
1. keepalived守护进程

[root@lvs /root]# keepalived –-help
keepalived Version 0.6.1 (06/13, 2002)
keepalived -n
keepalived -f keepalived.conf
keepalived -d
keepalived -h
keepalived -v
Either long or short options are allowed.
keepalived --dont-fork -n Dont fork the daemon process.
keepalived --use-file -f Use the specified configuration file.
Default is /etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf.
keepalived --dump-conf -d Dump the configuration data.
keepalived --log-console -l Log message to local console.
keepalived --help -h Display this short inlined help screen.
keepalived --version -v Display the version number

2. hash码生成工具

[root@lvs /root]# genhash –-help
genhash Version 0.5.8 (05/17, 2001)
genhash -s server-address -p port -u url
genhash -S -K priv-key-file -P pem-password -s server-address -p port -u url
genhash -S -K priv-key-file -P pem-password -C cert-file -s server-address -p port -u url
genhash -h
genhash -v
Either long or short options are allowed.
genhash --use-ssl -S Use SSL connection to remote server.
genhash --server -s Use the specified remote server address.
genhash --port -p Use the specified remote server port.
genhash --url -u Use the specified remote server url.
genhash --use-private-key -K Use the specified SSL private key.
genhash --use-password -P Use the specified SSL private key password.
genhash --use-virtualhost -V Use the specified VirtualHost GET query.
genhash --use-certificate -C Use the specified SSL Certificate file.
genhash --help -h Display this short inlined help screen.


1. 运行keepalived

[root@lvs tmp]# /etc/rc.d/init.d/keepalived.init start
     Starting Keepalived for LVS: [ OK ]

2. 查看日志信息




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