
While emoji has been big in Japan for many years (it originated there), it has only been somewhat recently that it’s made its way to North America, catching many by surprise and leaving them to ask, “What the heck is emoji?”


To be clear, emoji is not the same as emoticons. Emoticons (emotion + icon) are user-created symbols that anyone can type out. To that end, the number of emoticons you can have are virtually unlimited. Most people are familiar with emoticons to some extent and have probably used them from time to time. Emoticons can be useful for expressing emotional content when it may not be apparent from the text and are a simple way to convey intent without going on at length.

需要明确的是,表情符号与表情符号不同。 表情符号(情感+图标)是用户创建的符号,任何人都可以键入。 为此,表情符号的数量实际上是无限的。 大多数人在某种程度上熟悉表情符号,并且可能会不时使用它们。 表情符号在文本中可能不太明显时,对于表达情感内容很有用,并且是不加赘述地传达意图的简单方法。

Emoji can be used for that same purpose, but unlike emoticons, which can be created on any keyboard, emoji are limited in number and your device or operating system must support them (which it likely does).


表情符号的快速历史 (A (Very) Quick History of Emoji)

Emoji were created in Japan in the late 1990s and for some time thereafter were only supported by Japan’s mobile carriers before spreading to Asia, and then finally gaining a foothold in the West. Because emoji was born and prospered in Japan, many of its characters are uniquely Japanese, but several emoji sets have been incorporated into Unicode, which is the standard by which computing devices handle and display text on nearly all digital writing systems.

表情符号是在1990年代后期在日本创建的,此后一段时间内,只有在获得日本移动运营商支持后,才扩展到亚洲,然后最终在西方站稳了脚跟。 由于表情符号是在日本诞生和繁荣的,因此它的许多字符都是日语唯一的,但是将几个表情符号集并入了Unicode ,这是计算设备在几乎所有数字书写系统上处理和显示文本的标准。

Emoji are standard across platforms though they may differ significantly in appearance. Here we see (left to right) “Face Blowing a Kiss” emoji on iOS/OS X, Android, and Windows.
表情符号是跨平台的标准配置,尽管它们的外观可能有很大差异。 在这里,我们在iOS / OS X,Android和Windows上看到了(从左到右)“ Face Blowing a Kiss”表情符号。

Basically what this means is, emoji can be accessed on nearly any device, most importantly iPhones and Android devices, as well as Mac and Windows PCs. Moreover, emoji won’t change regardless of your device, for example, though it may differ in appearance on Apple systems versus Android or Windows, Smirking Face emoji will still be available as long as your device supports it; just as will the ever popular Pile of Poo emoji, Broken Heart emoji, and so on.

基本上,这就是说,表情符号几乎可以在任何设备上访问,最重要的是iPhone和Android设备,以及Mac和Windows PC。 此外,表情符号不会随您的设备而改变,例如,尽管在Apple系统上与Android或Windows相比, 表情符号的外观可能有所不同,但只要您的设备支持, Smirking Face表情符号仍将可用。 就像流行的桩大便表情符号, 破碎的心表情符号等一样。

在iPhone上使用表情符号 (Using Emoji on iPhone)

Without further delay, let’s show you how to use emoji on your respective device. If you using an iOS device (iPhone or iPad), you can just tap the smiley icon on the bottom row of your touch keyboard. On earlier iOS versions or alternative keyboards like Swype, this might be a globe icon. On iOS 8, however, it’s pretty apparent what this button does.

无需进一步延迟,让我们向您展示如何在各自的设备上使用表情符号。 如果您使用的是iOS设备(iPhone或iPad),则只需点击触摸键盘底部一行的笑脸图标。 在早期的iOS版本或其他键盘(如Swype)上,这可能是地球图标。 但是,在iOS 8上,此按钮的作用非常明显。

On the iOS keyboard you can swipe left or right to page through the different emoji in each category. The first category is People, which largely consists of faces.

