










  1. 初始化每个节点为只拥有根节点的二叉树,代码中称为Root Tree。
  2. 选择权重最小的两颗树进行融合,生成一棵新的Root Tree。
  3. 重复2直到只剩下一颗Root Tree。

2.1 字符串处理


module Ascii(getAsciiWeight,getHuffmanWeight,splitWithChar,getAsciiWeightTuple) whereimport Data.Char (ord)getCharCount :: Char -> [Char] -> Int
getCharCount c str = foldl (foo c) 0 strwhere foo = \c1 count c2 ->if c1 == c2then count+1else count-- [Int] caintains weight for each character
-- 获取每个字符权重
getAsciiWeight :: [Char] -> [Int]
getAsciiWeight str = foldr foo [x | x<-[1..128], let x = 0] strwhere foo c cntList = take (ord c) cntList ++ [cntList!!(ord c)+1] ++ drop (ord c + 1) cntList-- add ascii info compared with getAsciiWeight
-- 在一个tuple中保存字符及其权重
getAsciiWeightTuple :: [Char] -> [(Int, Char)]
getAsciiWeightTuple str = filter ((/= 0) . fst)$foldr foo [(x, y) | x<-[0..127], y<-['a'], let x = 0] strwhere foo c cntList = take (ord c) cntList ++ [(fst (cntList!!(ord c)) +1, c)] ++ drop (ord c + 1) cntList-- change weight into huffman mode
-- 将(字符,权重)转换成权重+字符构成的字符串,譬如“2a 234b”的形式
showHuffPattern :: [(Int, Char)] -> [Char]
showHuffPattern weightPairs = foldl foo "" weightPairswhere foo str pair = if fst pair /= 0then str ++ show (fst pair) ++ [snd pair] ++ " "else str-- 用来根据任意字符切割字符串
splitWithChar :: Char -> String -> [String]
splitWithChar c str = if str /= ""then [splitedStr] ++ splitWithChar c (drop (length splitedStr + 1) str)else []where splitedStr = takeWhile (/=c) str-- "abcd" -> "1a 1b 1c 1d "
getHuffmanWeight :: [Char] -> [Char]
getHuffmanWeight = showHuffPattern . getAsciiWeightTuple

2.2 定义Huffman二叉树

module BTree(BTree(..),getNodeWeight,getNodeChar,getNodePath,walkHuffmanTree) wheredata BTree = Node {-- string info for huffman code-- 三项分别表示权重、字符和路径(即编码)nodeInfo :: (Int, Char, String),leftTree :: BTree,rightTree :: BTree} | Empty deriving (Show, Eq)-- 获取节点权重
getNodeWeight :: BTree -> Int
getNodeWeight tree = case nodeInfo tree of(weight, _, _) -> weight-- 获取节点字符
getNodeChar :: BTree -> Char
getNodeChar tree = case nodeInfo tree of(_, ch, _) -> ch-- 获取节点路径(编码)
getNodePath :: BTree -> String
getNodePath tree = case nodeInfo tree of(_, _, path) -> path-- 获取最左叶子节点
walkOnce :: BTree -> [BTree]
walkOnce Empty = []
walkOnce (Node c leftTree rightTree) =(Node c leftTree rightTree) : walkOnce leftTree-- 获取所有叶子节点
walkLeaf :: BTree -> [(Int, Char, String)]
walkLeaf (Node c Empty Empty) = [c]
walkLeaf (Node c leftTree rightTree) =(walkLeaf leftTree) ++ (walkLeaf rightTree)-- 遍历左右叶子节点,同时保存每个叶子节点的路径(即编码)
-- key: 生成了每个字符对应的huffman编码
walkHuffmanTree :: String -> BTree -> [(Char, String)]
walkHuffmanTree curPath Empty= []
walkHuffmanTree curPath (Node (_, ch, _) Empty Empty) = [(ch, curPath)]
walkHuffmanTree curPath (Node info leftTree rightTree)=(walkHuffmanTree (curPath++"0") leftTree) ++ (walkHuffmanTree (curPath++"1") rightTree)-- 获取二叉树深度
getTreeDepth :: BTree -> Int
getTreeDepth Empty = 0
getTreeDepth (Node c leftTree rightTree) =max (getTreeDepth leftTree) (getTreeDepth rightTree) + 1where max a b = if a >= bthen aelse b

