而且他以惊人的速度和对屏幕上每个像素的了解来做到这一点。 这里真是令人印象深刻的东西。

夜陷阱 (Night Trap)

Night Trap speedrun. Source: YouTube.
夜陷阱speedrun。 资料来源:YouTube。

This one is in here for a couple of different reasons, both the skill of the runner to play the game blindfolded (!!!) and the infamy of the game itself. Night Trap was a Sega-CD game released in 1992 lampooning 80’s B-movie horror flicks, and it is truly awful. Not only that, but it was one of the games that led to the Congressional hearings over violence and sexualization of women which ultimately saw the creation of the Electronic Software Rating Board. If you’ve never seen the game, it’s worth watching this run just to say you have, and for the knowledge drops provided by the runners. This is proof that bad games can still be entertaining, so don’t miss it!

之所以出现在这里,是出于两个不同的原因,既是跑步者蒙住双眼玩游戏的技巧(!!!),也包括游戏本身的名声。 Night Trap是1992年发行的Sega-CD游戏,讽刺了80年代的B级电影的恐怖片,这真是可怕。 不仅如此,它还是导致国会就妇女的暴力和性化问题进行听证会的游戏之一,最终见证了电子软件评级委员会的成立。 如果您从未看过这款游戏,那么值得一看,就是说您已经拥有这款游戏,而且对于跑步者提供的知识流失也是如此。 这证明了糟糕的游戏仍然会很有趣,所以请不要错过!

永远的狂热国度 (Trackmania Nations Forever)

Trackmania Nations Forever speedrun. Source: YouTube.
Trackmania Nations Forever Speedrun。 资料来源:YouTube。

As I mentioned in the intro, one of the things that can make a speedrun great is the ability of the runner to engage the audience by explaining what they are doing. In this case, Wirtual does an incredible job talking about each turn, input, and trick happening as he goes through every track. The early tracks are very basic, so even though the explanations are really enlightening, the best part of the run starts around 15 minutes on the video. This is where the run begins to get difficult, and the runner showcases excellent skill and proficiency with the game. It’s a long run but absolutely worth checking out.

正如我在简介中所提到的,使速度奔跑变得出色的一件事是跑步者通过解释观众的所作所为来吸引观众的能力。 在这种情况下,Wirtual在完成每条曲目时谈论每一个转弯,输入和花样时都做得非常出色。 早期的曲目非常基础,因此即使说明确实很有启发性,但最佳运行部分还是在视频上约15分钟开始。 这是奔跑开始变得困难的地方,跑步者展示了出色的技能和熟练程度。 这是一个长期的过程,但绝对值得一试。

加油! (Pump It Up!)

Pump It Up! speedrun. Source: YouTube.
加油! 快跑。 资料来源:YouTube。

This is going to be on everyone’s “must watch” list but I don’t care, I would be doing all of you a disservice if I didn’t bring it to your attention. There are just no words… it shouldn’t be physically possible to do what this guy does. Even if there was nothing else to see, his setup is just incredible. I’m going to guess that is a completely custom controller that he’s standing on, and the display cabinet and everything up front look like something straight out of a Japanese arcade. And that’s all before he even starts playing the game!! This is not the kind of title I would normally pay attention to, but seriously, this is a completely stunning feat of athletic ability and concentration. Just watch and thank me later.

这将成为每个人的“必看”列表,但我不在乎,如果不引起您的注意,我会对所有人造成伤害。 只是没有言语……在身体上不可能做这个人所做的事情。 即使没什么可看的,他的设置也令人难以置信。 我猜想这是他站在上面的一个完全自定义的控制器,展示柜和前面的所有东西看起来都像是日本街机中的东西。 就在他甚至开始玩游戏之前! 这不是我通常会注意的头衔,但认真的说,这是一项非常出色的运动能力和专注力的壮举。 请稍等,稍后再感谢我。

铲骑士:纸牌之王 (Shovel Knight: King of Cards)

Shovel Knight: King of Cards speedrun. Source: YouTube.
铲骑士:纸牌之王Speedrun。 资料来源:YouTube。

I love everything about this run. The game is amazing to watch on its own, but seeing the skill of the runner as he never stops moving on the way through the level is truly special. He has two fantastic commentators for the run, one of whom was a part of the game’s development, so there’s plenty of backstage knowledge and interesting facts being tossed around. And there’s just something incredibly relatable about seeing the runner’s kids doing their thing in the background while he plays the game. It gives the experience an everyman feel even though the skills on display are definitely unique. Check out this near world-record run and enjoy the 2D goodness.

