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It’s easy to get excited about your job if you’re designing for a company or industry that you REALLY care about, but the reality is that most people won’t actually get to do that. Don’t believe me? You don’t have to, this is actually coming from Gallup, who found that around the world only 13% of people are actually engaged at work, that leaves 87% not happy.

我 T的很容易感到兴奋你的工作,如果你正在设计一个公司或行业,你很在意,但现实情况是,大多数人不会真正得到这样做。 不相信我吗 您不必一定要这样做,这实际上是来自盖洛普(Gallup) ,他发现,在全球范围内,只有13%的人实际从事工作,这使87%的人不高兴。

I don’t have number for design specific jobs, but my guess is that it won’t deviate drastically, let me explain why. The companies that you consider cool, only need so many designers, and if you’re working as a freelancer, the “cool” clients probably aren’t coming as often as you’d like. On top of that, these cool companies that you wish you could work for will probably have designers taking “your” place, but some of them would probably rather work somewhere else. See what I mean?

我没有设计特定工作的编号,但是我猜想它不会出现很大的偏差,请允许我解释一下原因。 认为很酷的公司只需要这么多的设计师,而如果您是自由职业者,那么“很酷”的客户可能不会像您想要的那样经常出现。 最重要的是,您希望您能为之工作的这些很酷的公司可能会让设计师代替您,但其中一些人可能宁愿在其他地方工作。 明白了吗?

Now, if you are in a position where you can work with whoever you want, being able to pick your clients or projects, well… Congrats! You’re one of the lucky ones, just don’t forget that you deserve a fair compensation even if you’re having tons of fun, and love the company, if you’re good at something, you should never do it for free (or even below a fair price).

现在,如果您处于可以与任何人合作的位置,能够挑选您的客户或项目,那么……恭喜! 您是幸运的人之一,只是别忘了,即使您有很多乐趣,也应该得到公平的补偿,并热爱公司,如果您擅长做某事,则永远不要免费(甚至低于合理价格)。

Ok… what about the rest of the mortals? Is all hope lost?

好吧...其余的凡人呢? 所有的希望都消失了吗?

I don’t think so, otherwise this would be a very different article.


奋斗可以是积极的 (Struggle can be positive)

Even though I suck at it, I really love skateboarding, and I would love to have had the chance to design something for a skateboarding brand, just because I relate so much with the culture and industry. Unfortunately, except for university & personal projects, I never really got the opportunity — but that's fine.

即使我很喜欢它,我也确实很喜欢滑板运动,而且我很想有机会为滑板品牌设计一些东西,只是因为我与文化和产业联系紧密。 不幸的是,除了大学和个人项目外,我从未真正获得过机会-很好。

The truth is that, like most people, I have more than a single passion and it just happens that my biggest passion actually isn’t skateboarding. If you follow me on Medium you can probably guess what it is — Design. For me, that means that if I’m doing something related with Design I’m probably happy, the “what” that actually is becomes a secondary concern.

事实是,像大多数人一样,我不仅拥有一种激情,而且恰恰是我最大的激情实际上不是滑板。 如果您在Medium上关注我,您可能会猜到它是什么-设计。 对我来说,这意味着如果我正在做一些与Design相关的事情,我可能会很高兴,实际上是“什么”成为了第二要务。

Thought, even when your job is actually doing the thing you love the most it’s not all sunshine and rainbows, there’s a reason why someone is paying you to do something, there will be always things you’d rather not do, clients you would rather not have, meetings you’d rather skip, conversations you’d rather avoid, but it’s all part of the job, and if you love the essence of it you should be able to power through the rest.


In my past I’ve designed a magazine for real-estate, ads for auto-dealers, branding for accounting firms, books for children, and much more… not exactly what I would describe as “dream jobs”, but it helped me pay the bills whilst I was getting real world experience, learning stuff and progressing.


I’m lucky to say that I’ve been designing professionally since I was 18, but there were times before and briefly after where my job wasn’t design related, just because I needed a salary to be able to get by. Right after graduating from university I struggled to find actual paying job or clients… can’t say I miss the Portuguese financial crisis from 2010. Believe it or not, I was hired not once but twice, to work for companies that after a few months just stopped paying my salary, no notice, nothing… Oh, and they expected me to just continue to show up and work as if that was normal…


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