
You’ve got questions and we’ve got answers. Today we take a look at using Greasemonkey scripts in Google Chrome, picking the right cable for your media center, and how to create a custom Windows 7 jumplist for any application.

您有问题,我们有答案。 今天,我们来看看如何在Google Chrome浏览器中使用Greasemonkey脚本,为媒体中心选择合适的电缆以及如何为任何应用程序创建自定义Windows 7跳转列表。

Once a week we dip into our mailbag and help readers solve their problems, sharing the useful solutions with you I the process. Read on to see our fixes for this week’s reader dilemmas.

每周一次,我们浸入我们的邮袋,并帮助读者解决他们的问题,并在过程中与您分享有用的解决方案。 请继续阅读以了解本周读者困境的修复方法。

在Google Chrome中使用Greasemonkey脚本 (Using Greasemonkey Scripts in Google Chrome)

Dear How-To Geek,

亲爱的How-To Geek,

Chrome finally has enough of my favorite extensions (or clones there of) that I feel comfortable switching from Firefox to Chrome. The only thing holding me back is all the great Greasemonkey scripts I use! Is there a Greasemoney extension for Chrome? I don’t want to run two browsers just to get all the features I want.

Chrome终于有了我最喜欢的扩展(或其中的克隆),我感到很舒服,从Firefox切换到Chrome。 唯一让我退缩的是我使用的所有出色的Greasemonkey脚本! Chrome是否有Greasemoney扩展程序? 我不想运行两个浏览器只是为了获得我想要的所有功能。



Greasemonkey for Life


Dear Greasemonkey,


You’ll be more than pleased to here this: for several versions now Chrome has natively supported Greasemonkey scripts and treats them as individual extensions for easy installation, toggling, and removal. It looks like you get the best of everything! Check out our guide to using Greasemonkey scripts in Google Chrome here; it covers how to automatically and manually install and manage your Greasemonkey scripts.

您可能会对此感到非常高兴:Chrome现在已经支持多个版本,它们本身支持Greasemonkey脚本,并将它们视为单独的扩展,以便于安装,切换和删除。 看来您可以充分利用一切! 在此处查看我们有关在Google Chrome中使用Greasemonkey脚本的指南; 它介绍了如何自动和手动安装和管理Greasemonkey脚本。

选择正确的Media Center电缆 (Picking the Right Media Center Cables)

Dear How-To Geek,

亲爱的How-To Geek,

I’m setting up a computer as a media center in my living room. So far everything is going smoothly but I’m hung up on what cables to use to connect to the the TV? The motherboard (and the media center software) support VGA/DVI, HDMI, and the video card even has a little adapter cable that works for component video. My TV will accept inputs from all of them but I have no idea which one is best. Should I use the DVI since the resolution through DVI can be so much higher than HDMI? Help!

我正在客厅里设置一台计算机作为媒体中心。 到目前为止,一切都进行得很顺利,但是我一直挂在连接电视的电缆上? 主板(和媒体中心软件)支持VGA / DVI,HDMI,并且视频卡甚至带有一根用于分量视频的适配器电缆。 我的电视将接受所有输入,但是我不知道哪个是最好的。 由于通过DVI的分辨率可能比HDMI高很多,我应该使用DVI吗? 帮帮我!



Cabling in California


Dear Cabling,


In this case it doesn’t necessarily make sense to go with the DVI cable, even though it would seem more powerful because it can output a higher resolution than the HDMI cable. Presumably your monitor (the HDTV) isn’t capable of displaying higher than 1080 anyway, so the extra pixels the DVI cable can display are never going to be of use anyhow. HDMI, on top of being just the right cable for the job when you’re dealing with HDTV connections, also carries digital audio right along with it.

在这种情况下,使用DVI电缆不一定有意义,即使它看起来更强大,因为它可以输出比HDMI电缆更高的分辨率。 大概您的显示器(HDTV)无论如何都不能显示高于1080的分辨率,因此DVI电缆可以显示的额外像素永远不会被使用。 在处理HDTV连接时,HDMI不仅是完成任务的正确电缆,而且还附带数字音频。

Why is the digital video/audio in-one-cable package a good deal? Earlier last year when we were setting up a media center we ran into an issue that you might run into yourself; the analog audio port on the motherboard was too weakly amplified to provide adequate power to the television we were setting up the media center with. We ended up having to use the HDMI cable simply to get acceptable sound out of the unit without shelling out for an external amp. Want to learn more about the cable types before you make your final decision? Hit up our explainer guide to the differences between HDMI and DVI.

为什么数字视频/音频合一电缆包装很划算? 去年早些时候,当我们建立一个媒体中心时,我们遇到了一个问题,您可能会遇到这个问题。 主板上的模拟音频端口放大得太弱,无法为我们用来设置媒体中心的电视提供足够的功率。 我们最终仅需使用HDMI电缆即可从本机中获得可接受的声音,而无需使用外部放大器。 想在做出最终决定之前了解有关电缆类型的更多信息? 查阅我们的解释器指南,了解HDMI和DVI之间的区别 。

创建自定义Windows 7跳转列表 (Creating Custom Windows 7 Jumplists)

Dear How-To Geek

亲爱的How-To Geek

I recently upgraded to Windows 7 and I’m impressed with all the new features. I really like the “jumplists” you get when you right-click on the taskbar icons… except not all applications have them! What gives? At first I thought they were just the most frequently used functions for that application but it appears that each one is custom to the app and some apps simply don’t have that functionality. How can I get jumplists for the programs that doesn’t have them?

我最近升级到Windows 7,所有的新功能给我留下了深刻的印象。 我真的很喜欢用鼠标右键单击任务栏图标时得到的“跳跃者”……除了不是所有的应用程序都包含它们之外! 是什么赋予了? 起初,我认为它们只是该应用程序中最常用的功能,但似乎每个功能都是针对该应用程序定制的,而某些应用程序根本没有该功能。 我如何获得没有跳程序的程序的跳转列表?



Windows 7 Makes Me Jump

Windows 7让我跳

Dear Jumping,


You’re correct; only applications that specifically support the functionality will have it. Otherwise you just get a generic jumplist without much there besides the ability to close the application or pin it to the taskbar. What you need is Jumplist Extender, an application designed to customize Windows jumplists (even though for applications that already have them). They even have pre-compiled packs of jumplists so you can easily set up popular applications without fussing around hand making them all. Hit up our guide to Jumplist Extender to see the application in action and learn how to create your own jumplists.

没错 只有专门支持该功能的应用程序才能使用它。 否则,除了关闭应用程序或将其固定到任务栏的能力之外,您只会获得通用跳转列表,而没有太多功能。 您需要的是Jumplist Extender ,这是一个用于自定义Windows跳转列表的应用程序(即使对于已经拥有它们的应用程序也是如此)。 他们甚至预编译了跳转列表,因此您可以轻松设置流行的应用程序,而不必费心手工制作它们。 查阅我们的Jumplist Extender指南,以查看实际应用程序并了解如何创建自己的跳转列表。

Have a question you want to put before the How-To Geek staff? Shoot us an email at and then keep an eye out for a solution in the Ask How-To Geek column.

您想向How-To Geek员工提出问题吗? 向我们发送电子邮件至 ,然后在Ask How-To Geek专栏中关注解决方案。



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