
1. 安装软件

提取码:6666 (资料都在里面)


2. 下载固件

2.1 获得机器码


2.2 下载人脸模型

下载地址 https://www.maixhub.com/modelInfo?modelId=14


2.3 下载支持K210的固件


3. 运行代码

3.1 连接开发板


3.1 下载代码


代码如下(代码参考《K210口罩识别+人脸识别+断电储存(内存卡)》,https://blog.csdn.net/Mrli0530/article/details/123618647?utm_source=app&app_version=5.4.0&code=app_1562916241&uLinkId=usr1mkqgl919blen )

import sensor
import image
import lcd
import KPU as kpu
import time
from Maix import FPIOA, GPIO
import gc
from fpioa_manager import fm
from board import board_info
import utime
import os
import ubinasciitask_fd = kpu.load(0x300000)
task_ld = kpu.load(0x400000)
task_fe = kpu.load(0x500000)clock = time.clock()fm.register(board_info.BOOT_KEY, fm.fpioa.GPIOHS0)
start_processing = FalseBOUNCE_PROTECTION = 50def set_key_state(*_):global start_processingstart_processing = Trueutime.sleep_ms(BOUNCE_PROTECTION)key_gpio.irq(set_key_state, GPIO.IRQ_RISING, GPIO.WAKEUP_NOT_SUPPORT)lcd.init()
anchor = (1.889, 2.5245, 2.9465, 3.94056, 3.99987, 5.3658, 5.155437,6.92275, 6.718375, 9.01025)  # anchor for face detect
dst_point = [(44, 59), (84, 59), (64, 82), (47, 105),(81, 105)]  # standard face key point position
a = kpu.init_yolo2(task_fd, 0.5, 0.3, 5, anchor)
img_lcd = image.Image()
img_face = image.Image(size=(128, 128))
a = img_face.pix_to_ai()#=================内存卡===================#
feature_file_exists = 0
for v in os.ilistdir('/sd'):#to check key directorys or files in sd card.sd card should be formated to fat32if v[0] == 'features.txt' and v[1] == 0x8000:#0x8000 is filefeature_file_exists = 1
record_ftr=[] #空列表 用于存储当前196维特征
record_ftrs=[] #空列表 用于存储按键记录下人脸特征, 可以将特征以txt等文件形式保存到sd卡后,读取到此列表,即可实现人脸断电存储。
names = ['member.1', 'member.2', 'member.3', 'member.4', 'member.5', 'member.6', 'member.7', 'member.8', 'member.9' , 'member.10'] # 人名标签,与上面列表特征值一一对应。
reco = ''
record = []
def save_feature(feat):with open('/sd/features.txt','a') as f:record =ubinascii.b2a_base64(feat)f.write(record)st = ''
if(feature_file_exists):print("start")with open('/sd/features.txt','rb') as f:s = f.readlines()print(len(s))for line in s:record_ftrs.append(bytearray(ubinascii.a2b_base64(line)))#=================人脸识别===================#
ACCURACY = 80while (1):img = sensor.snapshot()clock.tick()code = kpu.run_yolo2(task_fd, img)if code:for i in code:# Cut face and resize to 128x128a = img.draw_rectangle(i.rect())face_cut = img.cut(i.x(), i.y(), i.w(), i.h())face_cut_128 = face_cut.resize(128, 128)a = face_cut_128.pix_to_ai()# a = img.draw_image(face_cut_128, (0,0))# Landmark for face 5 pointsfmap = kpu.forward(task_ld, face_cut_128)plist = fmap[:]le = (i.x() + int(plist[0] * i.w() - 10), i.y() + int(plist[1] * i.h()))re = (i.x() + int(plist[2] * i.w()), i.y() + int(plist[3] * i.h()))nose = (i.x() + int(plist[4] * i.w()), i.y() + int(plist[5] * i.h()))lm = (i.x() + int(plist[6] * i.w()), i.y() + int(plist[7] * i.h()))rm = (i.x() + int(plist[8] * i.w()), i.y() + int(plist[9] * i.h()))a = img.draw_circle(le[0], le[1], 4)a = img.draw_circle(re[0], re[1], 4)a = img.draw_circle(nose[0], nose[1], 4)a = img.draw_circle(lm[0], lm[1], 4)a = img.draw_circle(rm[0], rm[1], 4)# align face to standard positionsrc_point = [le, re, nose, lm, rm]T = image.get_affine_transform(src_point, dst_point)a = image.warp_affine_ai(img, img_face, T)a = img_face.ai_to_pix()# a = img.draw_image(img_face, (128,0))del (face_cut_128)# calculate face feature vectorfmap = kpu.forward(task_fe, img_face)feature = kpu.face_encode(fmap[:])reg_flag = Falsescores = []for j in range(len(record_ftrs)):score = kpu.face_compare(record_ftrs[j], feature)scores.append(score)max_score = 0index = 0for k in range(len(scores)):if max_score < scores[k]:max_score = scores[k]index = kif max_score > ACCURACY:a = img.draw_string(i.x(), i.y(), ("%s :%2.1f" % (names[index], max_score)), color=(0, 255, 0), scale=2)else:a = img.draw_string(i.x(), i.y(), ("X :%2.1f" % (max_score)), color=(255, 0, 0), scale=2)if start_processing:record_ftr = featurerecord_ftrs.append(record_ftr)save_feature(record_ftr) #存到SD卡start_processing = Falsebreakfps = clock.fps()print("%2.1f fps" % fps)a = lcd.display(img)gc.collect()# kpu.memtest()# a = kpu.deinit(task_fe)
# a = kpu.deinit(task_ld)
# a = kpu.deinit(task_fd)


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