• 环比





-- 1>当前月+1个月=下个月   
-- 2>left join on 当前月=下个月   下个月对应的value是上个月的
-- 3> 当前月value-上个月value

with temp as (SELECT cmonth,order_num, date(concat(cmonth,'-','01')) + interval 1 month as last_month from (SELECT order_id,order_time,order_num,DATE_FORMAT(order_time,'yyyy') as cyear,DATE_FORMAT(order_time,'yyyy-MM') as cmonth from (SELECT 1 as order_id , '2021-04-20' as order_time , 420 as order_num union all SELECT 1 as order_id , '2021-05-05' as order_time , 800 as order_num union all SELECT 1 as order_id , '2021-06-04' as order_time , 500 as order_num union all SELECT 1 as order_id , '2022-04-04' as order_time , 600 as order_num union all SELECT 1 as order_id , '2022-05-04' as order_time , 200 as order_numunion all SELECT 1 as order_id , '2022-06-04' as order_time , 950 as order_num) t1 ) t2
tmp2.* ,
(tmp1.order_num-tmp2.order_num) as diff,
((tmp1.order_num-tmp2.order_num)/tmp2.order_num) as ratio
from temp as tmp1 left join temp as tmp2 on tmp1.cmonth=date_format(tmp2.last_month,'yyyy-MM')

-- 1>当前月-1个月=上个月   
-- 2>left join on 当前月的上个月=当前月   当前月对应的value是上个月的
-- 3> 当前月value-上个月value

with temp as (SELECT cmonth,order_num, date(concat(cmonth,'-','01')) - interval 1 month as last_month from (SELECT order_id,order_time,order_num,DATE_FORMAT(order_time,'yyyy') as cyear,DATE_FORMAT(order_time,'yyyy-MM') as cmonth from (SELECT 1 as order_id , '2021-04-20' as order_time , 420 as order_num union all SELECT 1 as order_id , '2021-05-05' as order_time , 800 as order_num union all SELECT 1 as order_id , '2021-06-04' as order_time , 500 as order_num union all SELECT 1 as order_id , '2022-04-04' as order_time , 600 as order_num union all SELECT 1 as order_id , '2022-05-04' as order_time , 200 as order_numunion all SELECT 1 as order_id , '2022-06-04' as order_time , 950 as order_num) t1 ) t2
tmp2.* ,
(tmp1.order_num-tmp2.order_num) as diff,
((tmp1.order_num-tmp2.order_num)/tmp2.order_num) as ratio
from temp as tmp1 left join temp as tmp2 on date_format(tmp1.last_month,'yyyy-MM')=tmp2.cmonth

  • 同比





with temp as (SELECT cmonth,order_num, date(concat(cmonth,'-','01')) + interval 12 month as last_month from (SELECT order_id,order_time,order_num,DATE_FORMAT(order_time,'yyyy') as cyear,DATE_FORMAT(order_time,'yyyy-MM') as cmonth from (SELECT 1 as order_id , '2021-04-20' as order_time , 420 as order_num union all SELECT 1 as order_id , '2021-05-05' as order_time , 800 as order_num union all SELECT 1 as order_id , '2021-06-04' as order_time , 500 as order_num union all SELECT 1 as order_id , '2022-04-04' as order_time , 600 as order_num union all SELECT 1 as order_id , '2022-05-04' as order_time , 200 as order_numunion all SELECT 1 as order_id , '2022-06-04' as order_time , 950 as order_num) t1 ) t2
tmp2.* ,
(tmp1.order_num-tmp2.order_num) as diff,
((tmp1.order_num-tmp2.order_num)/tmp2.order_num) as ratio
from temp as tmp1 left join temp as tmp2 on tmp1.cmonth=date_format(tmp2.last_month,'yyyy-MM')
with temp as (SELECT cmonth,order_num, date(concat(cmonth,'-','01')) - interval 12 month as last_month from (SELECT order_id,order_time,order_num,DATE_FORMAT(order_time,'yyyy') as cyear,DATE_FORMAT(order_time,'yyyy-MM') as cmonth from (SELECT 1 as order_id , '2021-04-20' as order_time , 420 as order_num union all SELECT 1 as order_id , '2021-05-05' as order_time , 800 as order_num union all SELECT 1 as order_id , '2021-06-04' as order_time , 500 as order_num union all SELECT 1 as order_id , '2022-04-04' as order_time , 600 as order_num union all SELECT 1 as order_id , '2022-05-04' as order_time , 200 as order_numunion all SELECT 1 as order_id , '2022-06-04' as order_time , 950 as order_num) t1 ) t2
tmp2.* ,
(tmp1.order_num-tmp2.order_num) as diff,
((tmp1.order_num-tmp2.order_num)/tmp2.order_num) as ratio
from temp as tmp1 left join temp as tmp2 on date_format(tmp1.last_month,'yyyy-MM')=tmp2.cmonth


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