
GET /forum/article/_search


"query": {

"match_phrase": {

"title": {

"query": "java spark",

"slop":  1







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"total": 5,

"successful": 5,

"failed": 0


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"max_score": null,

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query string,搜索文本,中的几个term,要经过几次移动才能与一个document匹配,这个移动的次数,就是slop


实际举例,一个query string经过几次移动之后可以匹配到一个document,然后设置slop

hello world, java is very good, spark is also very good.

java spark,match phrase,搜不到

如果我们指定了slop,那么就允许java spark进行移动,来尝试与doc进行匹配

java           is               very           good         spark         is

java     spark

java        -->        spark                      移动一位

java            -->                        spark             移动两位

java             -->                          spark   移动三位

这里的slop,就是3,因为java spark这个短语,spark移动了3次,就可以跟一个doc匹配上了

slop的含义,不仅仅是说一个query string terms移动几次,跟一个doc匹配上。而是说,一个query string terms,最多可以移动几次去尝试跟一个doc匹配上


GET /forum/article/_search


"query": {

"match_phrase": {

"title": {

"query": "spark data",

"slop":  3






但是如果slop设置的是2,那么java spark,spark最多只能移动2次,此时跟doc是匹配不上的,那个doc是不会作为结果返回的



GET /forum/article/_search


"query": {

"match_phrase": {

"content": {

"query": "spark data",

"slop": 3







"took": 1,

"timed_out": false,

"_shards": {

"total": 5,

"successful": 5,

"failed": 0


"hits": {

"total": 0,

"max_score": null,

"hits": []




GET /forum/article/_search


"query": {

"match_phrase": {

"content": {

"query": "spark data",

"slop": 2







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"_shards": {

"total": 5,

"successful": 5,

"failed": 0


"hits": {

"total": 0,

"max_score": null,

"hits": []




GET /forum/article/_search


"query": {

"match_phrase": {

"content": {

"query": "spark data",

"slop": 3







"took": 1,

"timed_out": false,

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"total": 5,

"successful": 5,

"failed": 0


"hits": {

"total": 1,

"max_score": 0.21824157,

"hits": [


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"postDate": "2017-03-01",

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"tag_cnt": 1,

"view_cnt": 10,

"title": "this is spark blog",

"content": "spark is best big data solution based on scala ,an programming language similar to java spark",

"sub_title": "haha, hello world",

"author_first_name": "Tonny",

"author_last_name": "Peter Smith"






Spark  is  best  big  data  solution based on scala ,an programming language similar to java spark

spark data

--> data  移动一位

-->  data  移动两位

spark               -->   data  移动三位


GET /forum/article/_search


"query": {

"match_phrase": {

"content": {

"query": "data spark",

"slop": 5







"took": 1,

"timed_out": false,

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"total": 5,

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"postDate": "2017-03-01",

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"view_cnt": 10,

"title": "this is spark blog",

"content": "spark is best big data solution based on scala ,an programming language similar to java spark",

"sub_title": "haha, hello world",

"author_first_name": "Tonny",

"author_last_name": "Peter Smith"






spark             is                          best        big                data

data          spark

-->               data/spark   移动一位

spark          àdata     移动两位

spark             -->                      data     移动三位

spark                                         -->               data    移动四位

spark                                                              -->               data    移动五位

slop搜索下,关键词离的越近,relevance score就会越高,做实验说明。。。


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"title": "this is java blog",

"content": "i think java is the best programming language",

"sub_title": "learned a lot of course",

"author_first_name": "Smith",

"author_last_name": "Williams",

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"postDate": "2017-03-01",

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"tag_cnt": 1,

"view_cnt": 10,

"title": "this is spark blog",

"content": "spark is best big data solution based on scala ,an programming language similar to java spark",

"sub_title": "haha, hello world",

"author_first_name": "Tonny",

"author_last_name": "Peter Smith",

"new_author_last_name": "Peter Smith",

"new_author_first_name": "Tonny"




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"title": "this is java and elasticsearch blog",

"content": "i like to write best elasticsearch article",

"sub_title": "learning more courses",

"author_first_name": "Peter",

"author_last_name": "Smith",

"new_author_last_name": "Smith",

"new_author_first_name": "Peter"







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"query": {

"match_phrase": {

"content": {

"query": "java best",

"slop": 15







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"postDate": "2017-01-02",

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"tag_cnt": 1,

"view_cnt": 50,

"title": "this is java blog",

"content": "i think java is the best programming language",

"sub_title": "learned a lot of course",

"author_first_name": "Smith",

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"tag_cnt": 1,

"view_cnt": 10,

"title": "this is spark blog",

"content": "spark is best big data solution based on scala ,an programming language similar to java spark",

"sub_title": "haha, hello world",

"author_first_name": "Tonny",

"author_last_name": "Peter Smith",

"new_author_last_name": "Peter Smith",

"new_author_first_name": "Tonny"






其实,加了slop的phrase match,就是proximity match,近似匹配

1、java spark,短语,doc,phrase match

2、java spark,可以有一定的距离,但是靠的越近,越先搜索出来,proximity match



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