react 光标

I am constantly surprised and inspired by so many websites on, many of which frequently feature cool cursors and various effects.


In these series, I’ll break down the process of making custom cursors and try to experiment with various cool visual effects based on them, all using React.js and Framer Motion.

在这些系列中,我将分解制作自定义光标的过程,并尝试使用React.js和Framer Motion尝试基于它们的各种炫酷视觉效果。

基本自定义光标 (Basic Custom Cursor)

First, let’s start by defining some basic structure and styling for our custom cursor, which will just be a black circle and be placed in a fixed position at the top: 0; left: 0; corner for now.

首先,让我们为自定义光标定义一些基本结构和样式,这将是一个黑色圆圈,并放在top: 0; left: 0;fixed位置top: 0; left: 0; top: 0; left: 0; 现在的角落。

function App() {  return (    <div className="App">      <div className="cursor" />    </div>  )}---------------------------------.cursor {  position: fixed;  left: 0;  top: 0;  width: 32px;  height: 32px;  border-radius: 16px;  background-color: black;}

Now that we have the custom cursor let’s bring it to life with some JavaScript. First, we need to capture the mousemove events and define a listener function which will animate our cursor to a correct position.

现在有了自定义光标,让我们通过一些JavaScript使其生动起来。 首先,我们需要捕获mousemove事件并定义一个侦听器函数,该函数会将光标动画化到正确的位置。

Since we’ll be using a functional component we need to define our listener in a useEffect hook.


import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react"function App() {  const [cursorXY, setCursorXY] = useState({ x: -100, y: -100 })  useEffect(() => {    const moveCursor = (e) => { }    window.addEventListener('mousemove', moveCursor)    return () => {      window.removeEventListener('mousemove', moveCursor)    }  }, [])  return (    ...  )}...

The return function in the useEffect removes the listener on cleanup and makes sure that we don’t add multiple event listeners for the same event. The last argument given to useEffect is an empty array [], which means we’ll be only running the function once over the component’s lifecycle, since it doesn’t depend on any props.

useEffect中的return函数会在清理时删除侦听器,并确保我们不会为同一事件添加多个事件侦听器。 为useEffect提供的最后一个参数是一个空数组[] ,这意味着我们将在组件的整个生命周期中仅运行一次该函数,因为它不依赖于任何道具。

As you can see we’ve also used useState to define the initial coordinates for our cursor, which we’ll change later when we switch to using some framer-motion magic

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