

void ReadArticle(FILE *f);

说明:参数 f 为文件指针。函数读出 f 所指示文件中的文章,将其输出到屏幕上。


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>void ReadArticle(FILE *f);int main()
{FILE *f;f = fopen("Article.txt", "r");if (!f){puts("文件无法打开!");exit(1);}ReadArticle(f);if (fclose(f)){puts("文件无法关闭!");exit(1);}return 0;
}/* 你提交的代码将被嵌在这里 */

打开 Windows 的记事本软件,复制下面的文字内容,保存文件并命名为“Article.txt”。


A Cure for a HeadacheOne day a man went into a chemist's shop and said, "Have you anything to cure a
The chemist took a bottle from a shelf,  held it under the gentleman's nose and
took out the cork.  The smell was so strong that tears came into the man's eyes
and ran down his cheeks.
"What did you do that for?"  he said angrily,  as soon as he could get back his
"But that medicine has cured your headache, hasn't it?" said the chemist.
"You fool," said the man, "It's my wife that has the headache, not me!"




A Cure for a HeadacheOne day a man went into a chemist's shop and said, "Have you anything to cure a
The chemist took a bottle from a shelf,  held it under the gentleman's nose and
took out the cork.  The smell was so strong that tears came into the man's eyes
and ran down his cheeks.
"What did you do that for?"  he said angrily,  as soon as he could get back his
"But that medicine has cured your headache, hasn't it?" said the chemist.
"You fool," said the man, "It's my wife that has the headache, not me!"


void ReadArticle(FILE *f)
{char  ch;ch=fgetc(f);while (ch != -1){printf("%c",ch);ch=fgetc(f);}

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