
More and more people are dying taking selfies. Let’s look at how not to become a statistic far more embarrassing than the worst late night text to your ex.

越来越多的人死于自拍照。 让我们看一下如何不成为比前任最糟糕的深夜文本更令人尴尬的统计数据。

A recent study found selfies were a factor in 259 deaths between October 2011 and November 2018. This number is almost certainly too low as it’s based only on reports of deaths in English language media; it doesn’t include near deaths, serious injuries, deaths reported in non-English media, or deaths where selfies weren’t mentioned even though they might have been a factor, such as car crashes. In other words, lots and lots of people are dying or getting hurt taking selfies.

最近的一项研究发现,自拍照是2011年10月至2018年11月之间259例死亡的一个因素。这个数字几乎可以肯定太低了,因为它仅基于英语媒体上的死亡报道。 它不包括险些死亡,重伤,非英语媒体报道的死亡或没有提及自拍照的死亡,即使这些事故可能是导致车祸的一个因素。 换句话说,自拍照使很多人垂死或受伤。

The study found that most people died by drowning, falling, burning, or getting hit by a moving vehicle—though animal attacks, firearm deaths, and electrocution appear on the list, too. Surprising no one, more men died than women while engaging in “risky” selfie behavior.

该研究发现,大多数人死于溺水,坠落,燃烧或被行驶中的车辆撞死,尽管动物袭击,枪支死亡和触电死亡也列于清单中。 令人惊讶的是,在进行“危险”的自拍照行为时,男性死亡的人数多于女性。

Today, we’re not concerned with how to take a good selfie—we’ve covered that before—instead, we’re going to talk about how to do it safely. Because apparently, this is a conversation that needs to be had.

今天,我们已经不再担心如何拍摄自拍了,我们之前已经讨论过了,相反,我们将讨论如何安全地自拍。 因为显然,这是必须进行的对话。

注意你的周围环境 (Be Aware of Your Surroundings)

More than anything, the leading cause of “selficide” is being unaware of your surroundings. Whether someone steps off a cliff by accident or capsizes their boat and drowns, it’s because they’re too focused on taking a selfie and not on where they’re standing and what’s going on around them.

最重要的是,“自杀”的主要原因是不了解您的周围环境。 不管是有人偶然从悬崖上走下还是翻船淹死,这都是因为他们过于专注于自拍照,而不是站在自己的位置以及周围发生的事情。

I’m going to buck the judgemental tone of a lot of articles here. Standing close to the edge of a cliff or climbing some rocks can be an entirely risk-managed activity if you keep in mind where you are and what you’re doing. The key is to make sure you are secure before you even think about taking out your phone for that selfie. You should not wander backward aimlessly while looking at yourself in your screen, even if there isn’t a cliff behind you. A small trip can be enough for a serious head injury.

在这里,我要反驳很多文章的判断基调。 如果您牢记自己的位置和所从事的工作,那么站在悬崖边缘或攀登一些岩石可能是完全由风险管理的活动。 关键是要确保自己安全,然后再考虑将手机用于该自拍照。 即使您身后没有悬崖,在屏幕上注视自己时也不要漫无目的地向后走。 短途旅行就足以导致严重的头部受伤。

Similarly, if the waves are small and you’re a strong swimmer, you can stand closer to a pier or take more risks in a boat. On the other hand, if you can’t swim or the waves are big, you should not be near the water.

同样,如果海浪很小,并且您是个坚强的游泳者,那么您可以更靠近码头站立,或者乘船冒险。 另一方面,如果您不会游泳或海浪很大,则不要靠近水。

熊不是你的朋友 (Bears are Not Your Friend)

To me, the most ridiculous statistic on the list were the eight people who were mauled to death by animals. We don’t call wild animals wild because they rip up the dancefloor until 5am on a Saturday night; we call them wild because they are literally untamed, unpredictable, and quite possibly capable of tearing you limb from limb.

