【单选题】I’m going to visit my aunt this weekend, and my brother is coming ( ) well.

【单选题】You can ( ) those mistakes ( ) a big step toward your success.

【单选题】I had come to know that our Italian ( )had spent many years in New York.

【单选题】The little girl got much( ) from her father when she told him about her pains.

【单选题】The most popular way to bring( )the New Year in the United States is( )a big party.

【单选题】I had come to know that our Italian_ had spent many years in New York.

【单选题】I had come to know that our Italian ( )had spent many years in New York.

【单选题】I want others to know that it's OK to ( ) mistakes.

【单选题】People close their windows at night in an attempt to shut ( ) the sound of gunfire.

【单选题】Charlie thinks money will _all his problems.

【单选题】Six_ languages are used at the United Nations.

【单选题】His white hair was_ in sharp to his dark skin.


【单选题】He’s through to the men’s tennis_ for the first time.

【单选题】Many American hotels and restaurants ( )big screens so that their guests can watch it.

【单选题】But Li says that once she is off the (),she wants to forget about tennis.

【单选题】The good news got( )from the audience.


【单选题】The teacher granted her the _to be a charge of Group One at the spring outing.

【单选题】There’s no supermarket in the _area.

【单选题】It should also be noted that this issue has aroused the interest of the academic _in this country.


【单选题】Li has become the best of what the Chinese () the “Golden Flowers”.

【单选题】I always tell my students to work hard and keep up( ).

【单选题】You will often have to take the first step ( )you choose to do.

【单选题】I will carry( )my plan id you are not against it.

【单选题】In some way, he( )several of his friends in the teouble.


【单选题】Airline personnel can buy_ tickets at reduced prices.

【单选题】When asked what () her to win in the semi-final over World No.1 Caroline Wozniacki, saving a match point on the way, Li answered:“Prize Money.”

【单选题】You can expect a long and healthy lifw if you give( )smoking.

【单选题】It's a( )to sing "Jingle Bells"at christmas.


【单选题】Jiang Shan,Li Na's husband, talked her( )returning to the sport.

【单选题】Mom always tells me to work more _so I can have more time to play and relax.

【单选题】He gave great importance ( )what his father said.

【单选题】New medicines are _remarkable results in the treatment of cancer.

【单选题】His _expression shows that he is unhappy about that.

【单选题】These factories will take every possible( )to reduce pollution.

【单选题】I was glad to learn that my friend Linda stood ( )in the beauty contest.

【单选题】The cake is ( )the shape of a heart.

【单选题】The new factory is expected to_ more than 400 new jobs.

【单选题】She calls her book ( )Trouble.


【单选题】The children are gathering in the garden to let( )the fireworks.

【单选题】Li Na started her sporting life ( )a badminton racket in her hand at age 6.

【单选题】The wider world has learned just how () a personality she has.

【单选题】In the end,he realized the( )of foreign languages.

【单选题】This kind of plant _a lot of water at all times.



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