
Deleting your Amazon account is the only way to completely erase your purchase history. If you want to delete your account for good, here’s how to give yourself a clean slate.

删除您的亚马逊帐户是完全删除您的购买历史记录的唯一方法。 如果您想永久删除自己的帐户,请按照以下方法为自己定一个清白的状态。

您需要知道的 (What You Need to Know)

Your Amazon account is shared across Amazon’s websites, so if you delete it, you’ll lose access to as well as international stores like and Amazon-owned sites like You won’t be able to sign into any website you use your Amazon account for. Your Amazon Payments account will also be shut down.

您的Amazon帐户在Amazon网站上共享,因此,如果删除它,您将失去对Amazon.com以及等国际商店以及Amazon拥有的Audible.com等站点的访问权限。 您将无法登录使用您的亚马逊帐户的任何网站。 您的Amazon Payments帐户也将被关闭。

You’ll lose access to basically everything. Any open orders will be canceled, subscriptions like Amazon Prime will immediately end, and you’ll lose any Amazon gift card balance in your account. You won’t be able to return purchased items for a refund or replacement. Digital content you purchased will be gone, and you won’t be able to redownload Kindle eBooks, Amazon videos, music, digital software and games, and whatever other digital content you might own.

您将基本上无法访问所有内容。 所有未结订单将被取消,像Amazon Prime这样的订阅将立即终止,您将失去帐户中任何Amazon礼品卡的余额。 您将无法退回购买的物品以进行退款或更换。 您购买的数字内容将消失,并且您将无法重新下载Kindle电子书,亚马逊视频,音乐,数字软件和游戏,以及您可能拥有的任何其他数字内容。

Amazon will also delete your account’s purchase history and customer data, so any reviews, discussion posts, and photos you’ve uploaded to Amazon’s website will also be erased.


Closing your account and creating a new one is the only way to erase your Amazon purchase history. However, you can “archive” some of your orders to make them less visible in the list of previous purchases.

关闭帐户并创建一个新帐户是清除亚马逊购买记录的唯一方法。 但是,您可以“存档”某些订单,以使它们在以前的购买清单中不那么明显。

This is an unusual step to take. You don’t need to close your account if you just want to cancel Amazon Prime, change your email address, or remove a payment method. You can do this all without closing an account. But if you really want to, here’s what you’ll need to do.

这是不寻常的步骤。 如果您只想取消Amazon Prime,更改电子邮件地址或删除付款方式,则无需关闭帐户。 您无需关闭帐户即可完成所有操作。 但是,如果您确实要这样做,这就是您需要做的。

截至2020年如何关闭您的亚马逊帐户 (How to Close Your Amazon Account as of 2020)

Update: Amazon has changed its website since we originally wrote this article. We recommend contacting Amazon via online chat or calling Amazon Customer Service at 888-280-4331. Ask the customer service representative to close your account for you.

更新:自我们最初撰写本文以来,亚马逊已更改其网站。 我们建议通过在线聊天联系亚马逊,或致电888-280-4331致电亚马逊客户服务。 请客户服务代表为您关闭帐户。

We’ve heard from readers who have used both the chat feature and telephone number to successfully close their accounts.


关闭帐户的旧方法 (The Old Way to Close Your Account)

You’ll need to contact Amazon customer support to close your account, but Amazon offers a streamlined process for doing so. (Update: Amazon has removed this option from its website.)

您需要与Amazon客户支持联系以关闭您的帐户,但是Amazon提供了简化的流程。 (更新:亚马逊已从其网站上删除了此选项。)

Visit the Contact Us page on Amazon’s website to get started. Sign in with the Amazon account you want to close.

请访问亚马逊网站上的“联系我们”页面以开始使用。 使用您要关闭的亚马逊帐户登录。

Click “Prime or Something Else” at the top of the customer support page.

单击客户支持页面顶部的“ Prime或其他”。

Under the “Tell us more about your issue” section, select “Account Settings” in the first box and “Close My Account” in the second box.


You’ll have to talk to Amazon’s customer support staff about this. Under the “How would you like to contact us?” section, choose either “Email”, “Phone”, or “Chat”.

您必须就此与Amazon客户支持人员进行交谈。 在“您想如何与我们联系?”下部分中,选择“电子邮件”,“电话”或“聊天”。

We recommend selecting “E-mail”, which seems to be the quickest method. You’ll need to receive an email as part of the account deletion process, anyway. Amazon’s staff won’t immediately delete your account if you contact them over the phone or online chat.

我们建议选择“电子邮件”,这似乎是最快的方法。 无论如何,您需要在帐户删除过程中收到一封电子邮件。 如果您通过电话或在线聊天与他们联系,Amazon的工作人员不会立即删除您的帐户。

Update: Readers have informed us that, as of November 16, 2019, Amazon’s customer service representatives can immediately delete an account if you contact them via phone.


Tell Amazon’s customer support staff you want to close your account and provide a reason.


Amazon’s customer support staff will contact you by email with more warnings about what you’ll lose when you delete an account. They’ll also try to figure out what problem you’re having and offer other possible solutions. But, if you’re sure you do want to close your account, they’ll help you do so.

亚马逊的客户支持人员将通过电子邮件与您联系,并提供有关删除帐户时您将遭受的损失的更多警告。 他们还将尝试找出您遇到的问题,并提供其他可能的解决方案。 但是,如果您确定要关闭帐户,他们会帮助您关闭帐户。

Follow the instructions Amazon emails you to confirm you actually do want to close your account. Amazon will then close your account and you’ll be free to make a new one with a fresh purchase history, if you like.

按照亚马逊通过电子邮件发送给您的指示信息,以确认您确实确实要关闭账户。 然后,Amazon将关闭您的帐户,并且您可以根据需要自由创建一个具有新购买记录的新帐户。

Image Credit: Paul Swansen

图片来源: Paul Swansen




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