在iOS键盘上,您可以左右滑动以翻阅每个类别中的不同表情符号。 第一类是人,主要由面Kong组成。

It’s important to note that emoji isn’t simply just an occasional way to convey rather than imply meaning. For many, emoji is a primary way of communicating. As such, there is a space and backspace button built into the emoji keyboard so you can string together emoji to form whole sentences, provided you know what each emoji means.

重要的是要注意,表情符号不仅只是偶然的表达方式,也不是暗示含义。 对于许多人来说,表情符号是一种主要的交流方式。 这样,表情符号键盘中内置了一个空格和后退按钮,因此您可以将表情符号串在一起以构成整个句子, 前提是您知道每个表情符号的含义 。

If you want to return to normal typing, tap the globe icon.


The bottom row also allows users to switch emoji categories, so here we see the Nature emoji, which are largely devoted to animals, phases of the moon, and weather-related symbols.


The third emoji category are Objects, which consist of stuff like gadgets, sport equipment, and food items.


The next category is Places. Many of these emoji are travel-oriented so you’ll find stuff like trains, planes, automobiles, as well as buildings and a few nation’s flags.

下一个类别是地方。 这些表情符号中有许多是面向旅行的,因此您会发现火车,飞机,汽车以及建筑物和一些国家的国旗之类的东西。

Finally, there are the Symbols, which is a mixed bag of stuff like numbers, letters, signs, clock faces, and a number of random icons.


We want to point out each category of emoji because, as we said, they are integrated into Unicode, so what you see on an iPhone will be offered on Android, Windows, Mac, and so on. None of them will look exactly alike (except iOS/OS X, which share the same characters), but they will mean the same thing.

我们想指出表情符号的每个类别,因为正如我们所说,它们已集成到Unicode中,因此您在iPhone上看到的内容将在Android,Windows,Mac等设备上提供。 它们看起来都不完全相同(除了iOS / OS X,它们共享相同的字符),但是它们的含义相同。

There is also a recently used button, which is symbolized above by a clock icon. This icon or some variant, can be found on any system that supports emoji, so if you see it or something like it, you know what it is for.

还有一个最近使用过的按钮,上面用时钟图标表示。 在支持表情符号的任何系统上都可以找到此图标或某些变体,因此,如果看到它或类似符号,便知道它的用途。

在Android 4.4及更高版本上使用表情符号 (Using Emoji on Android 4.4 and Later)

On Android, native emoji support was included in Google Keyboard as of version 4.4. If you do not have Google Keyboard on your device, it can be downloaded for free from the Play Store. We’ve talked briefly before about Google Keyboard and how to turn off sound and vibration in its settings.

在Android上,自4.4版起,本机表情符号支持已包含在Google键盘中。 如果您的设备上没有Google键盘,则可以从Play商店免费下载 。 之前,我们已经简要讨论了Google键盘以及如何在其设置中关闭声音和振动 。

To use emoji with Google Keyboard, however, you need to do nothing more than tap and hold the bottom-right icon, which has several varying functions, most often a search (magnifying glass) or, in this case, an enter or return symbol. You see that when you hold this button the smiley icon appears.

要将表情符号与Google键盘配合使用,您只需要点击并按住右下角的图标即可,该图标具有多种功能,通常是搜索(放大镜),在这种情况下,还可以是输入或返回符号。 您会看到,按住此按钮会出现笑脸图标。

The emoji keyboard on Android is similar in function to the one found on iOS. You have a backspace button, a spacebar, and you can quickly return to the regular keyboard by tapping the “ABC” button. Also, much like its iOS variant, along the top are you traditional emoji categories (though in a slightly different order): People, Objects, Nature, Places, and Symbols.

Android上的表情符号键盘的功能类似于iOS上的键盘。 您有一个退格按钮,一个空格键,并且可以通过点击“ ABC”按钮快速返回到常规键盘。 此外,与它的iOS变体一样,最上面是传统的表情符号类别(尽管顺序略有不同):人物,对象,自然,位置和符号。

Additionally there’s one more category consisting of 15 oft-used emoticon emoji, but if you just want to use emoticons, then it’s probably just easier to tap them out the old fashioned way with regular characters.


