svn ankhsvn

There's an interesting and ongoing, but not-to-often-updated project called AnkhSVN that aims to bridge the Visual Studio .NET IDE and its Source Code Control (SCC) Provider model with the SVN Source Repository.

有一个有趣且正在进行的,但不经常更新的项目AnkhSVN ,旨在将Visual Studio .NET IDE及其源代码控制(SCC)提供程序模型与SVN源存储库进行桥接。

The latest totally unstable snapshot installer can be found at the bottom of this page. As with all scary alpha stuff, use at your own risk. You can get daily updates at the CIA that show that a burst of development is happening. The screenshots are here and the details on how to get the source code via SVN is on their wiki. I use TortoiseSVN for SVN access. (Note that the latest release has built-in support for the ASP.NET hack/fix.)

最新的完全不稳定的快照安装程序可以在此页面的底部找到。 与所有可怕的alpha内容一样,使用风险自负。 您可以在CIA上获得每日更新,以显示正在发生爆炸。 屏幕截图在这里,有关如何通过SVN获取源代码的详细信息在其wiki上。 我使用TortoiseSVN进行SVN访问。 (请注意,最新版本具有对ASP.NET hack / fix的内置支持。)

UPDATE: I assumed that since there hasn't been a release in a while that the source I found was in an unstable state. The author responded in the comments, and it turns out the current source is more stable than the current release, fixing a number of bugs. I've been using Ankh at work for the majority of my SVN work and haven't had any problems.

更新:我假设由于有一段时间没有发布,所以我发现的源处于不稳定状态。 作者在评论中做出了回应,事实证明当前资源比当前发行版更稳定,并修复了许多错误。 我在大部分SVN工作中都在使用Ankh,但没有任何问题。

All this isn't news, nor is it that interesting, IMHO. The really interesting stuff lies in the deep web (the sometimes-Google-able but not always easily)...if you actually retrieve the SVN repository as Patrick Cauldwell pointed out to me, you'll see that there appears to be a Microsoft Command Shell (MSH/Monad) Provider in the works for Subversion.

所有这些都不是新闻,也不是那么有趣,恕我直言。 真正有趣的东西存在于深层网络中(有时可以在Google上使用,但并不总是很容易)...如果您像Patrick Cauldwell向我指出的那样实际上检索了SVN存储库,您会发现似乎有一个Microsoft用于Subversion的Command Shell(MSH / Monad)提供程序。 Monad/MSH you can "cd" into more than just drives. You can say "cd HKLM:" and run around the Registry like it was a disk drive. You can say "cd ENV:" and poke around inside of the Environment Variables. The possibilities are endless when you can create your own MSH Providers. One guy has one that lets you look at Windows Services as if they were a location. Not sure why that is interesting, but it's cool. This time next year there will be dozens, I'm sure. Here's the start of a Visual Sourcesafe MSH Provider.

果壳...在Monad / MSH中,您不仅可以将CD刻录到驱动器中,还可以将其刻录成CD。 您可以说“ cd HKLM:”,然后像在磁盘驱动器上一样在注册表中运行。 您可以说出“ cd ENV:”,然后在环境变量内四处查找。 当您可以创建自己的MSH提供程序时,可能性是无限的。 一个人拥有一个,使您可以将Windows Services看作是一个位置。 不确定为什么这很有趣,但是很酷。 我敢肯定,明年的这个时候会有几十个。 这是Visual Sourcesafe MSH Provider的开始。

It looks like this particular provider would be used like this:


new-provider C:\dev\svnprovider\Svn.cmdletprovidernew-drive ankh svn http://mysubversionsystem/svn/finalproject cd ankh:
 new-provider C:\dev\svnprovider\Svn.cmdletprovidernew-drive ankh svn http://mysubversionsystem/svn/finalproject cd ankh:

I'd have a screen shot for you, but trying to compile this stuff is the Trials of Job. The provider is lovely, written in C# 2.0, but it has dependencies on NSvn.Core and a number of other Managed C++ which themselves have dependencies on C. Then there's the whole Python thing that actually generates the makefiles, yada yada. It's very MacGyver.

我为您提供了一个屏幕截图,但是尝试编辑这些内容是《试炼工作》。 该提供程序很可爱,是用C#2.0编写的,但是它依赖于NSvn.Core和许多其他托管C ++,它们本身都依赖于C。然后是整个Python,它实际上生成了makefile,yada亚达这是非常MacGyver。

I'll wait and hope it's released soon. Perhaps the author will notice that we noticed and chime in!

我将等待,希望它尽快发布。 也许作者会注意到我们注意到并鸣叫!

UPDATE: Holy CRAP there is some stuff in Monad/MSH that is OBSCURE. Sheesh. I'm getting 0x8007007e COM Errors from Snapins, zero feedback if things are working, and this whole assembly loading thing is just death. Anyway. Rather than trying to get the files I needed by building, instead I installed the latest build of Ankh and referenced its assemblies directly, then built just the SvnProvider myself. Elsewhere on the net folks were using InstallUtil to add cmdlets and providers, but I couldn't figure that out, so instead I created these registry keys. I had to put the new provider assembly in the same directory as Ankh.

