下面为大家提供一篇雅思写作高分范文关于电脑与现代教育computer and modern



Are computers an essential feature of modern education? What subjects can

be better taught using computers? Are there aspects of a good education that

cannot be taught using computers?


Topic words

Computers Essential features / absolutely necessary

Modern education / good education

Task words

There are no specific task words. Three separate questions are given.

Questions I should ask myself

Do I think computers are essential for education? What subjects do I think

are best be learnt using computers? What do I think are the features of a good

education, and are computers important in it?

The answer must

Answer each of the three related questions. If you answer the second and

third question you will answer the first question, which is the most general and

gives the basic topic of the essay. Show which subjects can benefit from the use

of a computer, and explain why a computer is so useful. Show what cannot be

taught by computer, and explain why a computer cannot help with those areas.

After explaining when computers are useful and when not, write a compulsion in

which you say whether computers are essential in education or not, using

arguments from your essay.


Introduction shows main idea

Computers are now essential in many areas of life – modern banking, retail

and information exchange among others. However, this is not true for education.

At a simple level some subjects may be better taught using computers, but to

explain important concepts a human teacher is still indispensable.

Why computers do well, with examples

There are some subjects in which a computer can be used successfully to

teach. Elementary mathematics, elementary language leaning, any area which

requires a student to memorize basic facts through repetition is well suited to

computer learning. The computer can be programmed to provide an endless number

of simple questions, and as the student answers these questions the facts are

learned and reinforced.

What computers cannot be, with an example

However, in the learning and practice of more complex ideas, the computer

is not adequate. A computer can evaluate an answer as right or wrong, but it

cannot determine why. It cannot find out why a student is making mistakes, and

then re-present important concepts in a different way so the student will

understand. It cannot determine at what stage in a mathematics problem the

student has made an error, it can only indicate that the final answer is wrong.

Tasks involving reasoning cannot be taught by computers, as there are too many

variables for a computer to deal with successfully.

Conclusion re-states main ideas

Thus, while computers may be useful as a tool for practicing simple skills,

they are not an essential feature of modern education, because they cannot

monitor a student's grasp of concepts, nor evaluate a student's reasoning. Until

further developments in computers are made the human teacher will remain




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