本文翻译自:getting the ng-object selected with ng-change

Given the following select element 给出以下select元素

<select ng-options="size.code as size.name for size in sizes " ng-model="item.size.code" ng-change="update(MAGIC_THING)">

Is there a way to get MAGIC_THING to be equal to the currently selected size, so I have access to size.name and size.code in my controller? 有没有办法让MAGIC_THING等于当前选择的大小,所以我可以访问我的控制器中的size.namesize.code

size.code affects a lot of the other parts of the app (image urls, etc), but when the ng-model of item.size.code is updated, item.size.name needs to be updated as well for the user facing stuff. size.code影响很多应用程序的其他部分(图像的URL等),但是当的NG-模型item.size.code被更新, item.size.name需要被更新为面向用户东西。 I assume that the correct way to do this is capturing the change event and setting the values inside of my controller, but I'm not sure what I can pass into update to get the proper values. 我假设正确的方法是捕获更改事件并在我的控制器中设置值,但我不确定我可以传递给更新以获取正确的值。

If this is completely the wrong way to go about it, I'd love to know the right way. 如果这完全是错误的方式,我很想知道正确的方法。




Instead of setting the ng-model to item.size.code, how about setting it to size: 而不是将ng-model设置为item.size.code,如何将其设置为size:

<select ng-options="size as size.name for size in sizes" ng-model="item" ng-change="update()"></select>

Then in your update() method, $scope.item will be set to the currently selected item. 然后在update()方法中, $scope.item将设置为当前选定的项目。

And whatever code needed item.size.code , can get that property via $scope.item.code . 无论代码需要item.size.code ,都可以通过$scope.item.code获取该属性。

Fiddle . 小提琴 。

Update based on more info in comments: 根据评论中的更多信息进行更新 :

Use some other $scope property for your select ng-model then: 为您的选择模型使用一些其他$ scope属性,然后:

<select ng-options="size as size.name for size in sizes" ng-model="selectedItem" ng-change="update()"></select>

Controller: 控制器:

$scope.update = function() {$scope.item.size.code = $scope.selectedItem.code// use $scope.selectedItem.code and $scope.selectedItem.name here// for other stuff ...


You can also directly get selected value using following code 您还可以使用以下代码直接获取所选值

 <select ng-options='t.name for t in templates'ng-change='selectedTemplate(t.url)'></select>

script.js 的script.js

 $scope.selectedTemplate = function(pTemplate) {//Your logicalert('Template Url is : '+pTemplate);


<select ng-model="item.size.code">
<option ng-repeat="size in sizes" ng-attr-value="size.code">{{size.name}}          </option>


If Divyesh Rupawala's answer doesn't work (passing the current item as the parameter), then please see the onChanged() function in this Plunker. 如果Divyesh Rupawala的答案不起作用(将当前项目作为参数传递),那么请参阅此Plunker中的onChanged()函数。 It's using this : 它正在使用this

http://plnkr.co/edit/B5TDQJ http://plnkr.co/edit/B5TDQJ


This might give you some ideas 这可能会给你一些想法

.NET C# View Model .NET C#View Model

public class DepartmentViewModel
{public int Id { get; set; }public string Name { get; set; }

.NET C# Web Api Controller .NET C#Web Api控制器

public class DepartmentController : BaseApiController
{[HttpGet]public HttpResponseMessage Get(){var sms = Ctx.Departments;var vms = new List<DepartmentViewModel>();foreach (var sm in sms){var vm = new DepartmentViewModel(){Id = sm.Id,Name = sm.DepartmentName};vms.Add(vm);}return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, vms);}}

Angular Controller: 角度控制器:

$http.get('/api/department').then(function (response) {$scope.departments = response.data;},function (response) {toaster.pop('error', "Error", "An unexpected error occurred.");}
);$http.get('/api/getTravelerInformation', { params: { id: $routeParams.userKey } }).then(function (response) {$scope.request = response.data;$scope.travelerDepartment = underscoreService.findWhere($scope.departments, { Id: $scope.request.TravelerDepartmentId });},function (response) {toaster.pop('error', "Error", "An unexpected error occurred.");}

Angular Template: 角度模板:

<div class="form-group"><label>Department</label><div class="left-inner-addon"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-hand-up"></i><select ng-model="travelerDepartment"ng-options="department.Name for department in departments track by department.Id"ng-init="request.TravelerDepartmentId = travelerDepartment.Id"ng-change="request.TravelerDepartmentId = travelerDepartment.Id"class="form-control"><option value=""></option></select></div>


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