2.3 主程序


import Data.Char (digitToInt, ord)
import Ascii
import BTreetype Tree = BTree-- 根据节点权重对Root Tree进行快速排序
sortRootTree :: [Tree] -> [Tree]
sortRootTree [] = []
sortRootTree (x:xs) = sortRootTree [x1 | x1<-xs, getNodeWeight x1 < getNodeWeight x] ++ [x] ++ sortRootTree [x2 | x2<-xs, getNodeWeight x2 > getNodeWeight x]-- 融合当前权重最小的两个节点
resort :: Tree -> [Tree] -> [Tree]
resort newTree oldTrees = [x1 | x1<-oldTrees, getNodeWeight x1 < getNodeWeight newTree] ++ [newTree] ++ [x2 | x2<-oldTrees, getNodeWeight x2 >= getNodeWeight newTree]-- generate huffman tree from sorted Root Trees
-- 生成Huffman树
genHuffmanTree :: [Tree] -> Tree
genHuffmanTree (x1:x2:xs) = genHuffmanTree (resort (Node ((getNodeWeight x1 + getNodeWeight x2), '@', "") x1 x2) xs)
genHuffmanTree a = a!!0-- info is depicited as "1a" "2b" and so on
-- 根据字符统计信息创建相应节点
createNodes :: [(Int, Char)] -> [Tree]
createNodes ((weight, ch):nodesInfo) = (Node (weight, ch, "") Empty Empty) : createNodes nodesInfo
createNodes [] = []{-compress text file-}
-- main
main = docontent <- readFile "usb.c"--print (getAsciiWeightTuple content)--print ((genHuffmanTree . createNodes . getAsciiWeightTuple) content)writeFile "result.txt" $show ((walkHuffmanTree "" . genHuffmanTree . sortRootTree . createNodes . getAsciiWeightTuple) content)



  • 生成的编码表
[('i',"0000"),('s',"0001"),('r',"0010"),('>',"0011000"),(':',"00110010"),('G',"001100110"),('Z',"001100111000"),('K',"001100111001"),('3',"001100111010"),('\\',"0011001110110"),('J',"0011001110111"),('2',"00110011110"),('+',"00110011111"),('R',"00110100"),('M',"00110101"),('S',"00110110"),('|',"001101110"),('X',"001101111"),('O',"00111000"),('Y',"0011100100"),('\'',"0011100101"),('!',"001110011"),('D',"00111010"),('T',"00111011"),(']',"00111100000"),('[',"00111100001"),('9',"00111100010"),('5',"0011110001100"),('~',"00111100011010"),('6',"00111100011011"),('W',"001111000111"),('@',"001111001"),('U',"00111101"),(',',"0011111"),(' ',"010"),('\t',"01100"),('c',"01101"),('t',"0111"),('p',"100000"),('k',"10000100"),('C',"100001010"),('F',"1000010110"),('1',"1000010111"),('z',"1000011000"),('<',"1000011001"),('&',"100001101"),('N',"10000111"),('a',"10001"),('_',"10010"),('d',"10011"),('o',"10100"),('v',"101010"),('w',"10101100"),('0',"101011010"),('j',"10101101100"),('H',"10101101101"),('"',"1010110111"),('L',"10101110"),('/',"10101111"),('h',"101100"),('*',"101101"),('\n',"10111"),('E',"11000000"),('=',"11000001"),(';',"1100001"),('-',"1100010"),('}',"110001100"),('{',"110001101"),('I',"110001110"),('#',"1100011110"),('x',"1100011111"),('g',"1100100"),('y',"11001010"),('.',"11001011"),('l',"110011"),('u',"11010"),('n',"11011"),('e',"1110"),('V',"11110000000"),('%',"11110000001"),('?',"111100000100"),('4',"111100000101"),('q',"11110000011"),('P',"111100001"),('B',"111100010"),('A',"111100011"),('m',"1111001"),(')',"1111010"),('(',"1111011"),('f',"111110"),('b',"111111")]
  • 二进制编码
0000000 f5 6d 57 ab 4c 50 1d 61 fd c2 bf de 16 ba fa 85
0000010 ff b4 ed 6a bb 5a bd 43 bd 14 aa 04 53 04 93 c6
0000020 55 07 7b a1 b8 0b 55 71 ce a8 d0 79 c4 23 1e 75
0000030 b5 7a 87 7a 29 54 09 a6 08 26 8d 8b b9 97 26 ee
0000040 7d a8 01 ca df cd ae d0 79 c4 23 1e 8d 98 57 ab
0000050 56 e8 5d ad de a1 5e 0a 55 82 29 82 49 e3 7a bc
0000060 33 5d 44 31 8b b3 42 e7 11 8f 78 d4 d5 ea 1d ea
0000070 a5 50 25 98 22 98 34 2e 66 74 93 42 53 7a 38 2d
0000080 b6 27 78 a3 d0 79 c4 23 1e 75 b5 7a 87 7a 29 54
0000090 09 a6 08 26 8d 8b eb 1c 14 da 0c 37 99 15 3a 8f
00000a0 78 c4 23 bd f7 d5 88 97 ed 91 22 d9 06 fc ac 2f
00000b0 ba 57 57 ab 77 a8 97 42 95 60 8a 60 d2 b8 58 e2
00000c0 ce 53 e2 5a 7b 8e 81 98 57 ab 56 ad ae 56 ef 50
00000d0 2f 85 2a c1 14 c1 a4 71 71 c5 0a b2 1e 51 a9 d9
00000e0 37 cf 62 5e ad 5a b5 46 cc ab 55 eb 41 bb 5a bd
00000f0 43 bd 14 aa 04 53 04 93 c6 c5 c9 64 92 29 22 cc
0000100 0a 55 9e c1 72 d8 13 be c6 6d 3b 2d e6 d5 aa 55
0000110 ab ab 95 24 bd 17 fe 29 5f 05 f6 12 64 3d a3 db
0000120 06 f6 44 b6 89 7b 72 a8 7f 4a 8f 73 7c 8a b9 4f
0000130 8b 05 6c e3 47 af ae 56 ef 50 2f 85 2a c1 14 c1
0000140 a4 71 31 a3 9b 88 39 a9 c4 66 54 db 48 fe 8c 5b
0000150 cc ab 55 8b 79 23 e6 d5 aa c5 5c 5d 6d 57 2b 96
0000160 9b 2f e2 65 ad 9d 8f e4 cd 89 d9 c3 ba 8a 79 2a
0000170 7b 9e 9a ee 6a c5 f6 90 8b fd a8 0e ec 6d bc d1
0000180 b8 7c db e1 83 23 26 31 7b 58 37 62 de 74 ad ae
0000190 b6 ab 55 38 07 f7 00 67 71 37 80 02 d4 2e ae 68
00001a0 7d c5 79 9e 52 54 26 a8 8e 14 5d 71 9e f9 a2 e8
00001b0 cd 91 bc 01 14 60 57 ab da 2c 74 45 d9 32 cf 67