对我来说,清单上最荒谬的统计数字是被动物杀死的八个人。 我们不会将野生动物称为野生动物,因为它们会在周六晚上凌晨5点前撕裂舞池; 我们之所以称其为狂野,是因为它们实际上没有被驯服,无法预测,并且很有可能将您的肢体从肢体撕裂。

Wandering up to a bear, elephant, or walrus and trying to get it to pop blue steal with you is just asking for trouble. Firstly, animals can’t pose and are generally terrible at looking at the camera (as your cat demonstrates every time you try to take its picture), and secondly, these ANIMALS CAN KILL YOU.

徘徊在熊,大象或海象上,试图让它与您一同流行,这只是自找麻烦。 首先,动物不能摆姿势,通常看着相机会很糟糕(因为每次尝试拍摄照片时猫都会演示),其次,这些动物会杀死您。

Even if you’re not planning on taking selfies, seriously, just avoid wild animals.


汽车和火车快速移动 (Cars and Trains Move Quickly)

Getting hit by a moving vehicle, especially a train, is another especially common cause of selficide. People forget that a relatively modest 60 miles per hour is still 88 feet per second. They think they have enough time to step on to the train tracks and snap a selfie, but they absolutely don’t.

被行驶中的车辆(尤其是火车)撞到是自杀的另一种常见原因。 人们忘记了,相对适中的每小时60英里仍然是每秒88英尺。 他们认为他们有足够的时间踏上火车轨道并拍摄自拍照,但他们绝对没有。

It’s the same with highways and even bike paths. Vehicles move fast in a straight line. In a few seconds, they can go from hidden around a corner to six inches away from killing you. Seriously, don’t stand anywhere a vehicle could appear quickly and never stand on train tracks; they might also be electrified.

高速公路甚至自行车道都是一样的。 车辆以直线快速移动。 在几秒钟内,它们就可以从隐蔽的角落变成杀死您的六英寸远。 严重的是,不要站在任何可能Swift出现的车辆上,也不要站在火车轨道上。 他们也可能被带电。

不要自拍照和开车 (Don’t Selfie and Drive)

One cause of death that was noticeably absent from the study was people crashing their cars while taking selfies. Let’s be real here for a second: this is obviously happening and is probably actually a major cause of selficide; it’s just not reported in the media.

这项研究中没有出现的死亡原因之一是人们在拍照时撞车。 让我们在这里再真实一点:这很明显正在发生,并且可能实际上是自杀的主要原因。 只是没有在媒体上报道。

Using your phone in any capacity while driving increases the risk of something going wrong (which is why Apple and Google are adding features to make it easier to ignore your phone when you’re in the car). Trying to take a selfie while driving is just idiotic. It’s way too distracting and the photo won’t even be good.

开车时以任何容量使用手机会增加出现问题的风险(这就是Apple和Google添加功能以使其在开车时更容易忽略手机的原因)。 开车时尝试自拍照只是白痴。 太让人分心了,照片甚至都不好。

不要冒愚蠢的风险 (Don’t Take Stupid Risks)

While some people were genuinely unfortunate—like these women who had a bridge collapse under them as they took selfies—more people died from taking risky selfies than not.


There is nothing inherently wrong with taking risks but there is something wrong with taking stupid risks. A significant number of the selfie incidents caused more than one death so people were doing more than just putting their own lives in danger.

冒险本身并没有错,但是愚蠢的冒险有错。 大量自拍照事件导致了不止一个死亡,因此人们所做的不仅仅是将自己的生命置于危险之中。

If, for any reason, you think taking a selfie could put you or other people at risk, then don’t do it. No photo is worth your life.

如果出于任何原因,您认为自拍照可能会使您或其他人处于危险之中,请不要这样做。 没有照片值得您一生。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/368733/how-to-take-a-selfie-safely-without-falling-off-a-cliff-or-being-hit-by-a-car/



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