I 2 C I^2C I2C通讯

​ I 2 C I^2C I2C is a two-wire interface comprised of the signals serial data (SDA) and serial clock (SCL). In general, the lines are open-drain and bi-directional. In a generalized I-C interface implementation, attached devices can be a master or a slave. The master device puts the slave address on the bus, and the slave device with the matching address acknowledges the master.
​ The MPU-60X0 always operates as a slave device when communicating to the system processor, which thus acts as the master. SDA and SCL lines typically need pull-up resistors to VDD. The maximum bus speed is 400 kHz.
​ The slave address of the MPU-60X0 is b110100X(104 or 105) which is 7 bits long. The LSB bit of the 7 bit address is determined by the logic level on pin AD0. This allows two MPU-60X0s to be connected to the same IC bus. When used in this configuration, the address of the one of the devices should be b1101000 (pin AD0 is logic low) and the address of the other should be b1101001 (pin AD0 is logic high).

I 2 C I^2C I2C Communications Protocol

Communication on the I 2 C I^2C I2C bus starts when the master puts the START condition (S) on the bus, which is defined as a HIGH-to-LOW transition of the SDA line while SCL line is HIGH (see figure below). The bus is considered to be busy until the master puts a STOP condition § on the bus, which is defined as a LOW-to-HIGH transition on the SDA line while SCL is HIGH (see figure below).

Additionally, the bus remains busy if a repeated START (Sr) is generated instead of a STOP condition.

I2C data bytes are defined to be 8-bits long. There is no restriction to the number of bytes transmitted per data transfer. Each byte transferred must be followed by an acknowledge (ACK) signal. The clock for the acknowledge signal is generated by the master, while the receiver generates the actual acknowledge signal by pulling down SDA and holding it low during the HIGH portion of the acknowledge clock pulse.

If a slave is busy and cannot transmit or receive another byte of data until some other task has been
performed, it can hold SCL LOW, thus forcing the master into a wait state. Normal data transfer resumes when the slave is ready, and releases the clock line (refer to the following figure).

After beginning communications with the START condition (S), the master sends a 7-bit slave address
followed by an 8 t h 8^{th} 8th bit, the read/write bit. The read/write bit indicates whether the master is receiving data from or is writing to the slave device. Then, the master releases the SDA line and waits for the acknowledge signal (ACK) from the slave device. Each byte transferred must be followed by an acknowledge bit. To acknowledge, the slave device pulls the SDA line LOW and keeps it LOW for the high period of the SCL line.
Data transmission is always terminated by the master with a STOP condition §, thus freeing the
communications line. However, the master can generate a repeated START condition (Sr), and address
another slave without first generating a STOP condition §. A LOW to HIGH transition on the SDA line while SCL is HIGH defines the stop condition. AlI SDA changes should take place when SCL is low, with the exception of start and stop conditions.

To write the internal MPU-60X0 registers, the master transmits the start condition (S), followed by the I 2 C I^2C I2C address and the write bit (0). At the 9 t h 9^{th} 9th clock cycle (when the clock is high), the MPU-60X0 acknowledges the transfer. Then the master puts the register address (RA) on the bus. After the MPU-60X0 acknowledges the reception of the register address, the master puts the register data onto the bus. This is followed by the ACK signal, and data transfer may be concluded by the stop condition §. To write multiple bytes after the last ACK signal, the master can continue outputting data rather than transmitting a stop signal. In this case, the MPU-60X0 automatically increments the register address and loads the data to the appropriate register. The following figures show single and two-byte write sequences.

To read the internal MPU-60X0 registers, the master sends a start condition, followed by the I 2 C I^2C I2C address and a write bit(0), and then the register address that is going to be read. Upon receiving the ACK signal from the MPU-60X0, the master transmits a start signal followed by the slave address and read bit(1). As a result, the MPU-60X0 sends an ACK signal and the data. The communication ends with a not acknowledge (NACK) signal and a stop bit from master. The NACK condition is defined such that the SDA line remains high at the 9 t h 9^{th} 9th clock cycle. The following figures show single and two-byte read sequences.