更新:神圣的CRAP Monad / MSH中有些东西是OBSCURE 。 嘘。 我从Snapins收到0x8007007e COM错误,如果一切正常,则反馈为零,而整个程序集加载只是死亡。 无论如何。 我没有尝试获取构建所需的文件,而是安装了最新版本的Ankh并直接引用了其程序集,然后自己构建了SvnProvider。 在网上的其他地方,人们都在使用InstallUtil添加cmdlet和提供程序,但是我无法弄清楚,所以我创建了这些注册表项。 我必须将新的提供程序程序集与Ankh放在同一目录中。

Then I was able to do this from MSH:


MSH C:\> add-mshsnapin Rogue.Monad.Provider.dll
MSH C:\> get-provider

MSH C:\> add-mshsnapin Rogue.Monad.Provider.dll MSH C:\>获取提供商

Name                 Capabilities                  Drives
----                 ------------                  ------
Alias                ShouldProcess                 {Alias}
Environment          ShouldProcess                 {Env}
FileSystem           Filter, ShouldProcess         {C, D, T, Z, A, E, F, G}
Function             ShouldProcess                 {Function}
Registry             ShouldProcess                 {HKLM, HKCU}
Variable             ShouldProcess                 {Variable}
Certificate          ShouldProcess                 {cert}
Svn                  None                          {}

名称能力驱动器---- ------------ ------ 别名应处理{别名} 环境ShouldProcess {Env} 文件系统过滤器,ShouldProcess {C,D,T,Z,A,E,F,G} 函数ShouldProcess {Function} 注册表应处理{HKLM,HKCU} 变量ShouldProcess {变量} 证书应处理{cert} Svn无{}

There it is at the bottom. Then I did

在底部。 然后我做了

MSH C:\> new-drive ankh svn

MSH C:\>新驱动器ankh svn

Name       Provider      Root                                   CurrentLocation
----       --------      ----                                   ---------------
ankh       Rogue.Mona...

名称提供者根目录CurrentLocation ---- -------- ---- --------------- Ankh Rogue.Mona ... ...

MSH C:\documents and Settings\scott\Desktop> cd ankh:
MSH ankh:\> dir

MSH C:\ documents and Settings \ scott \ Desktop> cd ankh: MSH ankh:\>目录

Then I got stuff like:


MSH ankh:\> dir

MSH ankh:\>目录

MshPath         : Rogue.Monad.Provider.dll\Svn::
MshParentPath   : Rogue.Monad.Provider.dll\Svn::
MshChildName    : Ankh
MshDrive        : ankh
MshProvider     : Rogue.Monad.Provider.dll\Svn
MshIsContainer  : True
LastAuthor      : macgyver
Time            : 3/20/2006 11:01:54 PM
CreatedRevision : 2408
HasProperties   : True
Size            : 0
NodeKind        : Directory
Path            : Ankh

MshPath:Rogue.Monad.Provider.dll \ Svn :: lproject / trunk / src / Ankh MshParentPath:Rogue.Monad.Provider.dll \ Svn :: lproject / trunk / src MshChildName:Ankh MshDrive:ankh MshProvider:Rogue.Monad.Provider.dll \ Svn MshIsContainer:是LastAuthor:macgyver 时间:2006/3/20下午11:01:54 创建修订版:2408 HasProperties:真尺寸:0 NodeKind:目录路径:安赫

And then:


MSH ankh:\> dir | format-table MshPath,LastAuthor,CreatedRevision,Size,NodeKind

MSH ankh:\>目录| 格式表MshPath,LastAuthor,CreatedRevision,Size,NodeKind

MshPath         LastAuthor      CreatedRevision            Size        NodeKind
-------         ----------      ---------------            ----        --------
Rogue.Monad.... macgyver                   2408               0       Directory
Rogue.Monad.... ProjectAutoU...            2012           18591            File
Rogue.Monad.... Arild                      2386             312            File
Rogue.Monad.... Arild                       443               0       Directory
Rogue.Monad.... Arild                      1990               0       Directory
Rogue.Monad.... macgyver                   2351           18809            File
Rogue.Monad.... Arild                      2112             142            File
Rogue.Monad.... Arild                       747           91588            File
Rogue.Monad.... macgyver                   1713               0       Directory
Rogue.Monad.... macgyver                   2354               0       Directory
Rogue.Monad.... Arild                      2362               0       Directory
Rogue.Monad.... macgyver                   2388               0       Directory
Rogue.Monad.... Arild                      2137           16372            File
Rogue.Monad.... macgyver                   2285               0       Directory
Rogue.Monad.... Arild                      1154             198            File

MshPath LastAuthor CreatedRevision Size NodeKind ------- ---------- --------------- ---- -------- Rogue.Monad .... macgyver 2408 0目录Rogue.Monad .... ProjectAutoU ... 2012 18591档案Rogue.Monad .... Arild 2386 312文件Rogue.Monad .... Arild 443 0目录Rogue.Monad .... Arild 1990 0目录Rogue.Monad .... macgyver 2351 18809文件Rogue.Monad .... Arild 2112 142文件Rogue.Monad .... Arild 747 91588文件Rogue.Monad .... macgyver 1713 0目录Rogue.Monad .... macgyver 2354 0目录Rogue.Monad .... Arild 2362 0目录Rogue.Monad .... macgyver 2388 0目录Rogue.Monad .... Arild 2137 16372文件Rogue.Monad .... macgyver 2285 0目录Rogue.Monad .... Arild 1154 198文件

I couldn't figure out how to get just the interesting path bits on the right side of MshPath. Someone will know.

我无法弄清楚如何仅获得MshPath右侧的有趣路径位。 有人会知道。

Monad folks - I read the docs, did the labs, but there's a HUGE dearth of good doc on this. ETA?

Monad的人们-我读过文档,做了实验室,但是在此方面缺少大量的优秀文档。 预计到达时间?


svn ankhsvn

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