
  • Podcast
  • glitch *n.* [GLITCH]
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glitch podcast

glitch n. [GLITCH]

n. 小故障;小失误


1 a: a usually minor malfunction; also: an unexpected defect, fault, flaw, or imperfection
   a: 通常是小故障;:出乎意料的缺陷,故障,差错或者缺点

b: a minor problem that causes a temporary setback: snag

2 b: a false or spurious electronic signal
2 b:假电信号或者毛刺电信号

注:snag: (隐伏的)障碍;困难;残桩;划破处;抽丝处

Did You Know?

There’s a glitch in the etymology of glitch — the origins of the word are not known for sure, thought it may derive from the Yiddish glitsh, meaning “slippery place.” Glitch started showing up in print in English in the mid-20th century in reference to a brief unexpected surge of electrical current. The term was new enough in 1962 that the astronaut John Glenn, writing in the book Into Orbit, felt the need to explain the term to his readers: “Literally, a glitch is a spike or change in voltage in an electrical circuit which takes place when the circuit suddenly has a new load put on it.” Today, you don’t have to be an astronaut to be familiar with the word glitch, which can be used of any minor malfunction or snag.

词源词根演化:(Uncertain, possibly) glitsh (Yiddish, “slippery place”) —> glitch

关于glitch的词源有点小棘手 — 这个单词的确切起源未知,不过可能衍生自依地语(Yiddish)的glitsh,意思是“湿滑的地方”。glitch在20世纪中期开始出现在英语印刷品中,用于表示一个小的出人意料的电流毛刺。在1962年宇航员John Glenn的书《Into Orbit》中,可能这个词过于新颖以至于作者认为需要为读者解释一下:“实际上,一个glitch是电路中的电压的一个尖峰或者突变,通常发生在电路中突然接入一个新的负载时。” 在现代,你不用成为一个宇航员也可以熟悉glitch这个词,因为现在它可以表示任何的小故障或者小麻烦。



  • The festival had an excellent lineup of performers, and the few glitches with the sound system did not seriously detract from the overall quality of the entertainment.



  • “A computer glitch delayed the start of the Saturday press run; by the time it was fixed, the judgment call was made to postpone distribution until Sunday, rather than send carriers out after dark on Saturday.”
    Jeff Pieters, The Post-Bulletin (Rochester, Minnesota), 9 Mar. 2019


    注:judgment call:n. 主观判断;没有明确的规则或原则;所以必须依靠自己的判断和本能

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