  • 0x3B,加速度计的X轴分量ACC_X
  • 0x3D,加速度计的Y轴分量ACC_Y
  • 0x3F,加速度计的Z轴分量ACC_Z
  • 0x41,当前温度TEMP
  • 0x43,绕X轴旋转的角速度GYR_X
  • 0x45,绕Y轴旋转的角速度GYR_Y
  • 0x47,绕Z轴旋转的角速度GYR_Z





Register (Hex) Register (Decimal) Bit7 Bit6 Bit5 Bit4 Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 Bit0


  • XA_ST: When set to 1, the X- Axis accelerometer performs self test.
  • YA_ST: When set to 1, the Y- Axis accelerometer performs self test.
  • ZA_ST: When set to 1, the Z- Axis accelerometer performs self test.
  • AFS_SEL: 2-bit unsigned value. Selects the full scale range of accelerometers
AFS_SEL Full Scale Range
0 ± 2g
1 ± 4g
2 ± 8g
3 ± 16g
Wire.beginTransmission(0x68); //开启MPU-6050的传输
Wire.write(0x1C); //加速度倍率寄存器的地址
Wire.requestFrom(0x68, 1, true); //先读出原配置
unsigned char acc_conf = Wire.read();
acc_conf = ((acc_conf & 0xE7) | (f << 3));
Wire.endTransmission(true); //结束传输,true表示释放总线




以GYR_X为例,若当前设定的角速度倍率为1000度/秒,那么将GRY_X读数换算为角速度(顺时针)的公式为: g x = 1000 × G Y R X 32768 g_x=1000\times \dfrac{GYR_X}{32768} gx​=1000×32768GYRX​​。

Register (Hex) Register (Decimal) Bit7 Bit6 Bit5 Bit4 Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 Bit0
FS_SEL Full Scale Range
0 ± 250 °/s
1 ± 500 °/s
2 ± 1000 °/s
3 ± 2000 °/s


  • XG_ST :Setting this bit causes the X axis gyroscope to perform self test.
  • YG_ST :Setting this bit causes the Y axis gyroscope to perform self test.
  • ZG_ST Setting this bit causes the Z axis gyroscope to perform self test.
  • FS_SEL 2-bit unsigned value. Selects the full scale range of gyroscopes

Register 107 – Power Management 1

This register allows the user to configure the power mode and clock source. It also provides a bit for resetting the entire device, and a bit for disabling the temperature sensor.

Register (Hex) Register (Decimal) Bit7 Bit6 Bit5 Bit4 Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 Bit0
CLKSEL Clock Source
0 Internal 8MHz oscillator
1 PLL with X axis gyroscope reference
2 PLL with Y axis gyroscope reference
3 PLL with Z axis gyroscope reference
4 PLL with external 32.768kHz reference
5 PLL with external 19.2MHz reference
6 Reserved
7 Stops the clock and keeps the timing generator in reset


    When set to 1, this bit resets all internal registers to their default values. The bit automatically clears to 0 once the reset is done. The default values for each register can be found in Section 3.
  • SLEEP: When set to 1, this bit puts the MPU-60X0 into sleep mode.
  • CYCLE: When this bit is set to 1 and SLEEP is disabled, the MPU-60X0 will cycle between sleep mode and waking up to take a single sample of data from active sensors at a rate determined by LP_WAKE_CTRL (register 108).
  • TEMP_DIS: When set to 1, this bit disables the temperature sensor.
  • CLKSEL: 3-bit unsigned value. Specifies the clock source of the device.


p i t c h = arccos ⁡ ( a c c y 2 + a c c z 2 g ) i f a c c x > 0 , p i t c h < 0 pitch=\arccos(\dfrac{\sqrt{acc_y^2+acc_z^2}}{g})\quad if \ acc_x>0,pitch<0 pitch=arccos(gaccy2​+accz2​ ​​)if accx​>0,pitch<0

r o l l = arccos ⁡ ( a c c x 2 + a c c z 2 g ) i f a c c y < 0 , r o l l < 0 roll=\arccos(\dfrac{\sqrt{acc_x^2+acc_z^2}}{g})\quad if \ acc_y<0,roll<0 roll=arccos(gaccx2​+accz2​ ​​)if accy​<0,roll<0


Board I2C / TWI pins
Uno, Ethernet A4 (SDA), A5 (SCL)


  • Syntax

    Wire.requestFrom(address, quantity)
    Wire.requestFrom(address, quantity, stop)

  • Parameters

    address: the 7-bit address of the device to request bytes from

    quantity: the number of bytes to request

    stop : boolean. true will send a stop message after the request, releasing the bus. false will continually send a restart after the request, keeping the connection active.