That’s pretty much it for your two main mobile OS’s. At this point, you can communicate via emoji at will and, because they’re Unicode, anyone receiving your message should be able to read it as you intended.

对于您的两个主要移动操作系统而言,几乎就是这样。 此时,您可以随意通过表情符号进行通信,并且由于它们是Unicode,因此任何收到您的消息的人都应该能够按预期阅读该消息。

在Mac OS X上使用表情符号 (Using Emoji on Mac OS X)

If you use emoji, you’ll probably use them mostly with your phone, such as to text or message, but you also have the option to use them on your Mac or Windows-based PC.


To use them on a Mac (10.9 Mavericks and later) you can use the keyboard shortcut “Command + Control + Space”. If you’re using OS X 10.7 or 10.8, the keyboard shortcut is “Command + Option + T”.

要在Mac(10.9 Mavericks及更高版本)上使用它们,可以使用键盘快捷键“ Command + Control + Space”。 如果您使用的是OS X 10.7或10.8,则键盘快捷键为“ Command + Option + T”。

This will open a small character input panel from which you can then click the emoji you want to insert.


You can insert emoji while updating your Facebook status.

In addition to the same basic five emoji categories, OS X has some additional characters, which can be accessed by clicking the chevrons on the right. These aren’t emoji and will probably not interest the majority of emoji users.

除了相同的五个基本表情符号类别外,OS X还具有一些其他字符,可通过单击右侧的V形来访问它们。 这些不是表情符号,可能不会引起大多数表情符号用户的兴趣。

If you scroll up, you can access a search field, allowing you find specific characters or alternatively, you can click the symbol in the upper-right corner and open the full characters panel.


The characters panel is pretty helpful when it comes to finding specific characters. If you click on “emoji” you can see the universal five categories. Click on any specific character, and you’ll see its name, font variation (if applicable), and the ability to add that character to your favorites.

在查找特定字符时,字符面板非常有用。 如果单击“表情符号”,则可以看到五个通用类别。 单击任何特定字符,您将看到其名称,字体变体(如果适用)以及将该字符添加到收藏夹的功能。

Adding favorites is different than recent or recently used emoji. If you add emoji or other characters to favorites, they should be persistent, meaning OS X will remember them until you physically remove them.

添加收藏夹与最近或最近使用的表情符号不同。 如果将表情符号或其他字符添加到收藏夹,则它们应该是持久性的,这意味着OS X会记住它们,直到您将其物理删除为止。

To revert to the smaller character input, simply click the icon in the upper-right corner again. To close out of it completely, you can click away from the text area or use the black “X” in the upper-left corner.

要恢复为较小的字符输入,只需再次单击右上角的图标即可。 要完全关闭它,您可以单击文本区域以外的地方,或使用左上角的黑色“ X”。

在Windows 8.x和更高版本上使用表情符号 (Using Emoji on Windows 8.x and Later)

Lastly, there’s Windows, which also support emoji, though if you use Windows 7, you have to copy and paste, making for a tedious process.

最后,还有Windows,它也支持表情符号,尽管如果您使用Windows 7,则必须复制和粘贴,这使过程变得乏味。

If you want to use emoji on Windows 7, you should know that Microsoft’s official support for it is an updated version of Segoe UI font, and as such, will only appear in black and white. Once installed, you can visit this website to see all your emoji on one page. From here you can click and copy emoji and paste them individually into a message or email.

如果要在Windows 7上使用表情符号,则应该知道Microsoft对其的官方支持是Segoe UI字体的更新版本 ,因此它将仅以黑白显示。 安装后, 您可以访问该网站以在一页上查看所有表情符号 。 在这里,您可以单击并复制表情符号,然后将它们分别粘贴到邮件或电子邮件中。

Using emoji is much easier on Windows 8.1 and Windows 10, with native support built right into the system. To access emoji in Windows 8.x and later, open the touch keyboard by clicking on the symbol on the taskbar.

