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本文是与Enkidu合作创建的。 感谢您支持使SitePoint成为可能的合作伙伴。

There comes a technology once in several decades that redefines the very fundamentals of how we live our lives. More importantly, it allows new ideas and technology to emerge from it as a consequence. One such technology, the Internet, changed the way humanity as a whole functioned.

每隔几十年就会出现一种技术,它重新定义了我们生活的基本原理。 更重要的是,它允许由此产生新的思想和技术。 一种这样的技术,即互联网,改变了人类整体运作的方式。

Let’s face it – the internet was one of the greatest inventions in all of human history. While giants like IBM ignored its existence for a while; companies like Yahoo, Google and Amazon thrived. It was a brand new playground, ripe for disruption.

让我们面对现实吧–互联网是人类历史上最伟大的发明之一。 尽管像IBM这样的巨头一度忽略了它的存在, 雅虎,谷歌和亚马逊等公司蓬勃发展。 那是一个崭新的操场,已经成熟了。

想象一下,再次见证这种技术的诞生对我们来说会是多么神奇 (Imagine How Amazing Would It Be for Us to Witness Once More the Birth of such Technology)

Well, there’s no need for imagination – that technology is already here. Touted the “Internet 2.0”, the Blockchain and more specifically, Smart Contracts, are as powerful as the original internet – if used to their full potential. We truly live in miraculous times.

嗯,不需要想象-技术已经存在。 吹捧“ Internet 2.0”,区块链,更具体地说,智能合约,与原始互联网一样强大-如果充分利用了它们的潜力。 我们真正生活在奇迹时代。

But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. In 2017, over $5.6 Billion USD was raised by Initial Cryptocurrency Offerings (ICOs) across the world. It seemed like most of these ICOs were using the Ethereum platform to raise money to run a non-blockchain business, rather than actually making native use of the Blockchain or Smart Contracts. For a while, it was hard to tell which startups were at the verge of true disruption, and which ones were in to make a quick buck.

但是,让我们不要超越自己。 2017年,全球初始加密货币产品(ICO)筹集了超过56亿美元。 似乎大多数此类ICO都在使用以太坊平台来筹集资金来开展非区块链业务,而不是真正地原生使用区块链或智能合约。 有一阵子,很难说出哪些初创公司正处于真正的崩溃边缘,而哪些初创公司却能Swift赚钱。

Out of this fog comes one startup that’s disrupting a concept that has largely been left undisrupted over the last century. Enkidu wants to revolutionize how the entire world creates and runs companies.

在这种迷雾中,出现了一家初创公司,它颠覆了一个概念,而该概念在上个世纪基本上没有被破坏。 恩基杜(Enkidu)希望彻底改变整个世界如何创建和运营公司。

When Varun Mayya, the CEO of Enkidu tells you what the platform does, the implications hit you right in the face. "We want to merge the payment gateway, the cap table (revenue sharing table) and the log of business decisions taken by a team". If you’ve ever started a company before, you know the pain. Enkidu claims to make starting and running a business a walk in the park.

当Enkidu的首席执行官Varun Mayya告诉您该平台的功能时,其含义直面您。 “我们希望合并支付网关,费用上限表(收入共享表)和团队制定的业务决策日志”。 如果您曾经创办过公司,那您就知道痛苦了 。 恩基杜声称在公园里散步和创业。

He goes on to explain that Enkidu makes running a small business easy, without the necessity of registering or auditing a company entity at all. "Imagine a team of 3 people sitting in Ireland, India and the United States; who want to get together to build and sell a 3D game online".

他继续解释说,Enkidu使经营小型企业变得容易,而无需注册或审计公司实体。 “想象一下一个由3个人组成的团队,他们分别坐在爱尔兰,印度和美国;他们想聚在一起制作和在线销售3D游戏。”

With Enkidu, they can decide what percentage of the business each person owns. This split of revenues is stored in what is called a cap table. When an inbound payment comes in via that project’s payment gateway (provided by Enkidu), that payment is automatically split according to the cap table. The team can also decide to reserve some percentage of revenues in a treasury, which can be utilized via a virtual visa to pay vendors and buy tools the company might need.

