
您误解了,第一个句子中用的是determin的过去式,作为动词是可以跟动词不定式的,意思为决定做某事。第二个句子是它的形容词的用法,意思为作某事是下定决心的。这样可以用做动词,也有形容词用法的此还有 worry about my future.我担心我的将来.I am worried about my future.我对我的将来很担心。这样的句子在意思上可以互换.体现了语言的灵活多样性.



no one thing is determining factor - at early stage - focus on building a great product and having right team to do JUST that - matters allot. I think my failures were due to me doing too many things and not staying focused on just building GREAT product


determinate adj. 确定的;决定的 vt. 确定;弄清楚

determined adj. 决定了的;坚决的v. 决定;断定(determine的过去分词)

The accident determined her against further delay.


deterministic adj. 确定性的;命运注定论的

What we see as a result of Heisenberg is the shift from deterministic models.


decided n. 决定(decide的过去式) adj. 明确的;显然的;坚决的,果断的

I psyched it all out by myself and decided.


decisive adj. 决定性的;果断的,坚定的

The battle for Abidjan will be decisive.

阿比让的战斗将是决定性的。deterministic是决定性的,eg. deterministic idea

determined是下定决心的,短语be determined to do 下定决心做某事




动词 determine 多表单纯动作;而形容词 determined 表心理状态,所以在意义上多分别为“决定”“决心”。


The Smiths_____to turn home and found their car.

A.determined B.were determined

C.were determining D.determine

还应注意:determine是非延续性动词不能与表示一段时间的状语连用,be determined是一种延续状态,可以与表示一段时间的状语连用.例如:我们不能说He determined to do it for a long time.但可以说He was determined to do it for a long time.由于本题 and 后的 found 为一个动作,所以其强调动作,答案只能是A.我不会~~~但还是要微笑~~~:)


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