我喜欢这次跑步的一切。 观看比赛本身就很棒,但是看到跑步者永不停止穿越关卡的技巧确实很特别。 他有两位出色的评论员,其中一位是游戏开发的一部分,因此,他积累了很多后台知识和有趣的事实。 在跑步者玩游戏时,看到跑步者的孩子在后台做他们的事情,这确实具有不可思议的相关性。 即使所展示的技能绝对独特,也能给人一种普遍的感觉。 看看这个接近世界纪录的比赛,享受2D的好处。

洛克人9种族 (Mega Man 9 Race)

Mega Man 9 speedrun. Source: YouTube.
洛克人9 speedrun。 资料来源:YouTube。

I can’t make a list without including one of my favorite types of speedruns, the race. In this type of run, two players compete against each other in the same game, starting at the exact same moment and seeing which player has the best strategy to finish first. This one looked like it wouldn’t be close as one of the runners died twice early on, but made a stunning comeback when the former leader was hit with some horrible luck on the final boss battle. Entertaining commentary and a super close finish make this one great to watch.

我不能在没有列出我最喜欢的快跑类型之一(比赛)的情况下列出清单。 在这种类型的奔跑中,两个玩家在同一游戏中相互竞争,从恰好相同的时刻开始,然后看看哪个玩家拥有最佳策略来首先完成比赛。 似乎并没有接近,因为其中一名跑步者早早死了两次,但是当这位前领导人在最后的老板大战中受到一些可怕的打击时,卷土重来。 有趣的评论和超级收尾的效果使这部影片值得一看。

Source: Shacknews.

荣誉奖 (Honorable Mentions)

Distilling over 140 runs down to a list of 7 is an exercise in frustration because there are just so many incredible performances. Here are a few that just missed the list.

蒸馏超过140滴水,直到7滴水是一项令人沮丧的练习,因为这里有如此多令人难以置信的表演。 这里有一些只是错过了清单。

Half Life: Alyx What is probably the biggest VR title ever becomes the first VR title to get a speedrun at GDQ. The runner himself displays incredible physicality during the run, so keep one eye on him and one on the game!

半条命:Alyx 可能是有史以来最大的VR游戏,成为第一个在GDQ上获得成功的VR游戏。 跑步过程中,跑步者本人表现出令人难以置信的身体素质,因此请注意他,在比赛中要注意!

Doom Eternal — This game is an incredible example of a shooter that is more than just a shooter. The skill and style shown by the runner along with surgical precision is a sight to behold.

永恒的末日 -此游戏是射手的一个令人难以置信的例子,它不仅是射击游戏。 跑步者表现出的技巧和风格以及外科手术的精确度令人注目。

Hollow Knight — This is another incredible race of an incredible game. 2D platformers don’t get any more beautiful, immersive or difficult than this, so seeing two runners bend the game to their will is just awesome.

空心骑士 -这是令人难以置信的游戏的又一次令人难以置信的比赛。 2D平台游戏并没有比这更漂亮,更让人身临其境或难以承受的事情,因此看到两个跑步者将游戏按照自己的意愿弯曲真是太棒了。

Literally Everything Else — The magic of speedrunning is that there’s something for everyone. 100-hour epics beaten in 3 hours, games so broken they can be beaten in under 10 minutes, a game about Pringles, you name it and it’s here. I’ve linked to the entire playlist, just scroll through it for a minute and I can almost guarantee you will find something to love!

从字面上看,其他所有内容 -快跑的魔力在于每个人都有某些东西。 在3个小时内击败了 100个小时的史诗级游戏,如此破碎的游戏可以在10分钟之内击败 ,这是一款有关Pringles的游戏 ,您可以命名,它就在这里。 我已链接到整个播放列表,只需滚动浏览一分钟,我几乎可以保证您会找到喜欢的东西!

翻译自: https://medium.com/super-jump/7-insane-runs-from-summer-games-done-quick-2020-80abbbe3086c




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