借助Enkidu,他们可以决定每个人所拥有的业务比例。 收入的这种分配存储在所谓的限额表中。 当通过该项目的付款网关(由Enkidu提供)收到入站付款时,该付款将根据限额表自动拆分。 团队还可以决定将一定比例的收入保留在国库中 ,这些收入可以通过虚拟签证用于支付供应商和购买公司可能需要的工具。

What’s more, the company can make certain business decisions that influence how the payment gateway works. Each Enkidu project has a handy dashboard that allows team members to pass resolutions, which are business decisions. One example is adding another partner into the business. Simply heading over to the resolutions dashboard and clicking the “Add Collaborator” automatically opens a simple majority poll where team members can decide whether to add a new partner or not. If the resolution passes (i.e, at least 51% of the team decides to vote yes), then the cap table causes proportional dilution of each member’s share holding by a percentage required to accommodate the new member. For example, adding a new member who requests a 10% revenue share causes all other members’ shareholding to dilute by 10% if the resolution passes. Every new payment on the gateway now accommodates this change in the cap table. Vesting is handled via smart contracts too.

此外,公司可以做出某些影响支付网关工作方式的商业决策。 每个Enkidu项目都有一个方便的仪表板,使团队成员可以通过决议,这是业务决策。 一个示例是在业务中添加另一个合作伙伴。 只需转到解决方案仪表板并单击“添加协作者”,即可自动打开简单的多数投票,团队成员可以在其中决定是否添加新的合作伙伴。 如果决议通过(即,至少有51%的团队决定投票赞成),则限额表会导致每个成员的持股比例稀释,以容纳新成员所需的百分比。 例如,添加一个要求获得10%收入分成的新成员,如果决议通过,所有其他成员的持股量将减少10%。 现在,网关上的每笔新付款都会在限额表中容纳此更改。 归属也通过智能合约进行处理。

Because resolutions prevent disputes (everything is transparent) and the business runs like an automaton (a machine that follows some rules), there’s no requirement for lawyers or legal counsel. The entire purpose of the legal system was dispute deterrence, rather than dispute resolution, which is what it has become today. Issues crop up in structures like LLCs and Private Limited companies because some members are not transparent with their financials, or there is some misinterpretation of contracts. Such cases don’t exist on Enkidu, because all resolutions are transparent and pre-emptive!

因为解决方案可以防止纠纷(一切都是透明的),并且业务像自动机一样运行(遵循某些规则的机器),所以不需要律师或法律顾问。 法律制度的全部目的是威慑力量,而不是解决争端,这已成为当今的趋势。 由于某些成员的财务状况不透明,或者对合同的某些误解,诸如LLCs和Private Limited公司之类的组织中出现了问题。 此类情况在Enkidu上并不存在,因为所有决议都是透明且先发制人的!

"Enkidu projects have flow-through taxation, similar to an LLC" says Shashank, COO at the company. While we don’t protect the liabilities of individual partners, we handle tax for partners like they would income tax. Enkidu is simply an automaton that helps people trust each other and seamlessly split payments – which is what company structure for small businesses should’ve been doing all along.

该公司的首席运营官Shashank说:“ Enkidu项目具有流转税,类似于有限责任公司。” 虽然我们不保护单个合伙人的责任,但我们像为其所得税一样为合伙人处理税。 Enkidu只是一个自动机,可以帮助人们彼此信任并无缝地分割付款,这是小企业的公司结构一直以来应该做的事情。

Varun advises that Enkidu can’t be used for large companies just yet. “In the eyes of the government, a Private Limited Company is a legal person. It can be ‘birthed’, it can die, it pays tax, and it can be sued – all of this protects the liabilities of its partners, who can’t be directly accountable for what happens to the company itself. We need a jurisdiction to piggyback off; one that offers us the ability to give Enkidu projects legal status.”

Varun建议,Enkidu尚不能用于大型公司。 “在政府眼中,私人有限公司是法人。 它可以“生”,可以死,可以纳税,也可以被起诉-所有这些保护了其合作伙伴的债务 ,这些合作伙伴不能直接对公司本身发生的情况负责。 我们需要一个管辖权来piggy带; 它使我们能够赋予Enkidu项目合法地位。”

Setting up an Enkidu project is free. The company makes money by taking a 0.5% fee on every Transaction. They’ve recently partnered with Asia’s largest freelancing platform, Truelancer, who will backfill 400,000 users from their database right into Enkidu’s platform.

设置Enkidu项目是免费的。 该公司通过每次交易收取0.5%的费用来赚钱。 他们最近与亚洲最大的自由职业者平台Truelancer合作 ,后者会将数据库中的40万用户回填到Enkidu的平台中。

Imagine making 0.5% of every transaction on all the Delaware C-Corps out there. That’s the trillion dollar market Enkidu hopes to disrupt.

想象一下,那里所有特拉华州C型警队的每笔交易都赚0.5%。 Enkidu希望破坏的万亿美元市场。

Join their presale now (and get a 40% bonus while you’re at it) at enkidu.io


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/the-ico-thats-disrupting-the-way-you-start-and-run-companies/

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