后面跟着0x6d -> b10110110,查表可知其中的b101101对应一个’*’。
接下来0x57 -> b11101010和前面的最后两位拼起来之后得到b1011101010,查表可知b10111对应’\n’,b010对应’ ‘。
紧接着0xab -> b11010101,和前面的b10拼起来就是b1011010101,解出b101101->’*’,b010->’ ‘。
接着是0x4c -> b00110010,得到b100110010,解出b10011->’d’,b0010->’r’


/** dr


Haskll Lesson:Huffman编码实现文本压缩相关推荐

  1. Haffman编码实现文本压缩-C语言-万字长文,绝对详细

    目录 前言 一.实验目的 二.实验要求 三.设计思想 1 编码 1.1 生成Haffman编码 (1)统计字符频率 (2)构造Haffman树 1.2 文本编码 2 译码 2.1 读入译码信息 2.2 ...

  2. 算法系列(二):贪心算法--Huffman编码

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  3. matlab完成信源编码译码,Huffman编码和译码的MATLAB实现.doc

    Huffman编码和译码的MATLAB实现.doc Huffman编码及译码的MATLAB实现 沈逸峰 (上海师范大学 信息与机电工程学院,上海 200333) 摘要:本论文首先介绍了Huffman编 ...

  4. 基于Huffman树的文件压缩(详细)

    文件压缩 开发平台:Visual Studio 2008 开发技术:哈夫曼树,堆排序 项目流程: (1)统计要压缩的文件中各字符出现的次数,利用数据结构中的小堆来构建Huffman树,每次在堆顶选出两 ...

  5. Huffman编码、Shannon编码、Fano编码——《小王子》文本压缩与解压

    一.实验要求: 1 采用熵编码对<小王子>文本进行压缩,生成压缩文件: 2 将压缩文件解压,并与源文件比较: 3 从香农编码.Huffman编码.Fano编码中选择一种: 4 计算编码效率 ...

  6. huffman编码的程序流程图_Huffman编码实现压缩解压缩

    这是我们的课程中布置的作业.找一些资料将作业完毕,顺便将其写到博客,以后看起来也方便. 原理介绍 什么是Huffman压缩 Huffman( 哈夫曼 ) 算法在上世纪五十年代初提出来了,它是一种无损压 ...

  7. 利用huffman编码对文本文件进行压缩与解压(java实现)

    利用huffman编码对文本文件进行压缩与解压 输入:一个文本文件 输出:压缩后的文件 算法过程: (1)统计文本文件中每个字符的使用频度 (2)构造huffman编码 (3)以二进制流形式压缩文件 ...

  8. Huffman编码文件压缩

    [问题描述] 编写一程序采用Huffman编码对一个正文文件进行压缩.具体压缩方法如下: 对正文文件中字符(换行字符''除外,不统计)按出现次数(即频率)进行统计 依据字符频率生成相应的Huffman ...

  9. Huffman编解码实现文本压缩

    编码方案设计: 实现最基本的哈夫曼编码,对文件进行两次扫描,第一次统计概率,第二次进行编码.压缩和解压缩时分别重新建立树,重新编码,以减小压缩后文件大小. 系统实现方案: typedef struct ...


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