  • Returns

    byte : the number of bytes returned from the slave device


  • Description

    Returns the number of bytes available for retrieval with read(). This should be called on a master device after a call to requestFrom() or on a slave inside the onReceive() handler.

    available() inherits from the Stream utility class.

  • Parameters


  • Returns

    The number of bytes available for reading.


  • Description

    Begin a transmission to the I2C slave device with the given address. Subsequently, queue bytes for transmission with the write() function and transmit them by calling endTransmission().

  • Parameters

    address: the 7-bit address of the device to transmit to

  • Returns



  • Description

    Ends a transmission to a slave device that was begun by beginTransmission() and transmits the bytes that were queued by write().

    As of Arduino 1.0.1, endTransmission() accepts a boolean argument changing its behavior for compatibility with certain I2C devices.

    If true, endTransmission() sends a stop message after transmission, releasing the I2C bus.

    If false, endTransmission() sends a restart message after transmission. The bus will not be released, which prevents another master device from transmitting between messages. This allows one master device to send multiple transmissions while in control.

    The default value is true.

  • Syntax


  • Parameters

stop : boolean. true will send a stop message, releasing the bus after transmission. false will send a restart, keeping the connection active.

  • Returns

    byte, which indicates the status of the transmission:

    • 0:success
    • 1:data too long to fit in transmit buffer
    • 2:received NACK on transmit of address
    • 3:received NACK on transmit of data
    • 4:other error


  • Description

    Writes data from a slave device in response to a request from a master, or queues bytes for transmission from a master to slave device (in-between calls to beginTransmission() and endTransmission()).

  • Syntax

    Wire.write(data, length)

  • Parameters

    value: a value to send as a single byte

    string: a string to send as a series of bytes

    data: an array of data to send as bytes

    length: the number of bytes to transmit

  • Returns

    byte: write() will return the number of bytes written, though reading that number is optional

#include <Wire.h>
byte val = 0;
void setup()
{Wire.begin(); // join i2c bus
}void loop()
{Wire.beginTransmission(44); // transmit to device #44 (0x2c)// device address is specified in datasheetWire.write(val);             // sends value byte  Wire.endTransmission();     // stop transmittingval++;        // increment valueif(val == 64) // if reached 64th position (max){val = 0;    // start over from lowest value}delay(500);


  • Description

    Reads a byte that was transmitted from a slave device to a master after a call to requestFrom() or was transmitted from a master to a slave. read() inherits from the Stream utility class.

  • Syntax


  • Parameters


  • Returns

    The next byte received

#include <Wire.h>
void setup()
{Wire.begin();        // join i2c bus (address optional for master)Serial.begin(9600);  // start serial for output
}void loop()
{Wire.requestFrom(2, 6);    // request 6 bytes from slave device #2while(Wire.available())    // slave may send less than requested{char c = Wire.read();    // receive a byte as characterSerial.print(c);         // print the character}delay(500);


  • Description

    This function modifies the clock frequency for I2C communication. I2C slave devices have no minimum working clock frequency, however 100KHz is usually the baseline.

  • Syntax


  • Parameters

    clockFrequency: the value (in Hertz) of desired communication clock. Accepted values are 100000 (standard mode) and 400000 (fast mode). Some processors also support 10000 (low speed mode), 1000000 (fast mode plus) and 3400000 (high speed mode). Please refer to the specific processor documentation to make sure the desired mode is supported.

  • Returns



  • Description

    Registers(注册) a function to be called when a slave device receives a transmission from a master.

  • Parameters

    handler: the function to be called when the slave receives data; this should take a single int parameter (the number of bytes read from the master) and return nothing, e.g.: void myHandler(int numBytes)

  • Returns



  • Description

    Register a function to be called when a master requests data from this slave device.

  • Parameters

    handler: the function to be called, takes no parameters and returns nothing, e.g.: void myHandler()

  • Returns



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