#python连载第11篇 if 语句
age = 17
if age > 10:print("you are old enough to enjoy love with TA")print("you can do some wonderful things")#if一个测试,多个选择语句例子
age = 150
if age < 50:print("the train ticket is free")
elif age == 50:print("the train ticket is free")
elif age < 120:print("the train ticket is half price")
elif age == 120:print("the train ticket is half price")
else:print("the train ticket is full price")     #身高大于120cm,所以全价票
#if 嵌套
num = int(input("please input an integer:"))
if num%5 == 0:if num%6 == 0:print ("the number you input can be exact divided by  5 and 6")else:print ("the number you input can be exact divided by  5,but not by 6")
else:if num%6 == 0:print ("the number you input can be exact divided by  6,but not by 5")else:print  ("the number you input can not be exact divided by 5 and 6")2017-11-26 16:56:48 November Sunday the 47 week, the 330 day
if 'python' == 'Python':print("'python' == 'Python'")
else:print("'python' != 'Python'")       #不相等哈,字母有大小写分别
if 'love' in "I love you":              #in 包含的意思,一个小东西是否在大东西里面print("'love' is in 'I love you'")
else:print("'love' is not in 'I love you'")if 'leben' not in "I love you":         #not in 不包含的意思,小数据是否不在大数据里print("'leben' is not in 'I love you'")
else:print("'leben' is in 'I love you'")
if 10 <= 6:print("10 <= 6 is true")
else:print("10 <= 6 is false")
if 10 > 6 and 10 >9:            #and 代表并且,两个条件都成立才是真print('10 > 6 and 10 >9 is true')
else:print("10 > 6 and 10 >9 is false")if 10 > 6 or 10 < 9:            #or代表或,有一个条件成立就是真print('10 > 6 or 10 >9 is true')
else:print("10 > 6 or 10 >9 is false")

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