Using Rhyming(押韵) and alliteration(头韵) to make a point

Warm-up with words

April showers bring May flowers

You say "yes" but i say 'no',You say 'stop' but i say go

Rain,rain,go away,come again another day

Trick or treat,tirck or treat,give me something good to eat

Twinkle,twinkle,little star,how i wonder what you are

Awesome Alliteration

What a alliteration?Alliteration is using the same sound at the beginning of  serveral words.For example:

big beautiful blue balloons

careful kerry's cute kitten

nice nice new knives

Notice that the words don't have to start with the same letter,only the same sound.

Your turn to try

Take a minute and think of some sentence or phrase that use alliteration.Not every word has to start with the same letter /sound,-just most of them!(for example:Six silly children ate seventy-seven sandwiches.=most  words start with s,but not all)

Can you create an alliteration sentence?

A Rhyme Anytime

Rhyming is also a common method for making a point or emphasizing your words.When you make words rhyme,it means that the end of words sounds the same.For example:




Again,Notice that the letters don't have to be the same,only the sounds,How many words can you think of that the rhyme?

Practice Makes Perfect

Make list of words that rhyme with those words:





For more of a challenge,think of words that rhyme with receipt,lotion,and flower,You can rhyme both syllables or just the last one.

Alliteration Example For My Modern Moments

If you are 'living the life of luxury ' it mean that you live like a rich person(the expression 'live a/the life of....'can be used in other way,also:live a/the life of crime/queen,etc)

A Few Quick Questions

Are you living the life of luxury right now?

If you have the chance to live the life of leisure(空闲) starting tomorrow,do you think you would  enjoy that?

Thing We Say Every Day

An 'eager beaver'(only the vowel sounds rhyme here)is someone who is very enthusiastic(热情的),who tries hard to please the boss and authority figure (权威人物)

e.g:He is such an eager beaver,He always gets to the office before  7 am

If someone says:‘See you later,alligator(短吻鳄) ' to you ,you can respond by this:'after a while crocodile (鳄鱼)',This is a silly and childish(幼稚的) way to say goodbye to someone.

A friend in need is a friend,indeed: This expression means that a person who will help you when you have problems is a true friend.

Answer well,do tell

Would you describe yourself as an eager beaver ?

Have you ever been a ' friend in need' to someone,Tell us what happened.

Have you ever needed help and found a 'friend indeed' talk about the experience.

Very vociferous(激烈的) Vocabulary

alliteration--When the beginning sound of two or more words is the same (Betty brown,for example);note: 'alliterative' is the adjective (referring to alliteration)

rhyme--When the ending sound of two or more words is the same( hard/card,track/back ,for example)

emphasize--to make stronger or more important

receipt--a piece of paper given to show that you bought something  and how much you paid

lotion--cream(精华) used to make the skin soft and beautiful

syllable(音节)--one sound or part of a word

authority--someone with power over someone else( police,parent,teache,etc)

leisure--free time

beaver-- an animal,like a large rat,with very long front teeth that chews(咀嚼) wood

crocodile--a large reptile(爬行动物) with a long jaw(下巴) and sharp(尖) teeth that live near water

alligator--an animal like a crocodile ,but with shorter rounder,fatter jaw and a darker color


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