在Windows 8.1和Windows 10上使用表情符号要容易得多,并且系统内置了本机支持。 要在Windows 8.x和更高版本中访问表情符号,请通过单击任务栏上的符号来打开触摸键盘。

If this symbol isn’t available, right-click on the taskbar and select “Toolbars -> Touch Keyboard”.


From here, you can access your emoji by clicking the smiley face on the touch keyboard.


The Windows touch keyboard has same functionality as the three previously discussed emoji input methods. In addition to a space and backspace button, there’s a “Tab” button. To revert to the regular keyboard, press the button in the lower-right corner and to access numbers and symbols, use the “&123” button in the lower-left corner.

Windows触摸键盘具有与前面讨论的三种表情符号输入方法相同的功能。 除了空格和后退按钮之外,还有一个“制表符”按钮。 要恢复为常规键盘,请按右下角的按钮,并使用左下角的“&123”按钮访问数字和符号。

The Windows keyboard’s emoji layout is pretty much just like all the others. At the bottom are the five emoji categories plus favorites (the heart symbol), People, Objects, Places, Nature, and Symbols. What you see isn’t all you get. You can page left or right by click the arrow keys along the keyboard’s left edge.

Windows键盘的表情符号布局几乎与所有其他键盘一样。 底部是五个表情符号类别以及收藏夹(心脏符号),人物,对象,位置,自然和符号。 您所看到的并非全部。 您可以通过单击键盘左边缘上的箭头键来向左或向右翻页。

Windows also includes quite a few emoji emoticons such as those found in Android; three pages of them to be exact.

Windows还包含许多表情符号表情符号,例如Android中的表情符号。 准确地说是三页。

Unlike the emoji input on OS X, you can do full-on emoji “typing” such as you would in iOS or using Google Keyboard. Just open your favorite app or website, click where you’d input text, open the emoji keyboard, and go to town!

与OS X上的表情符号输入不同,您可以像在iOS或使用Google键盘那样对表情符号进行“键入”。 只需打开您喜欢的应用程序或网站,单击您要在其中输入文字的位置,打开表情符号键盘,然后就可以了!

其他资源 (Other Resources)

At this point, we could go on and on about emoji but now that you know how to use it on your respective system(s), you’re probably interested in trying them out yourself.


If you want to learn more, however, there’s many resources out there for you to peruse. For an emoji overview, history, and other details specific to Unicode integration, and platform specific information, you should read the Wikipedia article.

但是,如果您想了解更多信息,可以使用许多资源。 有关表情符号概述,历史记录和其他特定于Unicode集成的详细信息以及特定于平台的信息, 您应该阅读Wikipedia文章 。

For a thorough tour of all emoji, their meanings, and how they appear on each respective platform, including Whatsapp, Twitter, and Windows phone, you most definitely want to check out the Emojipedia. This is by far the most authoritative source of emoji. For example, if you want to know what a specific emoji, such as Smiling Face with Open Mouth looks like, Emojipedia has it, as well as other names it goes by, and other emoji that are closely related.

要全面浏览所有表情符号,它们的含义以及它们在每个平台(包括Whatsapp,Twitter和Windows Phone)上的显示方式,您绝对想查看Emojipedia 。 这是迄今为止最权威的表情符号来源。 例如,如果您想知道特定表情符号的外观, 例如“张开嘴的笑脸”,表情符号便拥有该表情符号,以及它使用的其他名称以及其他紧密相关的表情符号。

We hope this guide has been useful to you. While emoji aren’t a complicated subject, they are numerous and probably can be a tad bit intimidating at first, especially if you don’t know how to use them on your phone or computer. That said, there’s certainly a lot more to emoji than what we’ve covered here. Please feel free to use our discussion forum to share your thoughts and feelings on the subject.

我们希望本指南对您有所帮助。 尽管表情符号不是一个复杂的主题,但它们却很多,一开始可能有点吓人,特别是如果您不知道如何在手机或计算机上使用它们。 就是说,表情符号肯定比我们这里介绍的内容更多。 请随时使用我们的讨论论坛来分享您对该主题的想法和感受。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/208890/how-to-use-emoji-on-your-smartphone-or-pc/



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