
linux initramfs启动过程:


右边是dracut留在initramfs的debug hooks,也就是grub中我们可以指定的rd.break=?时,内核初始化中断退出到shell的地方。


grub 菜单中 e,进入编辑模式



系统    启动到了 cmdline#

然后查看 vi /run/initramfs/rdsosreport.txt:

——在dev下创建静态节点,然后进入 emergency shell;




rdsosreport.txt中多出的步骤:(1759行 dm-devel是上一步启动到达的地方,从此往下是新的日志):

——到了 started udev kernel device manager (上图中行1769)


——网卡,raid卡 物理设备初始化。


——网络eth,scsi盘target ,实际上是为了找”/’啊 文件系统啊。


节选 man:

man    dracut:

If you are dropped to an emergency shell, while booting your       initramfs, the file rdsosreport.txt is created, which       can be saved to a (to be mounted by hand) partition (usually /boot)       or a USB stick. Additional debugging info can be produced by adding       rd.debug to the kernel command line. /run/initramfs/rdsosreport.txt       contains all logs and the output of some tools. It should be attached       to any report about dracut problems.

可知,在initrd的各个阶段,会生成 rdsosreport 文件。

但是该文件怎么copy出来啊?在vmware station中的虚机进行测试,在rd.break的时候根本没有usb的设备文件。

switchroot下的disk by-id:

后来在网上找了找,似乎在uefi下是可以导出的,也就是通过 efi分区做为一个缓冲,copy出这个rdsosoreport文件:

How to copy/move files between filesystems using UEFI shell


How can we move files between filesystems using UEFI shell. If i try:

fs0:> mv somefile  fs1:

I get an error that source and destination should be on the same filesystem. How can we workaround this?


How can we workaround this?

The answer is in the very title of your question:

fs0:> cp somefile  fs1: fs0:> rm somefile

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[root@localhost ~]# df

Filesystem     1K-blocks    Used Available Use% Mounted on

/dev/sda4       18145280 4293012  13852268  24% /

devtmpfs          926612       0    926612   0% /dev

tmpfs             935108       0    935108   0% /dev/shm

tmpfs             935108    9004    926104   1% /run

tmpfs             935108       0    935108   0% /sys/fs/cgroup

/dev/sda2         508588  110120    398468  22% /boot

/dev/sda1         204580    9744    194836   5% /boot/efi

——实在不不行就mount /dev/sda1吧,copy到efi空间然后再到bios uefi中cp吧。



initqueue timeout一般指向了initrd中,初始化 与“/”文件系统相关的  硬盘或raid卡或pxe网卡超时;


  1. Jul  1 16:25:25 isibos systemd: Starting dracut initqueue hook...     》》》》rd.break=initqueue hook初始化。

  2. Jul  1 16:25:25 isibos kernel: megaraid_sas: loading out-of-tree module taints kernel.

  3. Jul  1 16:25:25 isibos kernel: megaraid_sas: module verification failed: signature and/or required key missing - tainting kernel

  4. Jul  1 16:25:25 isibos systemd: Started Show Plymouth Boot Screen.

  5. Jul  1 16:25:25 isibos systemd: Reached target Paths.

  6. Jul  1 16:25:25 isibos kernel: megasas: 07.707.03.00

  7. Jul  1 16:25:25 isibos systemd: Starting Paths.

  8. Jul  1 16:25:25 isibos systemd: Started Forward Password Requests to Plymouth Directory Watch.

  9. Jul  1 16:25:25 isibos systemd: Starting Forward Password Requests to Plymouth Directory Watch.

  10. Jul  1 16:25:25 isibos systemd: Reached target Basic System.

  11. Jul  1 16:25:25 isibos kernel: megaraid_sas 0000:01:00.0: FW now in Ready state

  12. Jul  1 16:25:25 isibos kernel: megaraid_sas 0000:01:00.0: 64 bit DMA mask and 32 bit consistent mask

  13. Jul  1 16:25:25 isibos kernel: megaraid_sas 0000:01:00.0: firmware supports msix#011: (0)

  14. Jul  1 16:25:25 isibos kernel: megaraid_sas 0000:01:00.0: current msix/online cpus#011: (1/32)

  15. Jul  1 16:25:25 isibos kernel: megaraid_sas 0000:01:00.0: RDPQ mode#011: (disabled)     》》》》rd.break=initqueue到达的地方。

  16. Jul  1 16:25:25 isibos systemd: Starting Basic System.


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