

Read each of the following statement carefully and then decide whether it is true or false. The Introduction moves from the specific question being investigated to general discussion of the topic.

Read each of the following statements carefully and then decide whether it is true or false. The Introduction usually begins with general background information to help the reader understand the present study.

Read each of the following statements carefully and then decide whether it is true or false. Many of things you need to do in the Introduction are done in the Discussion/Conclusion in reverse order.


Most research articles begin by indicating that the research field or topic is very useful or significant. They may focus on____________.
D. all of the above

In the Introduction, you should give information about your methodology or finding as detailed as possible so that the reader can understand your present study clearly.

When you begin to introduce the purpose of your paper and the specific problem you will deal with, it is necessary to create a research space. You can do this either by describing a problem in the previous research or by indicating that there is a gap in the research.


Read the following statement carefully and choose the best answer from the four choices. When describing a research gap in the Introduction, which one of the following words is NOT used as a signaling connector?
in addition

Read each of the following statements carefully and then decide whether it is true or false. The Past Simple tense is used in science writing to state accepted facts and truths.

Read each of the following statements carefully and then decide whether it is true or false. When you see a word like therefore or however, you are able to process the next piece of information in the sentence correctly even if you don’t understand every word.


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